What is so good about Final Fantasy VII?
There are several reasons why Final Fantasy VII is considered by many players to be superior to previous and even subsequent FF games.
Primarily, the dramatically improved graphics of the PlayStation allowed for character and locale rendering to move past the cartoony graphics of previous games. The soundtrack of the game is nothing short of magnificent and the cinematic sequences, while not impressive by contemporary standards, are still far beyond anything possible on previous systems. It is also worthwhile to note that the standard playtime for FF7 is significantly longer than previous games, which increases replay value.
Many consider FF7 to surpass later Final Fantasy games due to the edgier visual style and subject matter. Additionally, the materia growth system and limit breaks gave FF7 an advantage over subsequent FF games in terms of gameplay.
If you mean "how do you capture a chocobo in FFTA2", the process is fairly simple. You NEED a chocobo knight, which is a job only a Moogle can have. To make this job available, you must learn 2 abilities as the Animist class, and then complete the 3-part "save my chocobos" quest that appears a little while into the game (name of quest is probably differet, but it'll be obvious). The job class will then open up. Once you bring your chocobo knight into battle, you need to find a chocobo for him to mount. If a chocobo shows up on the battlefield and you want to capture him, you must weaken it to the point that it has critical HP. At this point, move your Chocobo Knight to an adjacent square and select the "mount" option. There you go, you have your very own Chocobo. It should be noted that a Chocobo Knight has no powers of his own, rather he uses the powers of the Chocobo he has mounted. Different colored chocobos have different abilities.
How do you become a knight on final fantasy three?
First you must get a gold chocobo, either through breeding, or as a prize. To get it as a prize, you must defeat Ruby Weapon. You will get the Desert Rose as a battle prize. Take that to the old man in Kalm.
Once you have the gold chocobo, ride it over the oceans to the top right corner of the map. There is a small island that does not appear on the map. On that island is a cave with the Knights of the Round materia.
How do you beat yojimbo in Final Fantasy x-2?
There is a valley in the Calm Lands just before you would enter the path to Mt. Gagazet. Go on the path under the bridge, and there's a cave entrance on the left side of the screen. Work your way through the cave, and you'll eventually get to Yojimbo's Fayth. He'll offer you his services as an Aeon for a certain price. Offer about 20000 less than he asks for. Repeat two more times to get the lowest price, and pay him the money.
Where is Edge in Final Fantasy IV?
Edge is first seen fighting the Achfiend of Fire, Rubicante in Cave Eblana. When defeated by Rubicante, Cecil and co. decide to help him. Saying "no" he triggers an infamous scene between himself and Rydia saying "I don't like seeing pretty girls cry." Then he joins the party.
Where to use warp cube in final fantasy 1?
Once you get to the top floor of the Mirage Tower and fight the Blue Dragon, there will be a transporter in the middle of the room. Since you need the cube to use it, just step on the transporter, and you will be taken to the Sky Castle. The 4th fiend (Tiamat) lives there.
Who is stronger cloud or Zack?
Zack is stronger if he is still alive because he have a bunch of materia and he could beat the summons by himself but cloud needs help to beat a single summon,and if Zack is still alive he could train himself like cloud.if cloud beat sepiroth it doesn't mean he is stronger,Zack just have to train more.if you know the answer please comment
How do you get through the sand tides in Final Fantasy 5?
You only get the option to cross it when prompted to as the next part of the plot. You will need to do the following; meet Cid and Mid at the Ancient Libray, then sail to Crescent Island, before returning to speak to them again, and they will help you cross.
Depends on which version of Cloud you mean (original game or movie). In the game, he can only use the sword to store materia, for magic and other improvements, not to mention hit enemies with it.
In the movie, he seems to be able to split it into different swords so that he can do (what seems to be) a more powerful version of Omnislash.
Who are the Girl Final Fantisy VIII characters?
Well, I don't know which Final Fantasy you want so I'll name a few.
Final Fantasy 7- Yuffie, Tifa, Aeris, Marlene, Elaina, Lucretcia
Final Fantasy 10- Yuna, Lulu, Rikku,
Final Fantasy X-2- Yuna, Rikku, Paine, LeBlanc
Final Fantasy XII- Ashe, Penelo, Fran
Is final fantasy 7 advent children a movie?
Yes, Advent Children is a movie taking place 2 years after the Final Fantasy VII game.
Is Kefka and Ultimecia Jenova's parents?
No, they are from different games and have nothing to do with each other.
