What was Captain America's real name?
Captain America's real name is Steve Rogers. He was a frail young man who underwent the Super Soldier Serum treatment during World War II, transforming him into the iconic superhero we know today. Steve Rogers then went on to fight alongside the Allied forces and became a symbol of hope and justice for many.
Who does Peggy Carter from Captain America marry?
Peggy Carter marries Steve Rogers, also known as Captain America, in an alternate timeline in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. They have a brief reunion after Steve goes back in time to return the Infinity Stones.
Is the flash drive from Captain America Winter Soldier available for purchase anywhere?
Unfortunately, the flash drive prop from Captain America Winter Soldier is typically not available for purchase as it is a movie prop used for filming. However, you may find similar replica versions for sale from collectors or fan sites online.
What are the ratings and certificates for Captain America The Winter Soldier - 2014?
Captain America The Winter Soldier - 2014 is rated/received certificates of:
What is the origin of Captain America?
captain america's origin is during world war 2 the person who is captain america is smaller then most people and wants to join the army with his friend when he joins he go is chosen to take a type of serum that will give him super strength and super agility his height also increases after he takes it he gets his captain america outfit and his shield which is indestructible
later on he meets a norther person who is like him but this person couldn't handle the serum so it makes him look different and more evil he is known as red skull
at the end the two of the fight to the death i a ship that is flying over antartica of course captain america wins he then fly s the ship into the ice which freezes him
years and years latter he is found by explores.
captain america wakes up is a room not knowing that he has been frozen for many years he escapes the room and ends up in time square and is then greeted by Nick Fury
Is Bucky also the Marvel character Nomad?
Yes, Bucky Barnes takes on the identity of Nomad in the comics after Steve Rogers dies. As Nomad, Bucky operates as a hero without a country and seeks to redeem himself for his past actions as the Winter Soldier.
Is Captain America still published by Marvel?
Yes, Captain America is still being published by Marvel Comics. The character continues to be a central figure in the Marvel Universe and is featured in various comic book series and crossover events.
Who would win in a fight between Punisher and Captain America?
ThePunisher is a highly trained special forces veteran who has decades of experience and over 2000 kills to his name.
Captain America is a highly trained veteran with combat and tactical skills unmatched by virtually anyone on the planet.
Captain America is often thought of as a boy scout figure and the Punisher as a psychopath but the truth is that they are very much closer to each other than would initially be thought. These two have abilities and experience that are very closely matched. The Punisher is a master of battle tactics and Captain America is as capable as Castle at being sneaky and cheating if need be.
The Punisher has an edge that comes from his brutal nature and his sheer determination that allows him to ignore the usual restraints others have.
Captain America, however, has several edges. He has a bullet proof shield that he can wield efficiently. He is relatively younger (although chronologically he has 33 years on Frank Castle) and the super solider serum allows him to be in peak physical condition at all times.
In the end it will come down to prior planning, thinking on your feet and stamina.
Castle will take an early lead due to his rather brutal approach and planning. Captain America will counter this and come in close out matching Castle as a fighter. Castle will respond with more and more weaponry and booby traps. Injured Captain America will be forced to conclude he can no longer hold back and will let rip with a rapid attack being forced to break Castle's neck...
...at which point the whole roof top with explode due to a detonator attached to a pulse metre on Castle's arm.
What is the value of a Captain America comic?
The value of a Captain America comic can vary greatly depending on factors such as its condition, rarity, and demand. Some vintage Captain America comics can be worth thousands of dollars, while newer issues may be more affordable. It's best to consult a price guide or comic book appraiser for an accurate valuation.
Who is going to be the villain in the Captain America movie?
Iron Man, Hulk, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Thor, Loki, Nick Furry, and Captain America
What Spain created in the Americas?
Spain brought cattle and sheep to America. They also brought steel, gunpowder, horses, dogs, the slavery*, Roman Catholicism, communicable diseases, and Spanish architecture. Not all of it was positive, but the Spanish influence on America is difficult to understate.
*There was slavery in the Americas prior to the Spanish arrival in the Americas, but the mass slave trade and regulatory apparatus that accompanied it was uniquely Spanish.
How many times has Captain America fought wolverine in actual comics?
so far i know they have fought twice one in a captain America comic and the other in a wolverine i don't know who won in caps comic but in wolverines, cap looked like the victorious one because he held wolverines sword what can kill him and he could of chopped his head off but choose not too and also he did something to his hands so wolverines claws couldn't come out. The captain America comic is called captain America annual 8 and wolverines one is called wolverine and deadpool but i don't know which issue
Are Steve rogers and Natasha romanolf married in Captain America the winter soldier?
No. Captain America has never married Black Widow.
Are Human Torch and Captain America the same person?
They were played by the same actor (Chris Evans), but they are different characters in the comics and movies.
Who is better Captain America or hawkeye?
It depends because Captain Falcon can't shoot lasers unless he picks up a ray gun. But Iron Man can't Falcon PAWNCH or Falcon Kick or use Blue Falcon. Plus Iron Man is part of MARVEL not Nintendo therefore he is not and probably will NEVER be in SSBB.
Who became famous for fighting in World War 2?
There wasn't only one hero in world war II, (it wasn't an action movie it was a war) there were many heros on both the axis and the allie powers Gunther Rough was a great pilot for the Germans, Doolittle was also a great pilot for the allies that's just an example of a few heros in WWII (although I would have to say presedent Roosevelt saved us by actually entering the war insted of not promesing he will stay out of the war. If we didnt enter the war at the time we did the Axis powers would have eventualy have conquered Great Brittan and the Soviet Union and would have left practicly just us to face Italy and Germany on the east coast and Japan on the west coast we would of course have had the help of Mexico and Canada and all of the South American countries but we would be in no condition to fight on two fronts)
Who is smarter Captain America or Thor?
They have the same amount of powers. While Captain America is really strong Thor controlls the lightning withh his hammer:) I <3 THE AVENGERS!
--Thor is by far stronger than Captain America. Being a God, Thor's base strength allows him to lift tons, he can lift anywhere north of 100 tons. Captain America is not considered to have Superhuman strength. The most weight he can lift is 800lbs. Regardless of tactical thinking Captain America would not be able to defeat Thor. Captain America has been defeated by the likes of Spider-Man and Iron Man who Thor has handled easily. Captain America isn't really that strong in terms of superheroes lol
What was the time period setting of Captain America?
Originally set in 1940's WWII of the allies across German filled Europe but as years (in reality) past, creators of Captain America comics sent him through different eras and universes
Was Bucky Barnes in the recent Captain America movie?
Bucky Barnes was in "Captain America: First Avenger". He will also be returning in the sequel "Captain America: The Winter Soldier".
Surprisingly not very much, at least not as much many other originals, like Superman. C.A. 1 is only worth as much a normal comic book would be.
Who played the Red Skull in the movie 'Captain America First Avenger'?
Hugo Weaving played the Red Skull.