Who were the people that influence hip hop dance?
Some infleunces inlude:Led Zepplin,The Who,The Beatles,Metallica,and Black Sabbath are just a few infleunces to rock and metal
US dancer Olivia "Chachi" Gonzales is 21 years old (birthday: January 23, 1996).
Hip hop begin during the 1980's in the Bronx.
Hip hop began in Bronx, New York in the 1970s, primarily among African Americans .... Because the New York audience did not particularly like dub or reggae, ..... By the end of the decade, hip hop was an integral part of popular music
Are there any dance clubs in Denver for teens under 18?
yea they
do i know a couple in australia/melb but yea..if that helps you? coz i don't really know where you live lol
What is chachi gonzales favorite color?
Aqua, she said so on her last u-stream
chachi (i'm not her fyi)
twurking is when a girl shakes her butt on a mans croch it is kind of like popping or grinding
How much does hip hop classes cost?
It depends on your age and where you are from first but it's around £15 - £100 per month or week, it depends.
What is meant by the term twerk?
The term "twerk" has various definitions. Usually, dictionaries can help provide answers to such inquiries. Some of the definitions of "twerk" include: "to move the body in a sexually suggestive fashion", "a puny or insignificant person" and "a movement similar to a twitch".
What is the concept of hip hop dance?
The same concept of any dance type, to excerise, have fun, get famous etc.ect..
Its just some may not like the other styles around, so they go to hip hop