How many no 1 has Alexandra Burke had?
She has been nominated for 3 Brit Awards and 1 MOBO award but hasn't won any.
Is hallelujah Alexandra Burke minor or major key?
The song starts in the Key of F and modulates to the Key of G (at about 2:05).
Who were the runners up when Alexandra Burke won The X Factor?
JLS came second (2008)
Alexandra Burke won
Eoghan Quigg came third after JLS and Alexandra Burke
How many votes did Alexandra Burke have in the finale?
Over 8 million votes were cast altogether and she received a 58% majority.
What is Alexandra burkes dad called?
Alex father, is dead she was raised by her Grand father, he died in 2005. So Alex father isn't even alive.
Does Alexandra Burke have any brothers or sisters?
well of course she has siblings cause shes only 21 so her mom and dad's still alive...
she has a boyfriend no kids
and so hot bros except 1 of them called harry who's just yuck yuck yuck
Why do people call Justin bieber a girl?
Most people call Justin bieber a girl bacause he sounds like a girl in his music, most people think he has not gone through puberty yet and that's why this is. But me as a fan of Justin bieber i think he does not sound like a girl and that he is a good singer for somone of his age. Xx
How many singles has Alexandra Burke sold?
She has had 5 top 10 singles:
- Hallelujah
- Bad Boys
- Broken Heels
- All Night Long
- Start Without You
What is the meaning of the lyrics of 'Alleluia' sung by Alexandra Burke?
I will try to explain the words of 'Alleluia', sung by Alexandra Burke. The first verse is about how King David wrote music to the word "Alleluia" or "Hallelu-jah". (It has several spellings). King David was the first King of the Jewish people and he was a renowned musician. His story is in the Old Testament of the Christian Bible as well as in the Koran, and in the Jewish scriptures. The first verse describes how the chords were composed by David, moving from one chord to another e.g. "Major lift" and what power the music gave to the words Alleliu-yah Allelu-jah (or-yah for the Lord or God) means Praise the Lord. Also it is an expression of joy. The song goes on to describe how David went up to the roof of his palace one lovely moonlit evening, and saw Bathsheba bathing on her roof. Bathsheba was the wife of someone else, but David was tempted by her beauty, and with her, committed adultery (therefore breaking one of God's commandments). Despite all that God had given, including the throne and rulership over the Israelites and all their land and people and great riches, David fell into temptation. So he was ruined by symbolically being tied to a kitchen chair (very humble in comparison to a throne) and having his hair cut symbolising that this breaking of the commandment had also taken his power and strength (eg. the story of Samson and Delilah.) This was not all he did. Bathsheba's husband was Uriah the Hitite a prominent soldier and Uriah would not have relations with his wife, as it was the custom to be celibate when going to battle. David hoped that if Uriah slept with his wife, it would cover up the pregnancy. Uriah however was sent into battle, and King David deliberately put him in the front line of the battle to be killed. David knew that what he had done was wrong, but he had not acknowledged this until after Bathsheba became pregnant, when the truth could not be hidden any more. He was guilty now, of adultery and murder. David however, married Bathsheba, but the baby became ill and died, despite the prayers of David, who mourned the death of the child. However, Bathsheba later gave birth to the famous successor of David, King Solomon. The singer of this song, is asking us not to call "Halleluia" blasphemous. that these words, Halleliu-yah, are not unholy. When David said "Halleliu-yah" when his crime and adultery was discovered. i.e. "Praise the Lord" it was felt to be a "broken" alleluia. An Alleluiah of contrition. Psalm 51 is said to be the composition David wrote when Nathan the Prophet castigated him for the crimes he had committed. Alexandra sings particularly at the ending of the song both the "broken" alleluia, (softly and with anguish) followed by the joyous alleluia. She acknowledges that alleluia can be sung at times of grief inner turmoil and as a recognition of one's own wrong doing, and at times of great happiness, joy and of nice surprises. It is healing and redemptive. The story of David and Bathsheba can be found in Samuel Chapters 11 and 12 of the Christian Old Testmament. The version sung by Alexandra is the 1st Cohen version. I am interpreting the song, rather than the biblical text.
Where does Alexandra Burke Live in England?
Wikianswers does not divulge private or personal information, such as telephone numbers or addresses, for individuals.
What color eyes does Alexandra Burke have?
she has brown eyes but in my opinion she would look good in blue eyes too
Is that Alexandra Burke in Justin Bieber's somebody to love video?
No, I thought the girl in grey sparkly dress was going to sing But...No.
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