


Ectopic Pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy occurs when the fetus begins to develop outside the mother's womb.

483 Questions

Can gynomin pill 2tablets terminate a pregnancy of 3 weeks?

As an educator with expertise in this subject, I must clarify that I am not a medical professional. However, it is important to note that terminating a pregnancy should only be done under the guidance of a healthcare provider. The effectiveness and safety of any medication for terminating a pregnancy, including gynomin pill, depend on various factors such as the dosage, timing, and individual health conditions. It is crucial to seek medical advice and guidance for any decisions regarding pregnancy termination.

How many test tube babies have been born since the first one in 1978 approximately?

It is estimated that over 8 million babies worldwide have been born through in-vitro fertilization (IVF) since the first successful IVF birth in 1978.

What is the process for test tube baby?

The process for a test tube baby, also known as in vitro fertilization (IVF), involves retrieving eggs from a woman's ovaries, fertilizing them with sperm in a laboratory dish, and transferring the resulting embryo back into the woman's uterus. This process allows couples with fertility issues to conceive a child.

What are the chances of pregnancy from pulling out?

If he didn't cum in you, or near it you should be fine. However, as soon as the pregnancy is over you are able to get pregnant. It's just how the female body works. Once you're through puberty and you're not already pregnant then there is always a chance. Hope this answers your question!

Next Answer:

The above answer is misleading. It isn't necessary that the man orgasm. You can still get pregnant from the pre-ejaculate fluid. So "pulling out" is not a useful contraceptive method.

On a different note, if you are having sex with "guys" so soon after having a baby, and in an unprotected manner, you may wish to give some thought to the wisdom of doing so. You should be spending your time taking care of your baby, and not hooking up with random men.

If the "guy" in question is your husband, then go for it, just remember to use contraception.

Do animals experience pain during birth?

yes. anything with nerves and nerve endings experience pain, pleasure, etc.

What is an ectopic pregnancy and how it can happen?

An ectopic pregnancy is when the embryo plants itself anywhere other than the uterus, most commonly in the fallopian tube. The egg does not make its way through the fallopian tube, so it is implanted and stationary at this point. The most common reasons for this are: scar tissue, previous ectopic pregnancy(ies), use of IUD, and others. I just had surgery for an ectopic, so what I've given you is just information I've received from my doctors and what I've read online. Hope this helps.

Are ventricular ectopic beats dangerous?

PVCs are rarely dangerous. Almost everyone has them from time to time. They can be caused by stress, infection, or overuse of caffiene or other stimulants. PVCs may also be an early warning of other problems such as a thyroid disorder or heart disease. Something to try to be aware of is if the PVCs are perfusing or nonperusing, that is do you have a pulse with these irregular beats? As long as the beats are perfusing there is no risk of your blood pressure being lowered by these missed or irregular beats.

How can pregnancy be prevented?

Pregnancy can be prevented by using a birth control such as a pill, depot shot, patch, or condom. But I will say the safest way to prevent pregnancy is to be abstinence which in meaning don't have sex at all!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can a pregnancy test turn out negative if it is only 6 dpo and when should you test again?

If it is negative and you haven't had a period wait a week and take another test. If it is still negative and you don't have a period, call your doctor.

As implantation does not occur for 7-10 days after ovualtion, there is no possibility of a test 6dpo being positive.

You have been spitting a lot and having pains in your side and stomach so could this be a sign of pregnancy?

Yes this could be a sign of pregnancy. If the pains are severe see your doctor for a check over. Good luck.

What is the pregnancy cycle?

The pregnancy cycle is pretty much done in three month increments, there is the first trimester 0-3 months second trimester 3-6 months and the third trimester is 6-9 months in the first trimester a lot goes on first the sperm fertilizes the egg then the egg divides into many cycles of cells once the egg implants around the 6th week of pregnancy everything starts to develop the placenta grows larger and your baby begins it's journey to being born in the second trimester the baby finishes its development and then starts to grow larger in your last trimester it is just all about weight gain the baby will gain about a pound a week until it is born, you can also go to they even have color pictures to help you understand it all better.

