



Knead it, roll it, pinch it, punch it, braid it, bake it, eat it... A subcategory devoted to one of the staple foods throughout the world.

3,139 Questions

Why did roman emperors give the poor bread and circuses?

Roman Emperors gave the poor bread and circuses as a way to strong arm the Senate, and the Merchant class. The Emperor could get things done two ways-- either he convinced the Senate to support him, or he got popular support from the plebeians that is, the ordinary folks just living in Rome. After all, nearly half the population were slaves of some sort, the rest were relatively poor freemen (and women) trying to make a living. Some few were merchants, and some few of those were wealthy. They had influence, but not really anything permanent. Land was wealth, in other words-- owning land was the only way to have a permanent way to keep being wealthy.

Why does this matter? Well... if the slaves are half the population, you don't really have enough soldiers to make the slaves do what you want. You can kill them, burn them individually, and what have you, but that only works for so long. Coercion is really a short term fix. After all, these slaves have to stick around, they have to be convinced not to steal from you, they have to think that there is something in it for them. All of these things did happen, but it did not really help their cause in many ways-- even from a selfish point of view.

The Senate was run mostly by Patrician families-- this means basically super-rich farmers who provided the raw materials for civilization. The other part, poor free men and the Merchants who made up the nascent middle class. Otherwise you either worked for the Patricians, or made things out of what the merchants sold you and sold them in the cities. They could influence their friends in the Senate, but really, all they had was money and nice digs. They tended to be looked down on.

SO... if the Emperor wanted to get his way with the Patricians (who hired the slaves in their farms) AND the Merchants and makers (who all lived in urban areas where they could sell stuff) and he wanted to air his displeasure-- all he had to do was to get the plebes to revolt. That is, shut down the hippodrome (horse races go bye bye), close the Colosseum (no more gladiators fighting three times a day), or say, "There's no more bread today. Blame the senate, I love the people, and I'd do anything for you."

Contrary what we think of the life of a slave, they actually did get time off in ancient times. SO they did spend a certain amount of time, just hanging out-- to watch the circuses. So it had the same effect as TV does today. (Say to a todler "No TV time!" and see if I'm right!)

On top of this, if they were worried about what was going on in the circus, they would spend less time complaining about how their masters were treating them. Also, they did not get paid that much, so they were hungry a lot, and there were a lot of unemployed towards the end of the Roman Empire.

So free bread, as you can imagine, would have been a big sell for an Emperor. Because the only way to provide security was preventing your own people from deciding they could get a better deal hunting in the woods or doing something else elsewhere-- since the Roman Empire was quite large. If someone sneaks away, you can only send soldiers after him.

So this free bread and circuses basically kept the inner city poor Romans happy, so he did not burn down the Senate, or cause the Emperor's friends (The Patricians) trouble-- unless he wanted them to.

There may have been some few emperors who truly felt sorry for the masses-- but, I doubt it. Compassion for those beneath your station was a Christian virtue, not a pagan one.

Why did the rebels decided to put the Mockingjay symbol on wafer bread?

In Suzanne Collins' "The Hunger Games" trilogy, the rebels chose to use the Mockingjay symbol on wafer bread because it was a subtle yet powerful way to spread their message of resistance and unity. The symbol of the Mockingjay represented defiance against the oppressive Capitol and served as a rallying point for the rebels. By incorporating it into something as commonplace as wafer bread, they were able to subtly communicate their message to a wider audience without drawing too much attention to themselves.

What are the benefits of using a wood dough proofing box for bread making?

Using a wood dough proofing box for bread making provides benefits such as maintaining consistent temperature and humidity levels, allowing the dough to rise properly, enhancing the flavor and texture of the bread, and reducing the risk of over-proofing.

How much is a loaf of a bread in 2015?

The cost of a loaf of bread in 2015 varied depending on the brand, location, and type of bread. On average, a standard loaf of bread cost around $2 to $4 in the United States in 2015. Specialty or artisanal bread could cost more, while store-brand or discounted bread may have been cheaper. It's important to note that prices may have fluctuated throughout the year due to factors such as inflation and supply chain disruptions.

What are the positive and negative human impacts on a savanna?

Positive human impacts on a savanna may include sustainable agriculture practices that support local communities and biodiversity conservation efforts that protect the ecosystem. However, negative impacts can arise from deforestation for agricultural expansion, leading to habitat loss and fragmentation, as well as overgrazing by livestock, which can degrade the soil and reduce vegetation cover. It is crucial to balance human activities with the conservation of savanna ecosystems to ensure their long-term sustainability.

Where in the bible does it say that you will need a bag of gold to buy a loaf of bread?

The phrase is not in the Bible, but was taken from Revelation 6:6 where it basically says a day's wages will be required for enough wheat to make a loaf of bread. The phrase itself is commonly quoted as from the Bible but actually came from the 1969 song "I wish we'd all been ready" by Larry Norman (later re-done by DC Talk)

Which food would enzymes work more rapidly A slice of bread or an equal mass of bread crumbs?

