

Intellectual Disability (Mental Retardation)

Intellectual disability, also known as mental retardation, is a generalized disorder defined by highly impaired cognitive functioning and deficits in at least two adaptive behaviors. Symptoms of intellectual disability appear before adulthood and include delays in spoken language development, difficulty learning social rules, and troubles with problem-solving skills.

350 Questions

When is it necessary to consult with a neurologist or neuropsychologist in the diagnosis of mental retardation?

It may be necessary to consult with a neurologist or neuropsychologist in the diagnosis of mental retardation when there are complex neurological or cognitive issues that require specialized assessment. They can provide valuable insights into brain function and help identify underlying causes or contributing factors to the individual's cognitive impairments. Working together, they can offer a comprehensive evaluation and treatment plan for individuals with mental retardation.

What maternal conditions that interrupt oxygen flow can cause mental retardation in the fetus?

Maternal conditions like placental insufficiency, chronic hypertension, and gestational diabetes can interrupt oxygen flow to the fetus, potentially leading to mental retardation. These conditions can reduce the amount of oxygen reaching the fetus, affecting its brain development and cognitive function. Proper management and monitoring of these conditions during pregnancy are essential to minimize the risk of mental retardation in the fetus.

What chromosome mutations can cause mental retardation?

Chromosome mutations such as aneuploidy (caused by trisomy or monosomy of specific chromosomes), microdeletions (e.g. Cri du Chat syndrome), and translocations (e.g. Fragile X syndrome) are known to be associated with mental retardation or intellectual disabilities. These mutations can disrupt normal gene function and development in the brain, leading to cognitive impairments.

What is a congenital disorder caused by having an extra 21st chromosome which results in a flat face short stature and mental retardation?

The congenital disorder caused by having an extra 21st chromosome is called Down syndrome. It is characterized by physical features such as a flat face, short stature, and intellectual disabilities.

The genetic disorder characterized by varying degrees of mental retardation is known as?

Down syndrome is the genetic disorder characterized by varying degrees of mental retardation. It is caused by the presence of an extra copy of chromosome 21. Symptoms of Down syndrome can vary widely, but intellectual disability is a common characteristic.

Can stem cell research help mental retardation?

Stem cell research has the potential to help with mental retardation by better understanding the underlying causes of intellectual disabilities and developing new treatments. However, more research is needed to fully understand how stem cells could be used to improve outcomes for individuals with mental retardation.

What is the likelihood of an infant being born with mental retardation if a parent also has it?

The likelihood of an infant being born with mental retardation when a parent has it depends on the specific genetic condition causing the mental retardation. Some conditions have a higher risk of being passed down to offspring, while others may be less likely. It is important to consult with a genetic counselor for a more accurate assessment based on individual circumstances.

What Rights do mental retardation people have?

People with intellectual disabilities have the same basic rights as anyone else, including the right to dignity, equality, respect, and autonomy. They also have the right to access support services, education, healthcare, and employment opportunities to help them live fulfilling lives. It is important to ensure that individuals with intellectual disabilities are given the necessary accommodations and protections to fully enjoy their rights.

School performance of a child with mild mental retardation?

A child with mild mental retardation may experience challenges with learning, memory, problem-solving, and communication skills. They may benefit from individualized education plans, extra support, and accommodations in the classroom to help them succeed academically. It's important for educators and parents to work together to provide a supportive and inclusive learning environment for the child.

'Of Mice and Men' what things does Lennie do or say that show he is mentally retarded?

In "Of Mice and Men," Lennie shows signs of being mentally challenged through his limited cognitive ability, childlike behavior, and difficulty understanding social cues. He often relies on George to guide him and struggles with processing information or making decisions independently. Lennie's repetition of phrases, fixation on soft things, and lack of understanding of consequences further illustrate his cognitive limitations.

How many people die from mental retardation?

