


Drug Cleansing

Drug cleansing involves ridding the body of a particular drug or toxin, over a short period of time, using specific medications, natural remedies and other methods. Often times, drug cleansing is the first stage involved in rehabilitation of a drug addiction.

1,286 Questions

Do the detox b super clean powder work?

Well, honey, those detox powders might make you feel like you're cleaning out your insides, but let's be real - nothing beats a healthy diet and plenty of water. Sure, they might give you a little boost, but don't expect miracles. Stick to whole foods and skip the quick fixes, darling.

What is the process for washing meth with acetone?

100% pure acetone.. not nail polish remover.

Coffee filter

2 cups


In one cup pour shards over a minimal amount of acetone. Whisk shake, stir, mix the shards for a minute. Dump the acetone wash over second cup with coffee filter on top. Leave shards to dry out.

What is the fastest way to get marjuania out of system?

The fastest way to get marijuana out of your system is to stay hydrated, exercise to speed up metabolism, and avoid consuming any more marijuana. Time is the most important factor in clearing THC from your system, as it can take several days to several weeks for it to completely leave your body depending on frequency of use.

What is the fastest way to get librium out of your system?

The fastest way to eliminate Librium from your system is through metabolism by the liver and excretion by the kidneys. There is no proven way to speed up this process, but staying hydrated and maintaining a healthy lifestyle may help. It's important to consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

Does epsom salt cleanse THC from your body?

  • No, water only dilutes your urine Water does not wash out the THC in your body. If you are taking a urine test, large amounts of water might help to dilute the urine enough so that the test comes up negative for THC; but you need to drink a lot of water. When you dilute your urine it will also be very clear, not yellow. The people testing you may notice that and make you take it again. To avoid that you can take vitamin B supplements. Vitamin B makes your urine yellow.Large amounts of vinegar and other acidic things help to mask the THC, in a urine test. Although it would not very tasty, its something you might want to research.As far as I know, only time will clear your system of THC.
  • I've heard that labs test your urine to make sure you aren't trying to fool them. The things they would test it for is pH(aka acidity), creatine(from red meats), temperature (about 90 to 97 Fahrenheit), and color. When you dilute your urine, the color is less yellow and that throws up a red flag and then creatine. Creatine is something they can test for to make sure your haven't diluted your urine. The creatine levels should be in a certain range. Then there is pH. A lot of vinegar will will chnage your pH drastically and they may reject the sample because of that. I think drinking a lot of water and taking some vitamin b is your best bet. Eat a steak the night before your test too if you dilute your urine by drinking a lot of water.

References: (very good) (especially look at: papain, and zinc)

  • With water alone its gonna be a difficult thing to do.. Im on the moniter rite now and im getting drug tested weekly but im still able to smoke daily... How u ask?.. haha well i quit smoking the night before and buy Arizona Green Tea at wallgreens they sell 2 gallons for 5 bucks!! drink 1 1/4 of them and plenty of water in between i always have a ratio 2 cups of green tea then 1 cup of water and again.. then make sure you pee 5 times or more that night and 5 times or more that next day... ive passed 15/15 of the drug tests they gave me... You may also want to consider this list i found of foods that are diuretics from i hope this helps you allot...
  • People who suffer from kidney or liver disorders, heart disease, or hypertension are sometimes prescribed diuretic drugs. Note that this is prescription-only.

The following foods and herbs are know to have diuretic properties:

  • Celery seed (and plant)
  • Parsley
  • Dandelion
  • Juniper berries
  • Asparagus
  • Artichoke
  • Melon
  • Watercress

Other foods (common in the Western diet) also have a diuretic effect:

  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Coke
  • Excessive animal-based protein

Diuretic Diet Plans A diuretic diet plan can help to alleviate symptoms of PMS - such as bloating and headaches.

  • Aim to eat small amounts of starchy carbohydrates (such as breads, rice, etc).
  • Avoid salt and salty food products.
  • Drink plenty of water and herbal teas.
  • See herbs above.
  • Avoid sugary foods.
  • Eat fruit and vegetables.

THC is stored in the fat cells of the body so it does not flush out. A person with a low body fat content is more likely to pass a drug test than someone who carries their weight. Cranberry juice is a natural diuretic and is recommended to kidney patients to help cleanse the system. If you smoke everyday you will build up the amount in your body. The only way to be sure to pass a test is to cut down the intake and keep the body clean. Work out and don't maintain a sedentary lifestyle. Simple flushing of water won't do and may be rejected for to much electrolyte forcing another test.