How do you know if your miscarriage was uterine or ectopic?

Symptoms of ectopic: It can be hard to tell if you are experiencing an ectopic pregnancy because so many women don't even know they're pregnant at the time they would notice any symptoms of an ectopic. Some symptoms of tubal pregnancy such as a missed menstrual period and vaginal bleeding or spotting two weeks later are similar to the early signs of pregnancy. About 1 in 2 women who are experiencing a tubal pregnancy notice abdominal pain on one side or the other. 1 in 3 women feel light-headed and about 1 in 5 have shoulder pain on the same side as the stomach pain.

What is it like at 4 weeks of pregnancy?

Every woman experiences different feelings and symptoms during pregnancy, so there is no one answer to this question. However, many woman begin having some "morning sickness" around this time that can involve nausea and vomiting, especially in the morning. Many women also feel extremely tired in early pregnancy. Additionally, many also notice a great deal of breast tenderness. Other women experience no symptoms at all and don't know they are pregnant until they miss a period and take a pregnancy test. Hope this helps! Dr. B.

How long till ectopic pregnancy symptoms show?

Ectopic pregnancies are usually diagnosed within the first 2 months of pregnancy, possibly before you know you are pregnant. The symptoms may be mild or they may be severe and dangerous. They can be the same as the symptoms of early pregnancy or other less serious conditions. Possible symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy are: 1. missed period or abnormal bleeding 2. pain in the lower abdomen or pelvis 3. symptoms of pregnancy such as breast tenderness or morning sickness.

Is not eating at all a sign of pregnancy?

No. Not eating at all can be a result of many things. If this is your only symptom I doubt that it is pregnancy related. If you are trying to get pregnant the best you can do for yourself is to EAT properly. If you had unprotecrted sex by accident and now you are late for your period and you have decreased appetite buy a home pregnancy test or see a doctor for a blood test. All the best!

Can you have a blighted ovum no baby in the uterus no ectopic pregnancy and still have slow rising Hcg levels?

Rising HCG always means pregnancy.
What is a blighted ovum?
A blighted ovum is a common type of miscarriage. It happens when a fertilized egg implants in the uterus but the resulting embryo either stops developing very early or doesn't form at all. Nowadays, the term "blighted ovum" is considered out of date. Instead, most medical professionals use the term "early pregnancy failure" to describe this situation.

With an early pregnancy failure, you'll get a positive result on a pregnancy test, because the placenta begins to develop anyway and starts to secrete human chorionic gonadtrophin (hCG), the hormone that these tests look for. Early on, you may also have some of the symptoms common in a normal pregnancy, such as fatigue, nausea, and sore breasts. Later, when the hormone levels begin to go down, these symptoms will subside and you're likely to have spotting or bleeding.

What will happen if I have an early pregnancy failure (blighted ovum)?
At first you might notice some reddish-brown staining, or have no spotting at all. Later you might have cramps or bleeding as your hormone levels recede. If you're having cramps or bleeding, or your uterus isn't growing as it should, or if your healthcare practitioner can't hear the baby's heartbeat with a Doppler by 12 weeks or so, you'll have an ultrasound to check on your baby. If it's a case of early pregnancy failure, the ultrasound will show an empty gestational sac.

You're likely to miscarry — that is, to expel the gestational sac and accumulated tissue by the end of your first trimester, though it may happen earlier than that. The miscarriage process can take weeks, though, and once you find out you aren't carrying a baby, you may find it's too emotionally wrenching or physically uncomfortable (if you're cramping a lot) to wait for a spontaneous miscarriage.

In that case, you may be able to use medication to speed up the miscarriage process. Or you may decide to have a suction curettage or dilation and curettage (D&C) to remove the tissue. You'll also need to have the tissue removed if you have any problems that make it unsafe to wait for a miscarriage, such as significant bleeding or signs of infection.

