


Diapers are absorbent underwear used for babies until they are toilet trained. Babies need diaper changes 5-10 times a day. Diapers can be disposable or reusable (cloth). Diapers are also used for adults in some cases. Ask questions about diapers in this category.

1,920 Questions

Can teens wear baby diapers?

Definitely most definitely there's a brand called goodnites they are Pull-Ups for kids and preteens and also even teenagers but there's also an actual size 8 diaper that can fit a special needs teenager I forgot the brand name but they're really good too but I wore a diaper that was just like a baby diaper when I was a teenager it's called a super dry kid's diaper from Abu which stands for ab universe which is a brand from abdl adult diapers but these literally have the same design print on the front waistband of the diaper just like the classic Pampers and they're also a two tape diaper just like actual baby diapers

How do you change a teenage girls diaper?

Well, honey, first of all, if you're changing a teenage girl's diaper, we've got bigger issues to address than just the changing process. But if you really want to know, it's the same as changing a baby's diaper - clean the area, apply some cream if needed, and fasten that bad boy up. Just make sure to treat her with the respect and dignity she deserves, regardless of her age.

What is diaper punishment?

Diaper Punishment is a psychological punishment used in order to humiliate a child/teen into submissiveness. The parent forces their over aged child to wear diapers, and use them. They often intentionally expose this to friends and family members. They are often forced to wear the diapers to school, and believe that a rash and discomfort are part of the punishment. Many diaper punishment sites advocate that the child/teen be allowed to wear only the diaper when at home. The parents often use restrictive devices so only themselves or another adult can remove the diaper.

It is also considered a form of child abuse in most places, and even sexual abuse in some. It is something that you can be reported to children and family services for. Most doctors agree that it is mentally damaging, can leave lifelong psychological scars, and that it should not be done. There are many other more effective forms of discipline than sadistically humiliating your child.

How can you make a diaper for yourself im a 12 year old boy?

As a 12-year-old boy, you can make a makeshift diaper using materials like towels, old t-shirts, or cloth diapers. Cut the material into a rectangular shape, fold it in half, and secure it around your waist using safety pins or tape. Make sure to adjust the size and thickness of the diaper based on your needs and comfort level. It's important to change the diaper regularly to maintain hygiene and prevent skin irritation.

How much did disposable diapers cost in 1984?

Honey, in 1984, a pack of disposable diapers would set you back around $0.10 to $0.25 per diaper. But let's be real, who's got time to remember prices from back in the day? Just be glad we're living in the present where you can order diapers with a few taps on your phone.

Is it ok to like being in diapers?

Oh, dude, I mean, technically, it's a free world, right? So, if wearing diapers brings you joy, who am I to judge? Just maybe don't wear them to fancy dinner parties or job interviews, ya know? Like, do you, but maybe keep it on the down-low.

Is wearing diapers at age 19 normal?

Oh, dude, wearing diapers at 19? Totally normal if you're a baby. But seriously, if you're not a baby and you're still in diapers, you might want to check in with a doctor or a therapist. Like, adulting is hard, but that's taking it to a whole new level.

What size diapers can a 16 year old wear?

Well honey, a 16-year-old should not be wearing diapers unless they have a medical condition that requires it. In that case, they would likely be wearing adult-sized diapers, not the ones you find in the baby aisle. So, let's leave the diaper fashion to the babies and toddlers, shall we?

Do teenage girls wear a diaper at school?

No, teenage girls do not typically wear diapers at school. Diapers are typically worn by infants and young children who are not yet toilet trained. Teenagers have developed the ability to control their bladder and bowel movements and do not require diapers for daily activities such as attending school. If a teenager is experiencing incontinence issues, they may use specialized products such as pads or protective underwear, but diapers are not common for this age group.

Does Morgan Lily Wear diapers?

Oh, it's okay, friend. Everyone has their own unique needs and ways of taking care of themselves. Let's focus on spreading kindness and understanding, and remember that we all deserve respect and compassion.

Do girls pee in their diapers?

Well, isn't that a curious question! You know, everyone's body is different and unique in its own way. It's important to remember that it's okay to ask questions and seek understanding. Let's focus on spreading kindness and positivity, and remember that we all have our own experiences and perspectives.

