


Honda Accord

The Honda Accord series is a family of medium-sized cars produced by Honda from 1976 to the present. It was launched as a 1600cc engine-powered mid-sized hatchback sedan, with design similar to an upgraded modern Honda Civic.

5,976 Questions

Where is the fuse for the CD player in Honda accord?

The 2001 Accord has 3 fuse boxes. The interior boxes are located on the driver's and pasenger side of the dashboard. The underhood box is on the right(passenger) firewall. The fuse you want is a 20A located in the #5 position in the underhood box. There are spare fuses located in the #9 and 10 position that you can substitue. All the covers are labeled(the one you want is labeled "Stop". Use a good light source. Press the two clips to free the cover on the underhood box. Check the bulbs - a transient volatage spike(intermittent short) can blow all of them at once without blowing the fuse. Jim

How do you replace the clutch slave on a 1992 Honda Accord?

im posting this because when i looked for help nobody was able to help, so here it goes. to begin with im not sure if this is for an ignition switch, or the tumbler ignition piece, but i had to replace the ignition part as some a-hole had stolen my car and had used a screwdriver most likely to bust the ignition so you can now start it with anything.

on to the fix! i took it to a mechanic, he said it would be 330 to fix. 195 for the part, and labor was the rest. i said screw that, and went to a Honda aftermarket parts dealer in portland, or (autoadventure), and bought one for $165. the guys there are awesome by the way. so from there i was going to take it back to the mechanic for straight labor, but the guys said i could do it. so i did.

its easy, all you need is a screwdriver, a hammer, and a flat head screw driver. you need the screw driver to take off the plastic covering surrounding the ignition, its the piece between the steering wheel and the dash. theres some recessed screws you want to be sure to get or you will break the thing. i think there is a total of 6 or so you need to get. then there are plastic tabs you need to gently undo to get it apart (like those small plastic Easter eggs kinda). from there you can see the ignition assembly in plain sight. from there you notice that there are only 2 screws holding the thing to the steering column.

i was confused at first because it looks like there are 2 rivets holding it in place, but in fact they are screws whose heads have been shaved off in factory. all you need to do is take your hammer and flat head screwdriver, and wedge the screwdriver head in between the lip of the piece and the screw, and bang it towards the counterclockwise direction. this takes some time, and if at first you are scared, don't be. you don't care about that part anyways. you should have already gotten the replacement ignition (tumbler, key hole, and electronics in one solid piece) so you don't need that anyways. after you bang on it for a while, they should give a little bit, so you can basically unscrew them with your fingers. from there it is a quick switch. unplug the electronics from the unit, and plug in the new one, bolt it on and replace the covering and you are golden, and are $200 ahead of the neck punk mechanic who tries to rip you off. hope this helps!

You may not even need to get the complete tumbler and key hole part. Your only problem may be just the ignition wire that connects to the back of the tumbler and is relatively easy to replace. This part may go for about 80$ . I would recommend that you try to replace this part first because it may save you from the trouble of replacing the whole ignition unit which costs about $250(this is if your car starts but does not stay turned on or if your car's power turns off when you are driving). I went through the trouble of taking the whole ignition unit off but just found that it was the ignition wire on my 90 Honda Accord. And if your actual key insertion cylinder is damaged, where you put your key in and turn the car on, then I found that most auto-parts stores Like Kragans or AutoZone have replacement key cylinders with a new set of keys for about $30. Don't replace the tumbler body if you don't have to because again, they are about $250. The Key cylinder should slip out of the body by pushing a little button down that is on the side while the key is turned at the I position. That's all I got for now

How do you reset the computer on a 1991 Honda Accord?

Your owner's manual would answer both these questions, if you had one. You like lots of other people seem to have lost your owner's manual. Amazing! The SRS light indicates there is a problem with the Air Bag system. This is not a DIY repair. Serious injury can occur if you are not aware of the dangers. Take it to a dealer for this repair. The Maintenance Required light is reset with the Odometer reset button. Turn ignition key off, hold ODO Reset button in while turning the ignition switch to the on position, do not start. The Maint Req light will rest after 10 seconds. This light is telling you that there is maintenance required, and if you had an owner's manual you could look and see what maintenance item needs looking into. Get an owner's manual. Just tryed this. I used a paper clip.

How do you replace 99 Honda Accord clock and instrument panel light bulbs?

You need to remove the clock out of the dash by taking a screwdriver or pallet knife to the base of the clock, be careful because you can scratch the plastic. Once removed you'll notice two wire harnesses plugged into the back of it, one for the hazard switch the other for the clock. Remove both plugs and the unit should come free. On the back of the clock you will see the the base of the bulb which either grey or white take a screwdriver to it and turn it in the direction shown in the plastic to unlock. The bulb should then come out. Insert new bulb and make sure it's locked in place, replace plugs and then push the clock unit back into the dash. It should click into place.