Does aloe vera juice clean your system of marijuana?

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that aloe vera juice can clean your system of marijuana. The best way to clear marijuana from your system is to allow your body time to metabolize and eliminate the drug naturally. Staying hydrated and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can also help support your body's detox process.

The fastest way to clean your system?

The fastest way to clean your system is to drink plenty of water, eat a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, and engage in regular physical activity to support your body's natural detoxification processes. Avoid processed foods, sugary drinks, and excessive alcohol consumption to help keep your system clean and healthy.

Does soaking in a bath with Epsom Salt in it draw toxins out of your body?

There is limited scientific evidence to support the claim that Epsom salt baths can draw toxins out of your body. Epsom salt baths may help relax muscles and provide relief for soreness, but the idea that they specifically remove toxins is not well supported by research. It is always best to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice on detoxification methods.

Does vinegar really clean out your body from toxins overnight?

No, vinegar does not effectively clean out toxins from your body overnight. Your body has its own natural detoxification processes through the liver, kidneys, and other organs. It is important to maintain a healthy diet, stay hydrated, and exercise regularly to support your body's natural detoxification.

Is rubbing alcohol a mixture or solution?

Rubbing alcohol is a solution. It is a homogeneous mixture composed of 70% isopropyl alcohol and 30% water.

Why does bong water smell so bad?

The smell of bong water comes from the combination of water with the residue left behind from burned plant material. This residue can contain compounds that have a strong, unpleasant smell when they interact with the water. Additionally, the stagnant nature of the water can allow odor-causing bacteria to grow, contributing to the bad smell.

Which is the azeotrope concentration of water-xylene system?

The azeotrope concentration of a water-xylene system is approximately 71.4% xylene and 28.6% water by weight at a temperature of 73.5 degrees Celsius. This azeotrope forms when the vapor and liquid phases have the same composition, making it difficult to separate the two components by distillation.

Why is society so fascinated with drugs?

Society is fascinated with drugs due to their ability to alter perception and mood, leading to pleasure or escapism. The allure of drugs also stems from their illicit and taboo nature, which can be appealing to individuals seeking thrill or rebellion. Additionally, drugs can have profound effects on the brain and body, making them a subject of curiosity and study.

Can drinking lots of water clean out your system from Suboxone?

It might help, but you should be aware that drinking too much water can kill you. Don't overdo it.

However, Suboxone does NOT show up on drug tests, unless the employer specifically tests for it, which my doctor says is incredibly rare. See the Related Question below.

How long will baking soda keep your urine clean to pass drug test?

Nothing of that nature is a guaranteed pass. I spent almost 100 bucks on a test clean kit and it didn't work. I'm sure baking soda and water won't work at all...Just clean up your act for a short while to pass the test or buy fake urine.

How do you use baking soda to get iron build up out of your hair?

Well, baking soda is what we used to put in our hair and brush out to remove oils--instead of doing a shampoo. Apply a half cup of baking soda and one cup warm water mixture to very wet hair. Work in like a shampoo. leave on a few minutes, rinse and shampoo. You might also try a clarifying shampoo or a chelating shampoo. You can get them at a beauty supply store or a salon.

Does cranberry juice have the same benefits as cranberry pills or capsules?

Cranberry Concentrate Unsweetened, Tree Of Life or Hain's brand is my secret weapon for bladder infections. Cranberry juice or frozen cranberry concentrate is NOT the same thing. This concentrated stuff is often not on the juice shelf. It may be in with the nutritional supplements. Cranberry juice in general (concentrated or juice) makes the inside of the bladder wall slicker so bacteria can't stick to it. It also helps to tighten urethral sphincter muscles so you don't dribble-a very annoying problem as many of you already know! You'd have to drink a couple of gallons of Cranberry juice off the shelf to get the same affect as just two tablespoons of this stuff. Plus, you'd be ingesting so much sugar that if your bladder infection had anything to do with yeast, the sugar would feed it. I put this concentrated stuff in a shot glass, down it, and then chase it with an ounce or two of plain water. The chaser turns the acrid flavor instantly sweet and is therefore more tolerable. Repeat the treatment for about a week. If that doesn't do the trick, you are on the wrong track. Note: I've noticed that the cranberry capsules are not near as effective as the concentrate. Other ways to use the stuff are to put some in your smoothies every once in a while as a preventative. I also purchase a couple extra bags of fresh cranberries during this time of the year to store in the freezer so I can toss a handful of them into my smoothies occasionally as a preventative.