

Breaking Benjamin

Breaking Benjamin is an American rock band formed by vocalist Benjamin Burnley and drummer Jeremy Hummel.

183 Questions

Breaking Benjamin song crawl played in what movie?

The Breaking Benjamin song "Crawl" was featured in the 2004 action film "Hellboy." The song is played during a scene where the main characters are gearing up for battle, adding to the intensity and energy of the moment. The heavy rock sound of Breaking Benjamin's music complements the dark and gritty tone of the movie, enhancing the overall cinematic experience.

What kind of lung infection does Benjamin Burnley have?

Oh, dude, Benjamin Burnley from Breaking Benjamin has said he had bronchitis and laryngitis, which are like the annoying cousins of lung infections. So, like, it's not the most hardcore lung infection out there, but it's still a bummer when you're a singer. Just imagine trying to hit those high notes with a scratchy throat.

Does Benjamin burnley have phobias?

Benjamin Burnley has a known fear of flying, the reason why the band does not go outside the U.S.

He's also afraid of the dark, heights, driving, and many more.

these are just the phobias that he has released to the public.

What bands influenced Breaking Benjamin?

Ben credits mostly Nirvana, if you watch any interview about his influences he ALWAYS mentions Nirvana. Ben also credits bands like Korn and Tool as both personal influencers as well as being influential for the band.

Does breaking Benjamin have wife?

Mark James Klepaski is married, and Chad Szeliga is in a relationship Well Ben Burnley (the lead singer) has a girlfriend supposidly they've been dating for 3 years now

Is Benjamin burnleys accent british?

Ben is cute; I wouldn't say hot. Don't shoot me.

Did Benjamin Burnley's father die?

No, He's not dead He's working on the fourth album right now.

Is Benjamin Burnley Christian?

Ben is not married. Though he does have a long term live-in girlfriend whose name I won't disclose. They are very much in love and have 3 cats. They have no plans right now to get married. Sorry ladies (and some dudes) Ben is not available.

Who wrote the song 'Unknown Soldier' by Breaking Benjamin?

If you listen to the song then it should be obvious that the song is truly about an unknown slodier. Left behind to die. wounded in battle. Sad really. Good song. Benjamin Burnley has massive talent.

EDIT: Actually Breaking Benjamin have said that this song is simply artistic since their goal is to make songs which are that exaclty: ART. So it's left to inetrpretation

Answer: They actually made the song 4 halo 3.

What does the symbol of cross swords mean?

The cross swords represent military mightiness. If the cross swords pointing downward, it symbolizes resting. If the cross swords are pointing up, it symbolizes a time of war or conflict.

If you are reading tea leaves, crossed swords translate as "strategic action is require".

What is Benjamin Burnley's from Breaking Benjamin disease?

Yes, he does actually. He has chronic fatigue syndrome, and neurological problems due to years of heavy drinking. Which is why he has been sober for 3 years.

Is Benjamin Burnley an alcoholic?

Benjamin Burnley used to be an alcoholic, He admitted that a few of his songs were written while he was drunk, but he reported that he's sober.

"Burnley is a recovering alcoholic, admitting in an interview with that he wanted to "drink himself to death."[5] He says that he regrets ever drinking a drop of alcohol and is victim to Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome due to his past excessive drinking.[6] Dear Agony was reported to be the first ever Breaking Benjamin record to be written by Burnley without the aid of alcohol!" wikipedia.

What is Benjamin Burnley's fan mail address?

No official fan mail address is known at this time.

Which Breaking Benjamin song opens with a scream?

Lots of them! However, you likely mean "I Will Not Bow". Benjamin Burnley opens with screaming the word "fall".

What are the lyrics to 'I Will Not Bow' by Breaking Benjamin?

I take it as one who is under a lot of pressure, but is going to let nothing bring him/her down.

'All is lost again
But I'm not giving in

I will not bow
I will not break
I will shut the world away
I will not fall
I will not fade
I will take your breath away'

Trying to show those who put others down that they can survive.
In the song he is singing about how he has given up on the world as it has become evil and corrupted. He doesn't think there is any way to change this, and has given up on trying to change it. Even so he will not give into it, and would rather just be his own person, and shut the world away...

What is Breaking Benjamin's newest song called?

Breaking benjamin haven't actually released a new song in a while, but there newest songs in terms of production are all on the album "dear agony". In terms of release, however, there are 3 previously unreleased songs on the compilation DVD, "shallow bay". These songs are "better days", "lie to me" and "ladybug".

When was the band 'Breaking Benjamin' formed?

Breaking Benjamin was formed in 1998 by vocalist Benjamin Burnley and drummer Jeremy Hummel.

Does breaking Benjamin have any break up songs?

Yep! Check out the song "forever" on the saturate album :)

When will breaking benjamin's new album be released?

They have been working on the new album for several months now. I was on their website and i listened to a couple interviews....they said that it should be released sometime this summer. But remember, it was SUPPOSED to come out last year in september, god knows theyll change the date again.

The Album Dear Agony is coming out in stores September 29.

Is 'Breaking Benjamin' satanic?

Breaking Benjamin is not an unchristian band, however, they don't necessarily sing about God. A Christian band is classified as someone who sings for God. However, some, if not all of the members are indeed Christian.

Just because a band uses a curse word (in this case, f*ck) DOESN'T automatically mean they aren't Christian.

P.S. damn, hell, and bastard do not count as profanity.

Can you see a picture of Benjamin Burnley's tattoos?

he has a four leaf clover on his (right middle finger) i believe and on his left he has an optomis prime tattoo on his left middle finger. he also has the breaking Benjamin sign the one with the four b's on his rist i don't know of any others ;)

What are the best songs by Breaking Benjamin?

WikiAnswers Contributors give their opinions:
  • Forget It
  • Rain
  • Evil Angel
  • Diary of Jane
  • Blow Me Away
  • Water
  • I Will Not Bow
  • Dear Agony
  • Forever
  • Give Me a Sign
  • Breath
  • Sooner or Later
  • So Cold
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