Why won't my Honda Accord 2004 start?

If you have the 3.0 V6 it could be the timing belt has failed. The 2.4 4 cyl uses a timing chain which will last the life of the engine. Otherwise the 3.0 and the 2.4 engines need fuel and spark to start and run. You are missing one of those.

What is the procedure for turning off the Maintenance Required light on a 2004 Honda Accord?

1. Turn the ignition switch to the ON (II) position.

2. Press the select/reset knob a couple of times until the engine oil life

indicator is showing.

3. Press the select/reset knob for about 10 secs. The engine oil

life and the maintenance item code will blink.

4. Press the select/reset knob for another 5 secs.

The maintenance item code will go away and the engine oil life reading

will reset to 100. Same for Honda Accord 2009

Why are your dashboard lights and tail lights out in your 1996 Honda Accord?

It may be a bad wire in the fuse box under the hood buy the washer fluid container as it was in mine take it of inspect and clean change your taillight bulbs, b/c when your taillights go out, then your dash ligths will go out to tell your tails are out. I had the same problem with mine. The fuse box under the hood on the driver side had corosion from the battery. I had to remove the fuse box and clean it and has worked fine since.

How do you reset the factory radio for 1998 Honda Accord?

Ford DIN Radio Removal Tools - $10.95 DIN Tools are required to safely remove the radio from many Ford vehicles. DM-10-22

These removal tools are also widely available and price from free with radio purchase, to around $4.(Auto parts, Walmart,

You only need the standard Ford radio, U shaped removal tools, readily & cheaply available at an autoparts store, Walmart, etc.

- Use the removal tools to pull the radio assembly out of the dash - note: you do NOT need to remove the plastic trim piece! :)

  • Insert the tools into each pair of small holes on either side of the radio face
  • They're all the way in when you feel them hit an indent, or a bit of 'click'
  • Push the tops of the tools to the *OUTSIDE* while pulling the radio out from the dash. This is more "art" & feel than specific instructions.

- Pull the 2 wire harness connectors off & disconnect the radio antenna.

As you can imagine, re-installing is just a matter of connecting the wire harnesses & antenna - align and push the radio back in until you hear/feel the side-clips click back into place.


  • Be sure to spend the few dollars for the wire harness kit - This saves you from having to CUT the factory wiring.
  • This may take a few tries to get the radio loose, but be patient - maybe get one side at a time released and then sliding it out.

Go to your local auto parts store (I went to Advanced Auto Parts in the Chicago area) and they sell the radio removal tool for about $5.00. All the "tool" consists of is two pieces of metal, about the diameter of a metal coat hanger, bent in a "U" shape. You stick them into the 4 holes in the radio and just wiggle it and pull it out.

This is a good start

You only need the standard Ford radio, U shaped removal tools, readily & cheaply available at an auto parts store.

- Use the removal tools to pull the radio assembly out of the dash - note: you do NOT need to remove the plastic trim piece! :)

  • Insert the tools into each pair of small holes on either side of the radio face
  • They're all the way in when you feel them hit an indent, or a bit of 'click'
  • Push the tops of the tools to the *OUTSIDE* while pulling the radio out from the dash. This is more "art" & feel than specific instructions.

- Disconnect the 2 wire harness connectors and the radio antenna wire.

Re-installing is just a matter of connecting the wire harnesses & antenna - align and push the radio back in until you hear/feel the side retainer-clips click back into place.

You only need the standard Ford radio, U shaped removal tools, readily & cheaply available at an autoparts store.

- Use the removal tools to pull the radio assembly out of the dash - note: you do NOT need to remove the plastic trim piece! :)

  • Insert the tools into each pair of small holes on either side of the radio face
  • They're all the way in when you feel them hit an indent, or a bit of 'click'
  • Push the tops of the tools to the *OUTSIDE* while pulling the radio out from the dash. This is more "art" & feel than specific instructions.

- Pull the 2 wire harness connectors off & disconnect the radio antenna.

As you can imagine, re-installing is just a matter of connecting the wire harnesses & antenna - align and push the radio back in until you hear/feel the side-clips click back into place.

Radio removal FordTried the coat hanger deal ended up damaging the clips. Had to remove dash to get to the clips from the backside. Better to buy the "removal tool", it's about $2 at Autozone. Ends are tapered and have a retainer on the end that fits into the radio clips. Follow instructions on package

You need to go to Wal-Mart or Best Buy and buy a removal tool for a couple of bucks. It's u-shaped and made of wire.

You simply put this tool on the notches that show on the side of the radio, push the tool in and pull out the radio. It's really that simple.