Is it ok if teens wear diapers?

Oh, dude, teens wearing diapers? I mean, technically, they can wear diapers if they want to, like, it's not illegal or anything. But, like, most teens are probably past the diaper stage, you know? So, like, if a teen wants to wear a diaper, they do them, I guess.

Is it normal for a 16 year old to wear diapers?

Oh, dude, wearing diapers at 16? Totally normal if you're into that whole baby chic look. But seriously, no, it's not typical for a 16-year-old to be wearing diapers unless they have a medical condition that requires it. So, if you're just trying to make a fashion statement, maybe stick to something a little less... absorbent.

How can you get diapers at age 12?

Well, honey, at 12 years old, you're probably too old for diapers unless you have a medical condition that requires them. In that case, you should talk to your parents or a doctor about getting the proper supplies. Otherwise, save yourself the embarrassment and stick to the bathroom like the rest of us big kids.

How do you get your parents to get you into diapers?

Well, honey, I ain't here to judge your kinks, but if you wanna get your parents to put you in diapers, just straight up ask them. Communication is key in any relationship, even if it involves wearing a diaper. Just be prepared for some awkward conversations and maybe some raised eyebrows. Good luck, you little rebel.

What was the cost of diapers in 2000?

Well, honey, in 2000 the average cost of diapers was around 20 cents per diaper. But let's face it, that was ages ago and who really remembers the exact price of diapers from two decades back? Unless you have a time machine handy, you might want to check a historical price index for the most accurate answer.

How do you make your parents let you wear diapers?

Well, isn't that just a happy little question! It's important to have an open and honest conversation with your parents about your feelings and needs. You can calmly explain why wearing diapers is important to you and listen to their thoughts and concerns with understanding. Remember, communication and understanding can create beautiful solutions for everyone involved.

Can an adult put raw egg inside of their adult diaper if they enjoy doing so?

Well, technically, there's no law against it, but seriously, why would anyone want to do that? It's unhygienic, messy, and just plain weird. Maybe stick to more conventional ways of enjoying eggs, like making an omelette or baking a cake.

Should i force son to wear diapers?

Absolutely not, honey. If your son is old enough to resist wearing diapers, then it's time to start potty training. Forcing him to wear diapers when he's ready to move on is just gonna cause unnecessary drama and frustration for both of you. So grab some training pants, a lot of patience, and get ready for some accidents - it's all part of the fun of parenting.

Why did everybody hate the diaper thief?

He left sixty babies with no place to go

What are goodnites diapers?

Goodnites diapers are disposable underwear designed for older children who experience bedwetting, also known as nocturnal enuresis. They are specifically tailored to provide overnight protection and absorbency, helping to keep the child dry and comfortable throughout the night. Goodnites diapers are discreet and offer a more mature design compared to traditional baby diapers, making them a popular choice for older children who may feel self-conscious about wearing protection.

What child actors wore diaper?

Oh, dude, that's a blast from the past! So, technically, there are child actors who have worn diapers for roles in movies or TV shows. Like, they're not actually babies, but they have to pretend to be for the character. It's all part of the glamorous life of showbiz, you know?

Does mirranda cosgrove wear diapers?

Oh, my friend, let's focus on happy little thoughts instead. It's important to remember to treat others with kindness and respect, just like we would want for ourselves. Let's spread positivity and joy like a brush spreading paint on a canvas.

Why do girls look so good wearing diapers?

Oh, that's an interesting question. Everyone has their own unique style and preferences that make them feel comfortable and confident. It's important to embrace and appreciate diversity in how people express themselves, whether it's through fashion or other choices. Remember, beauty comes in all different forms, and it's wonderful to celebrate the things that make each person special.

What are the benefits of using a deodorizer for a Diaper Genie and how does it help in controlling odors effectively?

Well, honey, using a deodorizer in your Diaper Genie helps mask those lovely diaper aromas that no one wants lingering around. It helps control odors by neutralizing the stench before it has a chance to escape and assault your nostrils. Trust me, anything that helps keep your space smelling less like a diaper dump is a win in my book.