Who is the first boss of Final Fantasy?
As this question is kind of vague, I'll answer the two I can think of this question meaning:
1. The first boss in any final fantasy game is Garland, who you fight at the very beginning of Final Fantasy 1.
2. The first final boss in any final fantasy is Chaos, whom you have to destroy at the very end of the first FF.
What is the most common fantasy a girl has?
Depends on the girl. Most girls tend to fantasize about guys they have a crush on, celebrities, or (if nerds like me) comic books, scifi, and anime.
The Glass Menegerie
Where can you find a Genji Helm in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance?
When Facing Elmdor in limburry castle if you look at his status you can see that he is wearing genji armour. In order to get the one of a kind Helm you need to steal it. It is no easy task i must say... but its the only way you can get it is through him. Or, if you're using an emulated version of the game on your PC, you can download a program called FFTastic, which can then be used to edit your saved game, either adding the item to your inventory, or equipping it directly onto your character(s)
How do you beat Yunalesca in Final Fantasy X?
Its not a easy battle to win, she uses zombie and then full life on you and then you die, not to mention her mega death abillity. The way i always beat her is to just go with it, if your characters are zombied then her megadeath wont work on you, luckily she can only use 1 full life at a time, so always keep atleast 1 character inflicted with zombie.
she will kill your aeons in seconds so what i suggest you do is overdrive all of them before you battle, then when you use there overdrives on yunalesca you take a chunk of her life with you.
and once you defeat her, dont forgot to go down the stairs at the back of the room for a chest to appear with tidus's sun crest. you will have to get through dark bahamut later if you dont get it now.
What is the combination to the safe in Final Fantasy 7?
The numbers are different for everyone, but to find the numbers..
First Digit - Knowledge Overflowing (In the room nearest Cloud, you will find a room full of bookshelves. Count the books which are on the desk on the right side of the shelves for this number.)
Second Digit - Unfamiliar Faces (In a room on the first floor you will find eerie apparitions floating in a room. Count them for this digit.)
Third Digit - Tasty Reminders From Home (The second locked room on the second floor will hold dumb-apples and cans of juice. Count them.)
Fourth Digit - On All Four Legs (The other locked room on the first floor holds a bunch of chairs. Count them up for the final number.)
wait lol im gonna try this out but one problem u know how long that would take for square enix to make each one different?
Are there any action replay ds codes for final fantasy iv pal version?
NOTE: The following codes work only when used with an
Action Replay device. These codes WILL NOT WORK without this
device. Game ID: YF4E-99358F97
Max / Infinite Gil
a20d9ebc 00000000
020d8288 3b9ac9ff
d2000000 00000000
Quick Level Up
a20d9ebc 00000000
220d6148 000000ff
d2000000 00000000
Super Quick Level Up
a20d9ebc 00000000
120d6148 0000ffff
d2000000 00000000
Instant Max Level
a20d9ebc 00000000
020d6148 05f5e0ff
d2000000 00000000
Quick Level Up
a20d9ebc 00000000
220d6308 000000ff
d2000000 00000000
Super Quick Level Up
a20d9ebc 00000000
120d6308 0000ffff
d2000000 00000000
Instant Max Level
a20d9ebc 00000000
020d6308 05f5e0ff
d2000000 00000000
Quick Level Up
a20d9ebc 00000000
220d64c8 000000ff
d2000000 00000000
Super Quick Level Up
a20d9ebc 00000000
120d64c8 0000ffff
d2000000 00000000
Instant Max Level
a20d9ebc 00000000
020d64c8 05f5e0ff
d2000000 00000000
Max HP
a20d9ebc 00000000
120d614e 0000270f
120d6154 0000270f
d2000000 00000000
Full HP After Battle
a20d9ebc 00000000
120d6150 0000270f
d2000000 00000000
Full MP After Battle
a20d9ebc 00000000
120d6158 0000270f
d2000000 00000000
Max MP
a20d9ebc 00000000
120d615c 0000270f
120d6300 0000270f
d2000000 00000000
Max Strength
a20d9ebc 00000000
220d62fa 00000063
d2000000 00000000
Max Speed
a20d9ebc 00000000
220d62fb 00000063
d2000000 00000000
Max Stamina
a20d9ebc 00000000
220d62fc 00000063
d2000000 00000000
Max Intellect
a20d9ebc 00000000