If you don't want to purchase the special tools, you can use 4 - 1/8" Allen wrenches. Just be carefull not to insert them more than 1/2". It's a little tricky, but beats buying a tool you may only use once.

Use two radio tools available anywhere insert them into the holes in the face plate (there u shaped and fit vertically. Push them in till you hear a click the push slightly out ward on the radio tools while pulling out on them.

Or you can make the tools out of a wire coat hangar (if you are a cheapskate like me) :) Just fasten 2 "U"s wide enough to span the holes from top to bottom.

Dude, why are you asking, im like 12 and i don't know how to drive a car let alone get a radio out of it <3

What does the wrench light mean on a 2009 Honda Accord?

It's called the idiot light.

It means there is a problem.

Check the oil, immediatly, as that the simple problem to fix, otherwise, get it to sears and they can read it for a few bucks. If it's a stupid problem, like a loose housing on the air filter, then you can fix it yourself.

Where is the fuel pump relay on a 1994 Honda Accord?

Not for sure, but on my 94 Accord it is located under the driver side dash. use this website ( to get an idea what you are looking for and how to get there. The article is very informative but was off on the actual location on my vehicle. Mainly use the photos and look hard under the dash for a similar relay. Also when you find don't bother with trying to buy a new one just open up the relay and resolder any brocken joints, usually just the solder on the main blades is broken. That will fix it.

How do you remove a radio from a 2001 Honda Accord?

First disconnet your battery.Carefully pry out the clock out of the middle and there is a screw back there you need to take out ,than two more screw at the bottom of the center cover. Once u take the screws out carefully pull the console out and disconnect the two ac connectors(I had to use a flat-head to get leaverage to loosen), but once that's done there are four more screws holding the radio in the frame. And just do reverse to reinstall

How do you reset your 1991 Honda Accord radio code?

Answer"there is only one code it can be. Is the one you have for that radio serial number. If so, remove the No. 39(7.5A) fuse from the under hood fuse/relay box for 10 seconds. Reinstall the fuse and turn on the radio, the word 'CODE' should be displayed. From there simply enter the 5-digit code by pressing the radio preset numbers. If it doesn't work you have the wrong code(s). You'd have to remove the radio and get the serial number off the top of the radio and call a HONDA dealer with it and then they can tell you what the correct code is." Rick

found at

The following directions is how I got my radio to work again after having the battery changed.

Leaving the radio off at this point

Turn the car key over without turning the engine on

Before turning the radio on press and hold down 1and 6 at the same time

While holding down 1 and 6 turn the car radio on

The car radio message will still read "Code"

Stop holding down 1 and 6 (this unlocks the anti-theft device

Now just enter the car radio's code.

My radio-code for a 1991 Honda Accord is 35511

The radio will just come on

Note: You only have 3 chances before the anti-theft device locks you out so follow the directions. If you have already tried several time and the above directions don't work then drive it for awhile and wait until the next day then try again, which is what I ended up doing and it worked perfectly. I thought that when I held down 1 and 6 that some magical new code would appear but it did not, the car radio still read 'Code" so don't worry that no numbers appear. Holding down 1 and 6 releases the anti-theft device

What does it mean when the light marked with an S comes on under the temperature gauge in a 1990 Honda Accord?

The S light refers to sport mode on the trany. The sport mode changes the shifts slightly in an automatic trans. The car will perform better in s mode in stop and go traffic. The button to change to S mode is located on the shifter.

How do you replace the alternator on a 1990 Honda Accord?

Start by moving the power steering reservoir out of the way. Disconnect the battery and then remove the wires from the alternator. Take the tension out of the tensioning pulley and remove the belt from the alternator. Remove the bolts from alternator, you may have to take the top mounting bracket off of the engine. The hardest part I found was to get the alternator out after everything was unbolted. My brother-in-law the mechanic came over and advised me to put a floor jack under the motor (use a block of wood to protect the oil pan etc.). Remove the bolt in the engine mount and raise the engine with the floor jack until there is space to bring the alternator out of its hiding place. Bring it straight out from the front of the engine (front being the passenger side of the car. It might be easier to raise the engine and then take out the alternator, but I didn't have the opportunity to try that. But it's definitely easier to put the replacement in with the engine still raised. I spent all day trying to figure it out, after my brother-in-law helped me with the engine jacking, it took about 20 minutes to complete the job.

I've got the V6 and I didn't need to lift the engine, just remove the radiator fan directly in front of the alternator. The fan has 2 screw bolts(10mm) on top, 1 on bottom(which I could just manage to access from the top with a deep socket), unplug the wires and you can lift it out of the way. This gives you enough clearance to remove the alternator (be careful not to ding your radiator though). Also, I didn't relized that the tensioner pulley was a spring-loaded type...I've never seen one till now. Just put a wrench on the middle of the pulley and you can adjust it to move the alternater back in place. Another tip, since you're replacing the alternator, might as well replace the belt too. Good luck. 2hours - not hard, just hard to get to till you figure out what items you need to move out of the way.