When can I try to conceive again?
You'll probably get your period again in four to six weeks after you miscarry or have the tissue removed. Some practitioners say you can start trying to conceive again after this period, but others recommend that you wait until you've been through another menstrual cycle. (You'll need to use birth control during this time, since you may ovulate as early as two weeks after you miscarry.)

Although you may be ready physically to get pregnant again, you might not feel ready emotionally. Every woman copes with the grief of early pregnancy loss in her own way, and some women find it takes months before they're interested in trying to conceive again.

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Does having a blighted ovum once mean I'm likely to miscarry again?
No. Although you're likely to be worried about the possibility of another miscarriage, fertility experts don't consider a single early pregnancy loss to be a sign that there's anything wrong with you or your partner. Most practitioners will wait until you've had two or three consecutive miscarriages to order special blood and genetic tests to try to find out what's going wrong. What is a blighted ovum?
A blighted ovum is a common type of miscarriage. It happens when a fertilized egg implants in the uterus but the resulting embryo either stops developing very early or doesn't form at all. Nowadays, the term "blighted ovum" is considered out of date. Instead, most medical professionals use the term "early pregnancy failure" to describe this situation.

With an early pregnancy failure, you'll get a positive result on a pregnancy test, because the placenta begins to develop anyway and starts to secrete human chorionic gonadtrophin (hCG), the hormone that these tests look for. Early on, you may also have some of the symptoms common in a normal pregnancy, such as fatigue, nausea, and sore breasts. Later, when the hormone levels begin to go down, these symptoms will subside and you're likely to have spotting or bleeding.

What will happen if I have an early pregnancy failure (blighted ovum)?
At first you might notice some reddish-brown staining, or have no spotting at all. Later you might have cramps or bleeding as your hormone levels recede. If you're having cramps or bleeding, or your uterus isn't growing as it should, or if your healthcare practitioner can't hear the baby's heartbeat with a Doppler by 12 weeks or so, you'll have an ultrasound to check on your baby. If it's a case of early pregnancy failure, the ultrasound will show an empty gestational sac.

You're likely to miscarry — that is, to expel the gestational sac and accumulated tissue by the end of your first trimester, though it may happen earlier than that. The miscarriage process can take weeks, though, and once you find out you aren't carrying a baby, you may find it's too emotionally wrenching or physically uncomfortable (if you're cramping a lot) to wait for a spontaneous miscarriage.

In that case, you may be able to use medication to speed up the miscarriage process. Or you may decide to have a suction curettage or dilation and curettage (D&C) to remove the tissue. You'll also need to have the tissue removed if you have any problems that make it unsafe to wait for a miscarriage, such as significant bleeding or signs of infection.

When can I try to conceive again?
You'll probably get your period again in four to six weeks after you miscarry or have the tissue removed. Some practitioners say you can start trying to conceive again after this period, but others recommend that you wait until you've been through another menstrual cycle. (You'll need to use birth control during this time, since you may ovulate as early as two weeks after you miscarry.)

Although you may be ready physically to get pregnant again, you might not feel ready emotionally. Every woman copes with the grief of early pregnancy loss in her own way, and some women find it takes months before they're interested in trying again.

Does having a blighted ovum once mean I'm likely to miscarry again?
No. Although you're likely to be worried about the possibility of another miscarriage, fertility experts don't consider a single early pregnancy loss to be a sign that there's anything wrong with you or your partner. Most practitioners will wait until you've had two or three consecutive miscarriages to order special blood and genetic tests to try to find out what's going wrong. Joymaker RN

Do your breasts grow with ectopic pregnancy?

