

Avril Lavigne

Avril Lavigne is a Canadian singer-songwriter who released her debut album in 2002.

534 Questions

Does wiz khalifa write his own songs?

wiz khalifa has over 400 songs total. this includes not published and published songs.

Is Avril Lavigne planning to have children?

No, Avril Lavigne doesn't have a child.

Once she did played a joke on the paparazi though:

Once Avril had a little floated belly, and everybody though that she was pregnant. So then she put on lots of T-shirts, and visited baby shops on purpose with friends, but never said that she was pregnant. So, then everywhere everybody though that she was pregnant, though she never said it once.

"So, let this be a lesson; Don't believe anything you haven't heard for youself." Avril says.

(Give in on You Tube, ">Avril's Joke (so funny)< " and you will see it! ;)

Has Avril lavigne ever broken any bones?

In twilight saga breaking dawn she did break her ribs if that is what you are looking for but if you are looking for in real life the answer is there are no known records of Kristen breaking her ribs.

Do you have to be 18 to go to Avril lavigne concert?

There is profanity in the live concerts of the band My Chemical Romance. It is against the law in many areas to expose a minor to profanity, especially of the level My Chemical Romance uses in their concerts.

Note: The live shows are pretty good.

David desrosiers lover Avril lavigne?

he used to love her i mean look at the videos of 2003 they give proof i love him but not as much as Avril did

Is Avril Lavigne in a video game?

yes appears is in the "The Sims" expanson pack "Superstar".

Who is more younger from Avril lavinge and Taylor swift?

This question requires an opinion. Mine would be Harry Styles(:

Did Avril Lavigne quit singing?

No, she is currently (early 2013) working on her fifth studio album.

Does Avril lavigne believe'n Jesus?

'I was born Roman Catholic but I lost faith when the Pope decided to tell me everything I loved and believed in was wrong,' said Grande, who added she started losing her faith when the Vatican apparently started criticising her favourite cartoons.

'[The church] said Spongebob Squarepants is gay and he's a sinner and he should burn in hell. And Harry Potter was a sin. And working women. I was like "Enough! First the gays, then Spongebob and now Harry Potter? Get out my house!" I was not having it. And the working woman thing? It was a moment for me. I needed something else to believe in,' she ranted.

she now believes in Kabbalah

What Career Challenges has Avril Lavigne Faced?

I think...Nothing!they are all PERFECT at her career.

When did Avril Lavigne divorce Deryck Whibley?


While Avril was busy touring the world Derek was caught sitting at a private table with a brunette holding hands and hugging. They're relationship was getting worse because of Derek's cheating and in the end they divorced after a two year marriage.
First off its spelled Avril not Averil! Avril LAvigne is divorced because hello celeb relationships dont last long!!! She was married to Deryck Whibley but they divorced. I feel totally BAD for her. I love her! My fav song by her is Innocence.

What did Dr Avril siung chung study?

she study at the University of the West Indies

Who has Avril lavigne dated?

A guy named Jesse who used to be in her band. Dereyk Whibley and Brody Jenner is her most recent as of 2011

Who is Avril lavignes roll model?

Everyone is her romodel Everyone is her romodel Everyone is her romodel

Who is the better singer Rihanna or Avril lavigne?

Well I'm my opinion,AVRIL is better.she has awsome music,better style,and used to be tomboy. Rihanna is good,but not as good as avril.

Is Avril Lavigne Avril Lavigne's real name?

Avril Ramona lavigne is her birth name. Avril Ramona Lavigne was born in Napanee, Ontario, to parents Judy and John on September 27th, 1984. She was the middle child. She has a brother names Matthew who's 19 years old and a younger sister Michelle, 14

What is Avril Lavigne's favorite type of movie?

Avril lavigne loves all the songs she sang but her fav one is complicated on her first album...

Wtf complicated was like her least favourite song she sang , well her favourite from her first album is losing grip and from her second album its together and from her third i think it might be innocence but she loves most of the songs she sang cause they have a special meaning to her because she writes them about personal experiences

Has Avril Lavigne converted to Kabbalah?

She wears a red string and some of her tattoos have Kabbalist significance. However, real Kabbalah is the advanced study of Tanach (Jewish Bible) and is not a religion that one can convert to. If she is involved with the 'Kabbalah' that so many celebrities are involved with, she belongs to a new-age cult that has nothing to do with the real thing. Additionally, tattoos are forbidden according to the Torah so there is no such thing as a "Kabbalist tattoo".

Is there a abbey dawn in the Philippines?

Abbey Dawn is available on the official and ships worldwide. See the link on 'related links' below.

Why did Avril lavigne write the song Skater Boy?

She writes her songs on personal experiences, therefore she wrote the song "Sk8er Boi" on a personal experience.. It's about a guy and girl that like each other, but the girl doesn't want to admit she likes him because of what everybody else thinks of him. And then that boy becomes famous, and the girl's mates go to his concert, and the girl isn't afraid to say she's into him anymore. But ofcourse, it's too late and that guy has somebody else <--That's my interpretation anyway.. So if Avril writes about things that have happened or her emotions, I'm guessing something like that happened to her before.. Tbh, I think that song is a lot more sad than it lets on.. If you really listen to the words, you'll realise they aren't as happy as the rhythm is..

Its also about rob dyrdek

Avril Lavigne's mobile number?

The personal cell phone and home phone numbers of celebrities,singers, bands, actors, and models are not made available to the general public for privacy and safety concerns.

What is Avril Lavigne's house address?

We are sorry for your inconvenience, but we can not give AVRIL LAVIGNE'S official e-mail for the mean time. Her family and close friends know it. Please accept it because we respect her family, herself, work, and of course privacy. Sorry.... This is the only way to stop the invasion of PRIVACY for the LAVIGNE family. I hope you understand.