

Certificates of Deposit

Savings instruments that are essentially free of risk, featuring a fixed term and fixed rate of return (interest rate)

1,137 Questions

What is Internally generated cap deposit?

Internally generated capital deposits refer to funds that a company accumulates through its own operations rather than external sources such as loans or investments. These deposits are typically generated from profits retained by the company rather than distributed to shareholders. Internally generated capital deposits are an important source of funding for companies looking to finance growth or investment opportunities without taking on additional debt or diluting ownership.

Do you sign a FBO check?

Well, honey, if you want that check to go straight to the intended recipient without any funny business, then yes, you better sign it with "FBO" followed by the recipient's name. Otherwise, you might as well just toss that check in the trash and save everyone the trouble.

Is there any money in my PSFS account that I had in grade school?

Honey, I'm not a psychic, I can't see into your PSFS account from grade school. You need to contact the bank and ask them for that information. They'll have records of your account history, not me. Good luck finding that childhood treasure!

Which are the best certificates of deposit in the US?

Oh, dude, the best certificates of deposit in the US? Like, that's a tough one. You've got your big banks, your credit unions, online banks... it's like a buffet of options. Just shop around, compare rates, and pick the one that works for you. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.

If a mineral deposit is located deep within the earth what mining methods are used to mind the deposit?

For deep mineral deposits, underground mining methods such as shaft mining, drift mining, and slope mining are typically used. These methods involve creating shafts and tunnels to access the deposit, allowing miners to extract the minerals from underground. Specialized equipment and safety measures are employed in underground mining to ensure the safety of workers and the efficiency of mineral extraction.

What is dry acid deposition?

Dry acid deposition refers to the deposition of acidic pollutants in the absence of moisture. These pollutants can include sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, which interact with the atmosphere to form acids that can be deposited onto surfaces. Dry acid deposition can have harmful effects on ecosystems and human health.

How does a loess deposit from?

Loess deposits form from the accumulation of wind-blown sediments, usually composed of silt and clay-sized particles. These fine particles are transported by wind over long distances before settling and accumulating in layers. The particles are usually derived from the erosion of rocks and sediments in arid regions, and the deposits are often found in regions with strong prevailing winds that can transport the silt and clay particles.

Do ecologist search for oil deposit?

Ecologists are generally focused on studying the relationships between organisms and their environment, conservation, and biodiversity. Searching for oil deposits is typically the domain of geologists and geophysicists who specialize in exploring for and extracting oil and gas resources.

2 examples of deposition?

Here are a few examples for you to choose from:

  • Moraine: hummocks of moraine are deposited at the snout of a glacier
  • River beach: load carried by the river is deposited on the inside of a meander
  • Dune: a wind blows sediment, which is then deposited and accumulated in a dune
  • Beach: an ocean deposits sediment from the cliff behind or else from nearby boulders etc. in a collection of sediment, similar to the river beach
  • Delta: the feature found at the mouth of a river formed by the final deposition of the river's load

Also note:

  • Drumlin: A feature formed by the reshaping of deposited material
  • Lamination: The building up of layers of sediment to form laminae which are seen in a sedimentary rock, often sandstone.

Which chemical is deposit in walls of screnchyma?

The primary chemical deposit in the walls of sclerenchyma cells is lignin. Lignin provides structural support and rigidity to the cell walls, making them tough and resistant to mechanical stress.

How does a river deposit materials?

A river deposits materials through a process called sedimentation, where sediments carried by the flowing water settle out and accumulate on the river bed. This can happen when the velocity of the river decreases, causing it to lose the ability to transport the sediments. The deposited materials can include sediment like sand, silt, and gravel, building up the riverbed and banks over time.

Where is the largest deposit for chromite?

The largest deposit for chromite is located in South Africa, specifically in the Bushveld Igneous Complex. This region contains the world's largest reserves of chromite ore.

Why does a stream deposit material?

A stream deposits material when its velocity decreases, causing sediment to settle out of the water and accumulate on the streambed. This can occur when the stream widens, becomes shallower, or encounters an obstacle that slows its flow. The deposited material forms features like bars, deltas, and floodplains.

What is the deposit of the particles?

The deposit of the particles refers to the accumulation of particles on a surface due to gravity or other forces. This can occur in various natural and industrial processes, such as sediment deposition in rivers, dust accumulation on surfaces, or particle buildup in industrial equipment.