Well, honey, in the summer months, you can expect to find those lazy catfish hanging out in the hypolimnion, where the water is cooler and more stable. Meanwhile, those energetic trout would be swimming around in the epilimnion, enjoying the warmer waters near the surface. So, if you're looking for a chill time, head down deep for the catfish, but if you're up for some action, stick to the top for the trout.
What is a beta fish's odds in a fight versus two pirahna?
Oh, dude, a betta fish against two piranhas? It's like sending a toddler to take on two MMA fighters. The betta fish would be a quick snack for those hungry piranhas. So, the odds? Let's just say they're not in the betta fish's favor.
What kind of name brands of bottled water can use on your betta fish?
Any brand of bottled water that is free of chlorine and other harmful chemicals can be used for your betta fish. Just make sure to condition the water properly before adding it to your betta's tank. And remember, your fish won't care if it's fancy designer water or the cheap stuff - as long as it's clean and safe, they'll be happy.
Is the sturgeon fish a lobe finned fish?
Oh, dude, you're like so close but not quite there. The sturgeon fish is actually a cartilaginous fish, not a lobe-finned fish. So, like, they're kind of distant cousins in the fish family tree, but not quite the same. Keep swimming in that sea of knowledge, my friend!
Oh, what a beautiful journey you're on! Remember, life is like a big canvas, and you and your boyfriend are painting your story together. With love, communication, and support for each other, you can create a happy and fulfilling life for your growing family. Embrace the challenges as opportunities to grow closer and stronger together.
How will feeding fish with fish food affect the survival of the fish?
Well to me it means a lot because the fish are a bit like us. They need food to stay nice a healthy and if you do not feed the fish for a long time it will starve to death :(
Do betta fish really eat other fish?
Oh, dude, betta fish can be pretty territorial and aggressive, especially the males. They might snack on some smaller fish if they get the chance, but it's not like they're swimming around looking for a seafood buffet. Just make sure you don't throw a bunch of fish together and hope for the best. Like, that's just asking for trouble, man.
Can axolotol fish live in the same tank as other fish?
Oh, dude, it's "axolotl," not "axolotol fish." And no, they shouldn't live with other fish because they might mistake them for a snack. Axolotls are like that one friend who always eats your leftovers without asking - not great tank mates. So, keep them solo or with their own kind for a drama-free aquatic life.
How many times a day do you feed a betta fish betta food?
once every day or 2, and just a small pinch
Siamese fighting fish? The pet store where you bought your betta will have food as well, probably freeze-dried blood worms. Feed your Siamese fighting fish two or three times a day, only what he will eat in a few minutes. Overfeeding will make the water cloud faster, and your betta will be more likely to get ill.
Oh btw, you should keep them in separate fish bowls. They're called "fighting fish" for a reason. They are highly territorial animals and will react violently if two are placed in the same container. You can see the preliminary phase of their fighting, the threat display, if you put a mirror up against the bowl. Notice the raised gill covers, which makes the betta look bigger. IF THEY FIGHT THEY FIGHT TO THE DEATH SO BE VERY CAREFUL U CAN LET THEM FIGHT IF U STAND THERE WITH A NET AND BREAK T UP AFTER A LITTLE WHILSE AND PUT EM IN THERE OWN SEPERATE BOWLS OR GET A DOUBLE TANK
Is it posable for a betta to swim to the bottom of a tank and stay there?
Oh, dude, anything is possible in the fish world. Like, bettas are known to be pretty chill fish, so if one decides it wants to hang out at the bottom of the tank for a bit, who are we to stop it? As long as it's not doing the fish equivalent of binge-watching Netflix down there, I'd say let it do its thing.
Is it okay if you boil water before putting it in your betta's bowl?
Yes, it's recommended to boil water before adding it to your betta's bowl to remove impurities and make it safe for your fish. Allow the water to cool down to room temperature before adding it to the bowl to avoid shocking your betta.
What is the coolest looking fish you know of?
The Mandarin fish, also known as the mandarinfish or psychedelic fish, is often considered one of the coolest looking fish due to its vibrant and intricate coloration. With its kaleidoscopic patterns and vivid hues, it is a popular choice among saltwater aquarium enthusiasts.
Where can you purchase 1oz empty shaped bottles?
You can purchase 1oz empty shaped bottles from online retailers like Amazon, specialty packaging stores, or craft stores. You may also find them at beauty supply stores or wholesale packaging suppliers.
What happens when you put a soda can with boiling water into a bowl full of room temp water?
The sudden change in temperature can cause the can to implode. As the can cools rapidly, the air inside contracts, creating a vacuum that crushes the can. This happens because the air pressure outside the can is greater than the pressure inside the can.
What is the biggest betta fish recorded?
The largest recorded betta fish was around 3.5 inches long. Betta fish typically range from 2.5 to 3 inches in size.
A fully aquatic, non-carnivorous frog that can coexist with livebearing neon tetras and Siamese fighting fish is the African dwarf frog (Hymenochirus boettgeri). These frogs are peaceful and have a small enough size to not pose a threat to the fish. It is important to ensure the tank is well-maintained with appropriate hiding spots and nooks for the frogs to rest.
Tap water is water that comes directly from a municipal water source and is treated to make it safe for human consumption. It is typically supplied through a network of pipes to homes and businesses for various uses such as drinking, cooking, and bathing.
Do Betta fish eat feeder fish?
Betta fish can eat feeder fish, but it is not recommended as feeder fish may carry diseases that can harm the Betta. It is better to provide a varied diet of high-quality Betta pellets or live/frozen food specifically made for Betta fish.
Can you use real seashells in a betta bowl?
It is not recommended to use real seashells in a betta bowl as they can alter the water chemistry and potentially harm the betta. Instead, opt for decorations made specifically for aquarium use to ensure the safety of your betta fish.
What causes a person to be born a male or a female?
uh, a few seconds on Google is all that you needed.