Where is the fuel pump located on the 1985 Buick Riviera?
The fuel pump on a 1985 Buick Riviera is typically located inside the fuel tank. This design is common in many modern vehicles as it helps to keep the fuel pump cool and prevent it from overheating. Accessing and replacing the fuel pump in a 1985 Buick Riviera may require lowering the fuel tank or accessing it through an access panel in the trunk or under the rear seat.
To remove the left or right inside door panel on a 1990 Buick Riviera to replace car speakers, you will first need to locate and remove any screws or fasteners holding the panel in place, typically found around the edges and handle. Once the screws are removed, carefully pry the panel away from the door frame using a trim removal tool to avoid damaging the panel or clips. Disconnect any electrical connectors for power windows or locks before fully removing the panel.
What is a most common cause for rough idle?
The most common cause for rough idle is typically a faulty or dirty mass airflow sensor (MAF), which can affect the air/fuel mixture going into the engine. Other common causes include issues with the spark plugs, fuel injectors, or air intake system.
How do you change the harmonic balancer on a 1989 Buick Riviera?
The easiest way and the best way to prevent damage is to remove the tire, splash shield and accessory belts then remove the harmonic balancer bolt using the special holding tool DenLors 648796. The balancer or crank pulley will then slide off fairly easy, then reverse this procedure to install the replacement pulley.
Ok, regardless if you are working on the 1.5 or the 1.6 it's a pain in the you know what. The bolt is on very very tight and requires a special tool for ease that is made just for Honda harmonic balancers It holds the balancer in place while you turn the bolt use a large steel pipe or breaker bar with an IMPACT SHALLOW 6 point socket and break it loose. I've only seen a few impact wrench guns that could turn this over torqued bolt. Just DONT break the bolt.. You will be upset...$$$$$
You first need to lift the car off the ground like your changing the tire(get it on a cherry picker if you can for easier access). Take the tire off, loosen the tensioner on the alternator, and get the belt off. Take a 11/16"ths shallow 1/2" socket and a 14" or larger steel pipe for torque because this bolt is very very tight and can easily break your tool. There are a few impact guns to take it off.
According to my manual you can push a large screw driver in a hole near where the speedo cable connects to the gear box to lock the flywheel. I found I had to remove a small bolt to get the hole large enough to fit the screw driver in. A small piece of casing broke and it became very easy to lock the flywheel. The bolt came undone with a socket and a 30 in bar. I don't think the missing casing is going to make any difference.
How do you remove a radio from 91 Riviera?
you have to take off the front cover of dash witch means u will have to take off the cover under the lil over hang part and the screws from the sids of the dash and u will have to pull the climate control out witch is just a few screws near the rear of the c.c. and then there are i think 4 or 5 screws that hold the radio bracket in then one net on the rear of that bracket that holds the radio i give it a 3-10 on a difficulty scale but that is me i did mine in about 2.5 hours but i had to mod some parts cuz i bought the wrong ones
How do you remove a starter from a 1990 Buick Riviera?
In my '86 Park Ave. 3.8 the starter was just behind the bottom of the rad in the front of the car. In my case I could start the car from the starter but not the ignition then later found out it was not enough cranking power in the battery. Remember when lifting your car to change the starter block both back wheels, front-wheel drive will roll,try battery 1st but starter is not too difficult to change.
How do you remove a power antenna from a 1998 Buick Riviera?
If the antenna is stuck up, push it down as far as you can. Then pull back the carpet panel inside the trunk. Take off the wiring plug. You will need a flat screwdriver to push the tabs in on the connector to unplug it. Unbolt and unscrew the unit off of the bracket. Once it is loose, you can pull it through the rubber grommet on the car. If the antenna is too long to be able to pull the unit through into the trunk, just cut the antenna off. Your replacing it anyway.
Good luck!
How do you replace the drivers side low beam light bulb in the headlight of a 1995 buick?
This is easy, especially since I have the same car and have done this myself. After opening the hood, you must remove the lid to the air filter housing. To do this, loosen the hose clamp from the end of the air intake hose connected to the air box and remove the air intake hose. Then pull the plastic locking tabs inward and lift them from their slots. After lifting the tabs, slide the lid until the other end is free. Now that the lid is removed you shoujld have better access to the headlight bulb. First make sure your headlights are not on, unplug the socket from the bulb and twist the bulb until it is free to pull out. Once you have removed the old bulb replace it with the new one in the reverse order. Be sure not to touch the bulb with your bare skin or get it dirty. Headlight bulbs produce extreme heat and the oils from your skin will burn into the glass and cause the bulb to rupture in a matter of minutes. If you do touch the bulb by accident, wipe it off with rubbing alcohol and a lint free cloth to clean it.
What is the firing order for a Buick LeSabre 6 cylinder?
As you fail to mention year and engine size, I will assume it is a 3.8 V6. Firing order for the 3.8 is 1-6-5-4-3-2
Usually in the ign lock cylinder if you have the VATs type key with the resistor in the key. The wires attached to the key lock cylinder often break. If you have the "pass key" type without the little resistor chip then it is different. But it also usually involves removing the key lock cylinder.
Service engine soon light on a 1989 Buick Riviera?
A service engine soon light is a generic indication that something, somewhere is wrong with the car.
Many mechanics, service centers and auto parts stores will diagnose the problem for free. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Take your car to a repair shop and have them diagnosis the problem. If you read and paid attention to the first sentence it will save you money. Yes, some parts houses will tell you what the code is to sell you parts but that does NOT mean that is what is needed to repair the problem. It could be as simple as a vacuum leak. The price of the diagnostics is worth getting it right the first time.
What runs off the cigarette lighter fuse on a 1989 Riviera?
I don't know if this would help, but maybe. I just had the same problem on my 1996 Rivera. In my case, there are two main fuse boxes located under the back seat. On your model they may be located somewhere else. AT any rate, I replaced the 30 AMP fuse in one of the boxes and my cigarette lighter started working again. The funny thing is I went to ALLdata & subscribed for $25 per year, well worth it, to get the fuse layout & callouts. My situation was the pwr fuel cap actuator & the trunk release actuator, would not operate, so I couldn't put in gas or open the trunk, as this operated from the door handle console. Once I replaced this fuse, the situation was every thing worked including my cigarette light. Of all the callouts on the fuses, not one called out for "cigarette lighter" Gil Raker
Where is the fuel trim sensor on a 1995 Buick Riviera?
No such thing as a "fuel trim sensor". Where did you come up with that? Fuel trim is a computer adjustment based on O2, MAF, ECT, TPS and other sensors.