



Celebrities are persons easily recognized in a society or culture. Most of today’s celebrities are popular personalities from the movie and music industries. Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, Daniel Radcliffe and Robert Pattinson are some of today’s hottest celebrities.

94,252 Questions

How many son do Muhammad ali have?

On August 17, 1967, Ali (aged 25) married 17-year old Belinda Boyd, and she changed her name to Khalilah Ali, though she was still called Belinda by old friends and family. They had four children: Maryum (b. 1968), Jamillah and Liban (b. 1970), and Muhammad Ali Jr. (b. 1972).

In 1975, Ali began an affair with Veronica Porche, an actress and model whom he later married.

At the time of their marriage, they had a baby girl, Hana, and Veronica was pregnant with their second child. Their second daughter, Laila, was born in December 1977. By 1986, Ali and Veronica were divorced.

On November 19, 1986, Ali married Yolanda Ali. They had been friends since 1964 in Louisville . They have one adopted son at 5 year old, Asaad Amin.

How tall is Bobby Knight?

Bob Knight is 6' 5" .... I grew up in Bloomington, Indiana and his son's (Tim and Patrick) were great friends .... He seems bigger because of his presence and aura. The best and most knowledgeable college coach ever.

Is Ryan sheckler a virgin?

most certainly not a virgin! hes far too "good looking" and most every girl would go for for him. there are also many provocative pictures that suggest sexual gesture's.


Who is Muhammad Ali's wife?

Muhammad Ali married to Sonji Roi in 1964 Muhammad Ali married to Belinda Boyd in 1967 Muhammad Ali married to Veronica Porché Ali in 1977 Muhammad Ali married to Yolanda Williams in 1986

Is Mark Henry really the worlds strongest man?

He never did. The WWE bent the truth. He won the Arnold classic. This is a weightlifting contest. Not the worlds strongest man contest. He placed 7th in the olympics~justinaw990. please contact me for any information further. trust me this is the right answer and people keep putting their name on it. please lock this answer or give me the trust point

What day did Muhammad Ali die?

if you mean the boxer, he's still alive as of Jan 2010.

Which celebrities are often seen at New York Knicks games?

# Jack Nicholson # Denzel Washington # Leonardo Dicaprio # Dustin Hoffman # Pete Sampras # Andy Garcia # Penny Marshall # Ice Cube # Sylvester Stallone # Dyan Cannon # Tobey Mcguire # Edward Norton # Salma Hayek # The Game # Snoop Dogg # Justin Timberlake # Ashton Kutcher # Demi Moore # Tyra Banks # Red Hot Chili Peppers

What is jacob blacks favorite color?

Jacob Black's favorite color is says that in new moon

Blue and white.

What is lotta topp's real name?

Lotta Topp was born on November 16, 1942.

What is the birth name of Leander Brett?

The birth name of Leander Brett refers to the original name given to this individual at the time of their birth. It is the name that appears on their birth certificate and is typically used until and unless they decide to change it legally. The birth name is an important aspect of a person's identity and is often used for official documents and records. It may or may not be the same as the name they are currently known by, as individuals sometimes choose to adopt a different name through marriage, personal preference, or other reasons. Knowing the birth name of Leander Brett would provide insight into their identity and history.

Is Chloe grace moretz a virgin?

The evidence show that she's a virgin. She also said that his mother had not yet allowed her to date.

What drugs did Ronnie Radke do?

In an interview, he said that the main drugs he did were heroin, cocaine, xanax and oxycontin. He is now completely sober.

Does Rush Limbaugh have cancer?

On October 3, 2003 the National Enquirer reported that Limbaugh was being investigated for illegally obtaining the prescription drugs and hydrocodone. Other news outlets quickly confirmed the investigation. He admitted to listeners on his radio show on October 10 that he was addicted to prescription painkillers and stated that he would enter inpatient treatment for 30 days, immediately after the broadcast. Limbaugh stated his addiction to painkillers resulted from several years of severe back pain heightened by a botched surgery intended to correct those problems.

How much does Kathy sabine make a year?

Weather personalities always have high profiles on the Denver TV scene. Meteorologist Mike Nelson moved from 9News to Denver's 7 in 2004 for an annual deal of more than $400,000. Kathy Sabine, who replaced Nelson as 9News' No. 1 weathercaster, then saw her salary move over the $400,000 figure.

Did Kate Hudson get breast implants?

Well according to my sister who had some fun with her she says that they are an average size so no, she does not have implant but i am meeting up with her this weekend so i will tell you then, your welcome and this also answered the question is she gay? Yes she is.


What famous people have had gastric bypass surgery?

Sharon osbourne, carny Wilson and al roker. also, star Jones likely did but wont admit it.

ANSWERAlso the lead singer of Blues Traveler, John Popper (he looks really good now) and the one judge on American Idol....Randy Jackson

What is the disease that Muhammad Ali has?

Although suffering from Parkinson's disease, Muhammed Ali is, to my knowledge, still alive.

Has Jared Padalecki ever done drugs?

Jared Padalecki has been known to smoke on the set of supernatural, and does snort coke with Jensen Ackle during takes. This explains the collapse of both their nose as the season progresses.

What is the highest IQ a person can have?

It depends on the test. Realistically, an IQ of around 130 generally puts you in the top 2%, so how much point is there in going higher? Some tests claim to score accurately above 200, but that's pretty much b.s. because at that level there are so few results that it is impossible to validate them.