220d62fd 00000063
d2000000 00000000
Max Spirit
a20d9ebc 00000000
220d62fe 00000063
d2000000 00000000
Max HP
a20d9ebc 00000000
120d630e 0000270f
120d6314 0000270f
d2000000 00000000
Full HP After Battle
a20d9ebc 00000000
120d6310 0000270f
d2000000 00000000
Full MP After Battle
a20d9ebc 00000000
120d6318 0000270f
d2000000 00000000
Max MP
a20d9ebc 00000000
120d631c 0000270f
120d64c0 0000270f
d2000000 00000000
Max Strength
a20d9ebc 00000000
220d64ba 00000063
d2000000 00000000
Max Speed
a20d9ebc 00000000
220d64bb 00000063
d2000000 00000000
Max Stamina
a20d9ebc 00000000
220d64bc 00000063
d2000000 00000000
Max Intellect
a20d9ebc 00000000
220d64bd 00000063
d2000000 00000000
Max Spirit
a20d9ebc 00000000
220d64be 00000063
d2000000 00000000
Max HP
a20d9ebc 00000000
120d64ce 0000270f
120d64d4 0000270f
d2000000 00000000
Full HP After Battle
a20d9ebc 00000000
120d64d0 0000270f
d2000000 00000000
Max MP
a20d9ebc 00000000
120d64dc 0000270f
120d6680 0000270f
d2000000 00000000
Full MP After Battle
a20d9ebc 00000000
120d64d8 0000270f
d2000000 00000000
Max Strength
a20d9ebc 00000000
220d667a 00000063
d2000000 00000000
Max Speed
a20d9ebc 00000000
220d667b 00000063
d2000000 00000000
Max Stamina
a20d9ebc 00000000
220d667c 00000063
d2000000 00000000
Max Intellect
a20d9ebc 00000000
220d667d 00000063
d2000000 00000000
Max Spirit
a20d9ebc 00000000
220d667e 00000063
d2000000 00000000
Party Option Always Enabled
a20d9ebc 00000000
220d04aa 00000000
d2000000 00000000
Settings Option Always Enabled
a20d9ebc 00000000
220d04ab 00000000
d2000000 00000000
Quick Save Anywhere (Quick Save Always Enabled)
a20d9ebc 00000000
220d04ac 00000000
d2000000 00000000
Save Anywhere (Save Option Always Enabled)
a20d9ebc 00000000
220d04ad 00000000
d2000000 00000000
Courtesy of CodeJunkies
What do you do if choco billy wont move the chocobos into the stable in FF7?
Once you catch a Chocobo after a battle, you are given the option once you dismount to send the chocobo to the stables or release it. You can only send 4 chocobos to the stables before you must decide which ones to keep and which ones to release.
Once a chocobo is at the stables, you must talk to Choco Billy in order to move the chocobos into the stables to feed, breed, and ride them. Just select "Moving Chocobos" from under the menu when you talk to him.
How do you increase your health in Final Fantasy VII?
You can restore your Health Points (HP) using potions, hi-potions, and the Restore Materia. Elixirs will also restore your HP as well as your MP.
To increase your maximum HP you will have to level up the individual character.
They're of different games, no real way to find out, sorry.
How do you beat sin when he opens his mouth in final fantasy x?
If you are talking about fighting sin when you are on the ship, then it is pretty easy. Make sure you keep Tidus, Auron, and Rikku on the initial start of the battle. Because sin will be close to you then. Both Rikuu and Tidus can tell the Uncle when to move the ship back and forth. However, once you move back then switch your players around like, LuLu and Waka who can cast a faraway spell or throw the ball far to hit sin. You can use Yuna for curing and everything else.
if you are talking about the sin at the very end of the game (also the last battle in the game and with all your allies) make sure someone has the movie zombie. you need zombie because sin always uses the move curaga it give sin 9,999 health and you have no aoens. every time you die auto-life comes. use zombie on sin and when he is affected he will still use curaga and lose 9,999 health. make sure to get more mana to each player so he can absorb it than use curaga. one by one he kills him self.
If your talking about that sin on the boat, just use lulu and wakka and yuna to kill sin. then when you get all of those close ranged enemy (i don't remember where they come out) changed to auron tidus and rikku. make rikku use steal on the robots to do a k.o.
Does final fantasy VII continue after you beat the game on psp?
Yes, after defeating the final boss watch the ending, when prompted to save your game select yes and when you load the save file you will be back at orphans cradle and you can go back to gran pulse. You will also have another crystarium expansion to develop your characters with.