What kind of accent did Amy Winehouse have?
Amy Winehouse had a distinctive London accent known as Estuary English, which is a mix of Received Pronunciation (RP) and Cockney accents. This accent is commonly associated with the southeastern regions of England, particularly London and the surrounding areas. Winehouse's accent contributed to her unique vocal style and helped to distinguish her as a singer.
What instruments are used in amy winehouse song valerie?
Ah, "Valerie" by Amy Winehouse is such a beautiful song. In this piece, you can hear a wonderful mix of instruments like the guitar, drums, piano, and saxophone. Each instrument adds its own special touch to create a harmonious and soulful sound that truly captures the essence of the song.
How many songs did Amy Winehouse write?
Amy Winehouse has made two albums. The first was called Frank and the second Back to Black.
What did Amy Winehouse like to do?
Amy Winehouse never ate anything that much. She just did drugs with Blake Fielder. Amy had a wonderful jazzy voice. I'll miss her. She is gone but her beautiful voice isn't and will never be. May she Rest In Peace with God. ;-)
Who is Amy winehouses god daughter?
The name of Amy Wine-house's niece also Goddaughter is Dionne Broomfield.
How do you describe amy winehouse?
Amy Winehouse was a famous singer who won plenty of awards for her intellegent singing! She had black hair and always used to wear a bee hive on her head if you know what that is. She wore iconic makeup, expressive, elegant clothing and appeared on many headlines which gave her a bad name when actually, she didnt ask for accaptance, especially not from press, she did her own thing that made her happy, many people do what she did e.g Drinking and drug taking, accept, she had papparazzi stalking 24/7, but was she a bad person? did she really do anything offensive to you or me? No, she delivered great music and was rightly awarded, she even did some cloth modelling for Ralph Lauren, so you judgemental, know it-all's tell me how she is a bad influence please.
Sadly on the 23rd of July 2011 she passed away from consitant use of alchohol over the years and it finally took its toll. this was origionally someone elses answer but mines about a year longer and frankly, more justified. GET EDUCATED IF YOU WANNA MAKE A DEAD LEDGEND PROUD TO HAVE LIVED. sick ****'s.
Does Lady Gaga look like Amy Winehouse?
Yes she does when she has black hair. Go to Google images and type in lady gaga with black hair and there you go.
Why did Amy winehouse make back to black?
Quoting Amy "Back To Black is when you've finished a relationship and you go back to what's comfortable for you. My ex went back to his girlfriend and I went back to drinking and dark times."
Source: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/sftw/article68760.ece
Who sang Valerie first the Zootons or Amy Winehouse?
The first artist(s) to create the song and later release it is The Zutons, a band from Liverpool.
It can be found on their second album "Tired of Hanging Around"
Please people GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT! Check soundcloud or do a google search for Valerie reggae version. This version was made in the 60's so it's impossible that the zutons made this! Also Steve Winwoods Valerie IS NOT the same song but it was sampled by Eric Prydz in his song Call On Me. Also this reggae version also shows where the vocal style has come from.
No... Only because of her Jewish religion Amy Winehouse did not have an open casket as her grandmother did not as well whom her ashes were hurried next to. They were both cremated directly after the funeral at the same crematorium and hurried. There are photos posted of her green urn held by her bodyguards before the burrial and pics of her tombstone. I am her #1 American fan and miss her dearly and will always love her. Her death was the most difficult "celebrity" death for me ever.
Her Mother is Jewish, and because Jewish heritage is traced through the mother, yes.
How did Amy Winehouse start doing drugs?
According to her father, it was not until she met Blake Fielder-Civil. He blamed him for all the trouble.
Has Amy Winehouse ever gone to rehab?
No. There was no rehab in those days. Uppers and downers were par for the entertainer industry course. You had to get up at 4:00 am to get to the studio early to take advantage of shooting in sunlight. You had to go to bed really early too, thus the barbituates. Barbituates were not known to be habit forming then. No one thought any thing about it until Alan Ladd died from barbituates and alcohol in late sixties. My grandmother used to take dexies to lose weight. Commonly available. Handed out over doctor's counters in office. Once saw a diet doctor in Sherman Oaks who had drawers full of different colored dexies in huge pound bags. Rich people put their teen-age daughters on them regularly. No one knew. People close to Monroe tried to get her to cut back put she would not. She always had trouble sleeping, probably caused by the dexies. She was also surrounded by enablers and other users who DiMaggio banned from attending her funeral.
The beautiful voiced singer sung a lot of songs! She had two albums, Frank and Back To Black, and the most famous are probably
You Know I'm No Good
Tears Dry On Their Own
Me And Mr Jones
Amy Amy Amy
Back To Black
Valerie (Cover with Mark Ronson)
Body And Soul (with Tony Bennett)
Love Is A Losing Game
And lots more! Rest in peace, Amy.
How many awards has Amy winehouse won?
Los Premios MTV Latinoamérica - Premio Fashionista 2009 - Won
Los Premios MTV Latinoamérica - Premio Fashionista 2008 - Nominated
Shockwaves NME Awards 2009 - Sexiest Female - Won
Kerrang Readers' Poll 2009 - Sexiest Female - Won
Kerrang Readers' Poll 2008 - Sexiest Female - Won
Kerrang Readers' Poll 2007 - Sexiest Female - Nominated