What is used to describe the ability of government securities to be traded quickly and easily?
Liquidity is used to describe how quickly securities can be traded.
What could happen when foreign investors start investing in the US?
Foreign investors already invest in the US, and have since the founding of the country.
Where can one find tips on how to choose stocks for day trading?
You can find tips on how to choose stocks for day trading at the Investopedia website. Be warned when being told to purchase specific stocks as some people are just looking to inflate the price of them so they can dump their stocks.
You should know that few people are successful at Day Trading. Make sure that you are using money that you can live without; do not borrow money for investments. There are no sure things, particularly as a small player. Learn the craft with virtual accounts first and do not depend on an advisor--they make their money on commissions.
Why did Americans invest their money in the the stock market?
The stock market has generally been a good investment. It goes up and it goes down, but in the long term it goes up. Lots of people have profited from their investments in the stock market, even though sometimes people lose a lot of money if they make a particularly unwise investment. Remember that people who have large amounts of money need to invest it in something. If they just keep wads of currency in their safe, it will gradually lose value due to inflation. Money has to be well invested, just to retain its value.
What do you call investors or moneymen?
Investors and money men are called financiers.
They might also be called backers, bankers, capitalists, lenders, shareholders, stockholders, and venture capitalists.
How much money do you need to invest in silver?
Technically, you need however much an ounce of silver costs when you go in to buy it. Coin dealers sell a "bullion coin" called the Silver Eagle that contains one ounce of sterling silver; you can buy one and say you have invested in silver.
One ounce ain't gonna get you far, folks.
In reality, serious investing in silver starts with 100 troy ounces of metal. And you're better off if you've got at least 1000 ounces of it.
How does one make money from buying a stock on the stock market?
You buy the stock you become an owner and you can choose to vote on decisions for the company or not but either way the company pays you dividends on their profits but a lot of people will buy from a promising company early when the stock is cheap and then sell them when they gain value.
What are the procedure for joining stock exchange market?
A company would have to give out an Initial Public Offering or IPO in order to join a stock exchange market
Can you buy a bond after it has been sold out on the primary market?
Bonds are traded both in the primary market, which is the initial sale of the bonds, and in the secondary market, which is the sale of bonds subsequent to the initial sale by the issuer or underwriter.
How do I earn money online in Indian stock market?
Figure out which stocks will go up and buy them. Figure out which stocks are going down and sell them.
Easier said than done.
Answer:There are various ways to invest in the Indian stock market. You can buy stocks, invest in mutual funds, or trade in derivatives. Of course, different investment instruments have different risk profiles and you need to pick the ones that suit your financial objectives and appetite for risks.
If you are confused about where to invest in the stock market, you could get in touch with the online stock trading company GEPL Capital. The financial experts at GEPL Capital will help you create the right portfolio keeping in mind your goals and appetite for risks.
How do you buy stock in the company?
Stock (equity) can be bought during the original first public issue by a company and by the secondary market (stock market)
How many companies are listed under SEBI?
SEBI stands for Securities and Exchanges Board of India. It is the governing body for all stock market related instruments in the country. No company is listed in it.
Companies are listed either in the NSE or the BSE which are the registered stock exchanges in the country
What is the best penny stock for 2011?
The best penny stock for 2011 is BGEM (BLUE GEM) although they distribute mostly in Florida they have a weapon that will make them richer then rich. This is TITLE of course the new all natural sports drink. Better tasting, better for you sports drink.
This company is very promising and Title is very promising too!
CONS: Attacking the Gatorade is never a good ideal. BUT someone has to come along some time and say what needs to be said screw gatorade....