Well, isn't that just a happy little question? Enzymes would work more rapidly on bread crumbs because they have a larger surface area compared to a slice of bread. This allows the enzymes to break down the food more efficiently, like a gentle breeze through the trees.

How much is 300 grams of bread?

Oh, dude, 300 grams of bread is, like, around 10.5 ounces. So, if you're planning a bread-eating contest or something, you might want to know that. But hey, who's counting when you're enjoying a delicious sandwich, am I right?

Whatever happened to the brand name Kilpatrick's bread?

After looking at the link below, I found out that Sara Lee bought out the buns and rolls, but no longer carry it. The telephone number on this website is invalid so I had to go on the Sara Lee website and call customer service. I am still looking to see when Kilpatrick's went out of business.

What was bambi bread that came out in the 1930s?

Oh, dude, Bambi Bread was a brand of bread that was popular back in the 1930s. It was named after the Disney character Bambi because, you know, branding. People probably ate it with butter or made sandwiches or something. But like, who really cares about bread from the '30s, am I right?

Can a person get drunk from yeast fermenting in bread dough?

Well, honey, technically speaking, the yeast in bread dough produces alcohol as a byproduct of fermentation. However, the amount of alcohol produced is minuscule and would be practically impossible for a person to get drunk from eating bread. So, if you're looking to catch a buzz, I suggest sticking to a good ol' fashioned drink instead of trying to get wasted on carbs.

What is preservative 202?

Preservative 202, also known as potassium sorbate, is a food additive commonly used to inhibit the growth of mold, yeast, and bacteria in various food products. It is a salt derived from sorbic acid, a natural compound found in some berries. Preservative 202 is considered safe for consumption in small quantities and is approved for use in many countries worldwide.

Does bread contain starch give reason for your answer?

Yes, bread contains starch. Starch is a complex carbohydrate found in grains like wheat, which is a primary ingredient in bread. During the baking process, the starch in the flour undergoes gelatinization, contributing to the texture and structure of the bread. Therefore, bread does contain starch as a fundamental component.

How many crackers equal 1 slice of bread?

The number of crackers that equal 1 slice of bread can vary depending on the size and thickness of the crackers and the bread. On average, a slice of bread is roughly equivalent to 3-4 saltine crackers or 2-3 graham crackers. It's important to note that this is just an approximation and may not be exact due to variations in size and density between different types of crackers and bread.

What is the morsel of bread called starting with c?

Well, darling, that delightful little piece of bread is called a "crumb." It's the tiny leftover bit that always seems to end up on your shirt no matter how hard you try to keep it off. So next time you find one on your lap, just remember it's called a crumb, not a cursed breadcrumb.

Is granola bread?

Oh honey, granola is a crunchy mix of oats, nuts, and sometimes dried fruit. It's not a loaf of bread, it's more like a fancy cereal that thinks it's better than the rest. So, no, granola is definitely not bread, but it sure does like to pretend it's something special.

What is the price of a loaf of bread in 1967?

The price of a loaf of bread in 1967 varied depending on the location and brand, but on average, it was around 22 cents. However, this price could fluctuate due to factors such as inflation, supply and demand, and production costs. It's important to note that historical prices may not directly translate to today's value due to changes in the economy and consumer habits.

What is the connotative meaning of bread?

To spread., An article of food made from flour or meal by moistening, kneading, and baking., Food; sustenance; support of life, in general., To cover with bread crumbs, preparatory to cooking; as, breaded cutlets.

Will yeast rise in artificial sweeteners?

Well, honey, yeast doesn't give a darn whether it's in sugar or artificial sweeteners - it's gonna rise either way. Yeast feeds on the sugars in the sweetener to produce carbon dioxide, which makes your dough all fluffy and light. So go ahead and use that fake sugar, your yeast won't know the difference!

What does a pound of rye bread do on a holiday?

A pound of rye bread does not have the capacity for actions or intentions, as it is an inanimate object. It is made up of organic compounds such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fibers that provide nourishment when consumed. On a holiday, rye bread may be used in various culinary preparations or enjoyed as part of a festive meal.

If you are the author of bread of salt would you end the story similarly?

As the author of "The Bread of Salt," I would consider various factors in determining the ending of the story. I would analyze the themes, character development, and narrative structure to decide if the current ending aligns with my intentions. If I felt the ending needed adjustment, I might explore alternative resolutions that better serve the story's purpose and impact on the reader. Ultimately, the decision would depend on my artistic vision and the desired effect on the audience.

Will you get sick if you ate some banana nut bread that had mold on it?

Well, hello there, friend. It's important to remember that mold on food can make you sick, so it's best to avoid eating anything with mold on it, even if it's on something as delicious as banana nut bread. Your health is important, so let's focus on finding some fresh, mold-free treats to enjoy instead. Happy little snacks make for happy little tummies.

How many tablespoons are there in 40 grams?

There are approximately 2.7 tablespoons in 40 grams. To convert grams to tablespoons, you need to consider the density of the substance. Since grams are a unit of mass and tablespoons are a unit of volume, the conversion may vary depending on the density of the ingredient. It's always best to consult a conversion chart or use a kitchen scale for accuracy.