If this is the LX or EX (4 cylinder)

1) Disconnect the battery cable (*).

2) Remove the green connector on the back of the alternator and the single wire (to help ensure you don't loose the nut, screw it back on the terminal).

3) Loosen the power steering pump - slip the belt off and then push the pump up out of the way. You do not need to remove the pump.

4) Remove the lower alternator bolt.

5) Loosen the upper alternator bolt.

6) Remove the tension bolt.

7) Slip the belt off the alternator pulley.

8) Remove the upper alternator bolt.

9) Grab hold of the alternator pull it out. You may need to move it up and down and wiggle it slightly to get it out.

Installation is in the reverse order. Be sure to set the proper belt tension on the alternator and power steering pump. Check the belt tension the next time you fill up for gas and adjust if needed.

Total time to R&R the alternator should be under an hour.


Looking at the alternator with the pulley facing you, the right mounting hole (where the large upper alternator bolt slips into) is a bushing. Carefully take some channel lock pliers and push it in so it's flush. This will help make installing it easier. As you tighten the upper and lower bolts, it will slide this bushing into proper position.

(*) = If your radio has a security code, be sure you know what it is before you pull the battery cables! If you have access to a battery charger, it may not be a bad time to re-charge the battery while you are R&R'ing the alternator. I would suggest that if you do elect to recharge the battery to take the battery out of the car.


Email me if you have questions;

What is the code for the radio on a Honda Accord?

The code in the Glove box is just the serial number to the stereo, It is not the unlock code itself. Call a Honda dealer and give them this number. They should give you the code for free. They did for me.

Why would the fan run after a 1997 Honda accord is turned off?

Hello, Jamison here, It can run (and even start without the key on),, But if it runs continually, There is A problem,, Check the relay, or the temp. sender.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Good luck, Jamison. Not necessarily a problem, if it's the auxilary cooling fan. They can fun a few minutes if it's a hot day (and you've stopped, and there's then no longer any air zipping through to cool the radiator). If it always runs, though, you have a cooling problem. Check coolant level first, then--radiator, hoses, thermostat, etc. Keep an eye on your temp gauge when you drive. If you abuse it, you'll blow a head gasket and a $75 fix is waaay bigger now.

How do you replace front wheel bearings on a 1988 Honda Accord?

Goto Autozone, or wherever and buy a Haynes manual for the car for something like $20. It is not a hard job, but you need to do it right or they will seize. Good luck.

First, remove the front axle bolt with the wheel on the ground, then jack it up, remove the tire. Remove brake caliper, brake pads, tie rod ends, upper and lower balljoint ( suggest to use a BFH to remove the balljoints). Remove the whole arms. Lay the arms on the 2 wooden block, remove 4 (12mm bolts) from the back of the rotor. Slightly insert the bolts back to the tap holes and hit 4 bolts to separate the rotor from the hub housing. Once the rotor is separated, the hub contain bearing. Bearing must be pressed out using a press. Suggest to use NSK bearing cost around $50/each. If you don't have a press, take to the shop, labor around $20-$40 each bearing to press in/ out. Once the bearing is pressed it, install the rotor back to the hub, tighten the (4) 12 mm bolts and the rest is just the reversal.

What is the mpg for a 1992 Honda Accord?

The 4 cylinder will get 24 city, 34 highway, and 28 combined.

The V6 will get 21 city, 34 highway, and 25 combined.

I have found that most Accords will beat this mileage if driven correctly.

Where is the ECU located on an 1989 Honda accord?


The computer or ECU for the 1989 Honda Civic DX is under a metal kick plate under the carpeting on the firewall of the passenger side of the car. If you are looking for the LED to read error codes, there is a hole in the kick plate that will allow you to read the error codes without removing it.

How do you find the Honda CR-V radio code?

Try referring to your owner's manual!

you also have the second option of contacting the customer service department at Honda

Check the link below: Just press radio number #1 and 6 at the same time and the radio code will appear.

What does the line A stage below in gay accord White butterflies danced on the wing mean?

At a lower level (than the skylark) a host of white butterflies fluttered about.

Average coolant temperature for Honda accord 1998?


1990s 5th Generation Accords: Open 169-176. Full open: 194.

Therefore I believe that the 180-degree thermostats are what you want, but I'm not sure if the stamped-on temperature is opening temperature or running temperature??

180F ~=83Celcius, so get close to that.

78C = 172F, about the opening temperature.