I had laparascopic salpingectomy 3.5 weeks ago for an ectopic pregnancy in my right fallopian tube. Previously I had two normal, healthy pregnancies resulting in my five year old son and three year old daughter. I was not in any of the 'at risk' categories for ectopic pregnancy, although my children were both delivered by caesarean section and this could be a relevant factor. I can definitely say that I experienced all the classic pregnancy symptoms, including larger, tender breasts with pronounced veins, just as I did with my first two children.

Are the pains from an ectopic pregnancy sudden or do they take time?

I had an eptopic pregnancy last year! I did not know that I was pregnant because the results came back negative. I started what I thought was my period and it lasted about 7 days and then the pains started in. That is when I found out it was an eptopic pregnancy from an ultrasound.

Can you get your period and still be ectopic pregnancy?

Yes! It is possible.
I just had an ectopic pregnancy, and throughout the entire process I was on my period, or so I thought. It turned out to be the excess blood draining from my abdomen because of the pregnancy - but it was everything just like a period would be.
I had assumed at the time that I was just having a really long, irregular period until I dove at softball practice and developed horrible cramping and pains so bad I couldn't stand up anymore. That's when I went in to the doctor and found out it was an ectopic pregnancy.
I hope you went in and got this checked out! Questions like this should not be asked on the internet - you should always go straight to the doctor! I'm lucky I found out about my pregnancy when I did.

If your period is 18 days late and you have received a negative blood test and 5 negative urine testsas as well as you had a possible ectopic 6 months ago and miscarried could you be pregnant?

Check the directions on your pregnancy test to see when best to do the test. It may be too early to determine for sure that you are pregnant.

An ectopic pregnancy will still usually show positive.

I totally disagree, I had an ectopic 3 years ago and was 4 weeks late before a very faint line showed up on my pregnancy test, I took 8 in total and all were negative even the urine test that the doctor took. I new my body and demanded the doctor to refer me for an ultrasound or further testing, I had the probe that detected ectopic and was not allowed out of the hospital as my hcg levels were very high and I was at danger of my tube rupturing - so if you are still late my suggestion would be to visit your doctor and demand an ultrasound that way you will find out for sure. I am now experiencing the same problem, I am 2 weeks late for my period and have the classic pregnancy symptons, I have taken 6 tests including the clear blue and also been to A & E for a blood test (not sure if it was a qualitative or quantative test) but that also came out negative. I am definitely going to visit my doctor in the next couple of days and ask for an ultra sound. take my advice and do just that. Good luck and let me know how you get on

What does ectopic mean?

It is when the fertilised egg plants anywhere other than in the uterus/womb and if this is the case the pregnancy cannot continue. Sometimes the body rejects the egg naturally and other times it has to be removed through surgery or an injection.

Will it be more accuratif you did the pregnancy blood testor you can use the home pregnancy test in your case?

Home pregnancy test are notoriously inaccurate. Go to your doctor for a serum hcg test.

Over the counter urine pregnancy tests are actually quite accurate. They are not as accurate as the blood test that physicians can order, but newer urine tests can detect HCG in the urine as early as 8-10 days after conception - usually before the 1st missed period.

See the link below for more information.


home pregnancy tests claim to be around 99% accurate after a missed period. however, blood tests done at your doctor's office are able to detect levels of HCG much earlier. blood tests are considered around 100% accurate, where as home pregnancy tests are less due to possible errors in timing or errors in performing the test.

The answer preceding this one is accurate in that the blood test may be able to tell you if you are pregnant earlier - we can tell you within 3-5 days if you are pregnant. However, the actual utility of the increase in accuracy is questionable. Most people will not even suspect they are pregnant until they miss a period, by which time an over the counter urine test (which cost about 10 dollars) is just as accurate as a urine or blood test done in a doctor's office (and will cost you over 100 dollars, and possibly up to 500 dollars or more if you go to the Emergency department).

Bottom line: use a urine pregnancy test at home if you have missed your period and think you may be pregnant. If you are pregnant, see your OB/Gyn or Primary care physician for follow up. A blood test is only useful if you are having problems with your pregnancy to help us work out what may be going on.