Where did the expression I'll be John Brown originate?
The expression "I'll be John Brown" is believed to have originated in the United States in the mid-19th century. It is thought to refer to the abolitionist John Brown, who was known for his militant efforts to end slavery. The phrase is used to express surprise, emphasis, or determination, much like saying "I'll be darned" or "I'll be damned."
Why did Alfred deakin support federation?
Well, honey, Alfred Deakin supported federation because he wanted to unite the Australian colonies into one nation to create a stronger economy and better defense against external threats. Plus, he was all about that national pride and wanted to show the world that Australia could stand on its own two feet. So, in a nutshell, he was all about that "united we stand, divided we fall" kind of vibe.
What was Edmund Barton's favorite food?
Oh, dude, Edmund Barton's favorite food? Like, who even knows that? I mean, he was the first Prime Minister of Australia, not a food critic. But if I had to guess, maybe he was into some classic Aussie meat pies or Vegemite on toast. Who knows, maybe he was a secret fan of fairy bread or Tim Tams.
What cant a prime minister do?
He can't dissolve Parliament. (The monarch does that)
He can't order the Army on to the street, or kick out parliament. (It is the Monarch's army, not the Prime Ministers).
He cannot tell the judiciary how to make their judgements. (Biased decisions. It is the Monarch's Judiciary))
Which ever party he berlongs to, he//she is subject to the party's 'whip'. So he has to follow the party line.
He has to defer to 'Mr. Speaker', when in the House of Commons. (Mr. Speaker is the 'Boss' in the House of Commons).
Shall I go on!!!!
I think that's enough for now!!!!
How did Edmund barton help Australian Democracy?
Edmund Barton played a significant role in the development of Australian democracy by leading the movement for federation and becoming the country's first Prime Minister in 1901. As a key figure in the drafting of the Australian Constitution, Barton helped establish the framework for the federal system of government and the division of powers between the Commonwealth and the states. His leadership and legal expertise were instrumental in shaping the democratic institutions and processes that continue to govern Australia to this day.
What is Harold Holt's favorite colour?
Well, honey, Harold Holt might be a mystery man, but if I had to take a wild guess, I'd say his favorite color is probably blue. I mean, he did disappear into the ocean like a true drama queen, so I bet he's all about that deep, mysterious hue. But hey, who really knows? Maybe he's up in color heaven having a laugh about this question right now.
What awards did Robert Hooke win?
Robert Hooke is known for his contributions as a natural philosopher, architect, and polymath, but there is no definitive record of him winning any major awards during his lifetime. His work often went unrecognized in his era, with his most famous achievement being his microscope observations and the publication of "Micrographia" in 1665.
Who is Holt McCallany's girlfriend?
Holt McCallany's long time spouse / significant other is the American artist and film actress Nicole Wilson. They have been dating since 2006 when they met filming an episode of Law & Order:Criminal Intent. The couple is reported to be married.
Where did Holt McCallany meet his girlfriend Nicole Wilson?
He and Nicole have been together forever, decades... From following his socials I learned he's a huge cheater and jerk . Had a sloppy affair with wannabe actress Caylee Cowan who was 18 and now he's cheating with a fan girl called Desiree
Was howard hughes wealthier than john Rockefeller?
BY far with ONE trillion every ten years in patent royuitys at HHMI stolen away by FRATTY RATTTY /SS
Is there a minimum age at which you can be the prime minister of Australia?
There is no set minimum age at which a person can be elected Prime Minister of Australia, as long as that person is old enough to be enrolled as a voter.
Australia's youngest Prime Minister was Chris Watson, who was just 37 years and 18 days old when elected to office in 1904.
What are the special achievements of Charles Joseph Clark?
Charles Joseph Clark, also known as Joe Clark, served as the 16th Prime Minister of Canada from 1979 to 1980. His special achievements include being the youngest person to hold the office of Prime Minister in Canada at the age of 39, and being the first Conservative leader to win an election in nearly 20 years. Clark also played a significant role in promoting bilingualism and multiculturalism in Canada.
How long was Alfred Deacon in prime minister?
Alfred Deakin was the prime minister of Australia three times. He was prime minister from the 5th of September 1903 until the 27th of April 1904. So he was prime minister for 216 days in his first term. He was prime minister from the 5th of July 1905 until the 13th of November 1908. So he was prime minister for 1227 days in his second term. He was prime minister from the 2nd of June 1909 until the 29th of April 1910. So he was prime minister for 331 days in his third term. In total he was prime minister for 1774 days. That is almost 5 years in total.
Is Sir Edmund Barton on an Australian banknote?
Australia puts famous or historically significant Australian identities on its banknotes.
The current polymer Australian Ten Dollar note has Andrew Barton (Banjo) Patterson (balladist & journalist) on the front and Dame Mary Gilmore (poet & human rights campaigner) on the back.
Banjo Paterson wrote some of Australia's best known poems including "Waltzing Matilda", "The Man From Snowy River" and "Clancy of the Overflow".
He was a war correspondent during the Boer War and others, an ambulance driver during WW1 and later served as an officer in the front lines in France where he was wounded.
NO. He is an assistant athletic director at Ohio State. My wife's friend ended up sitting next to him on a plane about 4 years ago.
How did surfing come to Australia?
In the Australian summer of 1915, Hawaiian Duke Kahanamoku demonstrated surfing at Freshwater Beach, New South Wales (Australia).
Whilst staying at Freshwater Beach, Duke made a solid board made from local timbers - introducing to Australia the craft of the ancient Hawaiian kings - surfboard riding.
answeractually the aborigines used surf boards long before the white man ever went to Australia so please don't try to tell the world that surfing is another American inventionWho is the Minister for Veterans Affairs for Australia?
Michael John Clyde Ronaldson is the Minister for Veterans Affairs for Australia.
What is the Australian government?
The Australian Government is the party within the Lower House of Parliament with the majority of seats held. The government that holds the most seats nation wide becomes the 'Government of the day'. This, however, does not mean that they can pass what ever legislation they wish as they must also hold majority seats in the senate also (which is not usually the case). For Example - The Rudd government (although not very compitent) was elected they were The Government whilst Brendan Nelson at the time was the opposition leader.
The elected governmnet will have a cabinet made up of ministers that may be form the House of Representatives, or the Senate.
Who is the opposition leader for Nsw?
The current (2011) Federal Opposition leader in Australia is Tony Abbott. Abbott became the Federal Opposition leader on 1 December 2009.
In parliamentary democracies the leader of the opposition is the leader of the largest parliamentary party not in the government. Their job is to shadow the Prime Minister or Premier and hold the government to account.
Former Australian Prime Minister, John Howard, has not yet died.