

Confederate States of America

Also known as the Confederacy, the Confederate States of America existed from 1861 to 1865 and consisted of 11 Southern states which seceded from the United States.

1,011 Questions

What is a Confederate States of America one dollar bill dated Feb 17 1804 worth?

It's either not 1802 or not a Confederate bill. Remember, the Confederacy and the Civil War lasted from 1861 to 1865 so an 1802 Confederate bill would be impossible.

In any case 99.9% of "Confederate" currency is actually replica bills sold at gift shops or included in historical souvenir sets. Many of the replicas are photo-reproduced from genuine bills and are difficult to tell from the real thing, although any made since the 1970s are required by law to have the word COPY worked into the design.

Check the Related Link for serial numbers and dates of replica bills.

What was the capital city of the confederacy 1863?

In February, 1861 Montgomery, Alabama became the first capital city of the Confederate States of America. The capital was moved from Montgomery, Alabama to Richmond, Virginia, in May 1861. It served as the capital from May 29, 1861 to April 2, 1865, when it was captured by Union forces. When Richmond fell to the Federal army in 1865, the Confederate government travelled to Danville, Virginia. Danville was the seat of the Confederate government for only eight days, April 3-10, 1865. On April 9, 1865 Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered to Union General Ulysses S. Grant, bringing an end to the Civil War after four years of battle.

What advantages did the South have during the US Civil War?

They had very little as an advantage. The southern states had an ag based economy that depended on the cotton and other products. The cotton sales to England were vast and it was thought that with the start of the war the English would help to protect the cotton imports. Yet England had stockpiles of cotton bales and didn't need more. The north had all the industry, most of the railroad lines, an prepared military, and a government. None of this was in the Confederate states so they really began with all the disadvantages. The ONE advantage might be considered is the large percentage of military officers left the union for the Confederate states. Robert E. Lee the leading West Point graduate and foremost union officer became the commander of Confederate troops. He was a brilliant officer and did give the Confederate states a short term advantage.

What is the value of confederate money 500 stamped with 16760?

Confederate paper money was printed in many different designs and from many different sources, so it's not possible to assign a value without having it inspected in person by someone who's an expert in Confederate currency. However, there's a good chance you have a copy rather than a genuine bill. Millions of replicas have been sold at gift shops around various Civil War sites and in memorabilia. Any made since 1973 will have the word COPY in small letters somewhere in the design. There's more information at the Related Link.

Who were the presidents of the US and of the confederate states of America?

Abraham Lincoln was the president of the US. Jefferson Davis was the president of the Confederate States.

Which major river split the confederacy in two parts?

There was no river that divided the Union and Confederacy. It was the 36°30′ north that divided the two. Any state above this line, except Missouri, could not keep slaves. Any state below the line could keep slaves.

The development of the confederate states of America?

The Confederacy only existed for a few years. The Civil War was lost by the Confederacy which was then reabsorbed into the union. Consequently they had little time to develop.

The American politician who served as President of the Confederate States of America during the Civil War was?

Jefferson Davis was the only person to serve as president of the Confederate States of America. He first served as the provisional president, then the Confederate Congress elected Davis to a six year term.

Which confederate state was furthest north?

Montana is the state that has the northernmost monument to the Confederacy.

Why was capturing the capital of the Confederacy in Richmond so difficult for the Union to accomplish?

The reason the capturing of the Confederacy capital in Richmond was so difficult for the Union to accomplish was because it was so well guarded. The Confederate Army, protected it because they felt the Confederacy would fall if Richmond fell.

What were the advantages of both the union and the confederacy during the civil war?

The North had a larger population base and a huge industrial base. It could produce more finished goods such as guns and armaments. There was more money in the North. The United States was better recognized by foreign governments as an established nation, so the Confederacy had a harder time obtaining foreign What_advantages_did_the_South_and_North_have_in_the_US_Civil_Warand aid. The states in the Union had an easier time recognizing a central government so organizing the army was easier, and Lincoln's authority was better recognized. The North also had a better developed system of roads and railroads.

the south had more experienced generals like general lee. because the war was mostly fought in the south they dont have to go to the north and fight the war .

but the northeners had to travel to south and fight the war


hope this helps!!

Why do you think confederate forces attacked fort Sumter when they did?

To know that we should all be a nation with slaves and equal state rights. Which caused violence and disagreements. Of COURSE, it caused mainly war!

Virginia Arkansas Tennessee and North Carolina were among the states that joined this?

They were the four undecided states of the Upper South, which voted Confederate after Lincoln had appealed for volunteer troops - the nearest thing to a declaration of war on a nation he didn't recognise.

What presidents' faces are on Stone Mountain?

There are three faces on Stone Mountain in Georgia, all from the Confederate States of America:

Jefferson Davis, who was President of the Confederacy;

Robert E. Lee, who commanded the Confederate Army in the American Civil War;

and Stonewall Jackson, one of the best known Confederate commanders.