The term "mental retardation" is generally considered outdated and offensive. People with intellectual disabilities may have a shorter life expectancy due to health complications or co-occurring conditions, but it is not accurate to say that a specific number of people die specifically from having an intellectual disability. It is important to focus on providing proper support and healthcare to improve the quality of life and longevity for individuals with intellectual disabilities.

What are good vocational goals for mental retardation?

Some good vocational goals for individuals with intellectual disabilities may include finding employment in a supportive and inclusive workplace, learning job skills through vocational training programs, and pursuing opportunities for job coaching or supported employment to enhance success and independence in the workplace. It's also important to focus on identifying the individual's strengths, interests, and capabilities to help guide their vocational goals and aspirations.

Should you euthanize mentally ill and retarded people?

Euthanizing mentally ill or intellectually disabled individuals is not ethically permissible. Every individual has the right to life and deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their mental or physical capabilities. It is important to provide appropriate support, care, and accommodations to enhance their quality of life.

What is the spoken language of a mentally retarded child?

The very word Retarded, in one sense meaning slow, explains things. Nearly all retarded people have some form of speech defect, often called Tardive Dysklesia- (fo some reason this is pronounced ( Tardiff). They have an odd nasal speech pattern one might associate with, yes, the Cartoon character Baby Huey- who was supposed to be retarded. Huey finished practically every episode with the sickening boast( I"m a Mental Retard!) Amazing that that was allowed on cartoons in the fifties. They all have a strange, usually slowed drawl way of talking, and it stands out. This should not be confused with a dialect such as Cockney or a Spanish Accent, but is a definite Retarded accent. Colored Girls, for example comes out ( Cold Gales) we had a neighbor who was retarded and from her talk of Cold Gales in Atlantic City, we assumed she was talking about the weather! then she modified it, Cold Gales like the Supremes! Oh boy!

How can family therapy help the mentally retarded?

Family therapy can help relatives of the mentally retarded develop coping skills.

Why do all mentally retarded children have the same looks?

Those that have Down's Syndrome have a genetic defect that makes their faces flat and their eyes are slanted with a fold of skin.

What is the cut off score for mental retardation?

We have to be very careful with this, because mental retardation cannot be diagnosed knowing only a person's standard IQ score. There must also be serious impairment in two areas of adaptive behavior. If a person can communicate with others, take care of her/himself in regard to daily living activities, and if the person has good social skills, then mental retardation is not an appropriate label for that person. Generally, an IQ below 70 would also be part of the diagnostic picture for someone dealing with mental retardation.

Can a mentally retarded adult cosign for another?

No. A diagnosed mentally retarded person lacks the legal capacity to sign a contract.

No. A diagnosed mentally retarded person lacks the legal capacity to sign a contract.

No. A diagnosed mentally retarded person lacks the legal capacity to sign a contract.

No. A diagnosed mentally retarded person lacks the legal capacity to sign a contract.

Do you call people mentaly challenged or retarded?

Mental retardation was once a medical diagnostic term, but society turned it into something derogatory and hurtful. It is no longer acceptable in this and many other societies to identify anyone with a developmental or intellectual disability as "retarded" and continuing to use the "R" word after having been informed makes that person a bully. Now YOU know.

If you have some sort of mental retardation does that mean you have Down syndrome?

No. Down's is only one of millions of reasons to become retarded. While it used to be thought that only children with Down's were the only ones who were mentally retarded, it is now known that Down syndrome is only one of the hundreds of known causes of a child being mentally retarded.

It's even been documented that one-third of the children who are mentally retarded have no known cause.

Two other major known causes are Fragile X and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder. Like Down syndrome, Fragile X Syndrome is a chromosome abnormality.

However, FASD is not a chromosome abnormality. FASD is the only preventable -- 100% preventable -- cause of mental retardation. It is also the only one that is 100% untreatable. It's actually been estimated that FASD affects 40,000 infants each year. That is more than Spina Bifida, Down syndrome and Muscular Dystrophy combined.

Lots of research is being done endlessly -- with parental education being the most important.