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I honestly cannot tell you if you're pregnant or not. But its possible you may be pregnant. See your Doctor for a blood test. Please note this is advice only & is not to be used in place of a Medical experts.

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Q: You had unprotected sex during the time of ovulation and even just the day before you had your period it last for only a day and half no pregnancy symptoms except tiredness in hands n legs am you preg?
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Missed your menses for 3 days and had bits of blood for 2 days what does it mean?

Is it possible that you could be pregnant? If so, these could be pregnancy symptoms. Take a pregnancy test. If not, it's unlikely to be something to worry about, but if your next period is missing or unusual you should see a doctor

If you think you are about two weeks pregnant and had a once off heavy bleeding and the pregnancy test showsis positive does that mean you had a miscarriage?

It is possible, but the bleeding could also have been from implantation bleeding. A pregnancy test will show positive for a while after a miscarriage because your body has not rid itself of the HCG (pregnancy hormone) levels yet. The further along you were, the longer a pregnancy test will show positive. I would still be on the lookout for any symptoms of pregnancy, continue taking your prenatal vitamins (or at least folic acid), refrain from alcohol and tobacco and caffeine then in a couple weeks take another test and see. Or you can go to the doctor to either confirm pregnancy or miscarriage.

What tools would be most appropriate for collecting data to study the symptoms of a problem?


I would not expect i?

I would not expect it to get worse over time. The symptoms may last for awhile or go away on their own over time.

What is a sentence for the word regression?

I am hoping that this hot toddy will aid in the regression of the symptoms related to my common cold. The retrograde motion of stars is sometimes referred to as their regression.

Related questions

Can dizziness tiredness and white discharge be a sign of early pregnancy?

Yes, but they can also be symptoms of ovulation (releasing an egg). take a pregnancy test if you miss your next period

Does it sound like pregnancy if you have been cramping enough to make you double over and had backaches tiredness and nausea for over two weeks and you had unprotected sex during your menses?

It is possible that these symptoms could be indicative of pregnancy, especially if you had unprotected sex during your period. However, these symptoms could also be related to other health issues. The only way to know for sure if you are pregnant is to take a pregnancy test.

If you have what seems to be a light period and it started 5 days earlier than expected AND you are having pregnancy symptoms ie nausea tiredness and frequent potty breaks why or is this possible?

You could be pregnant if you've had unprotected sex

How soon can you have sypmtoms of pregnancy after intercourse?

The symptoms start about 10 days post ovulation....

How long after having unprotected sex can you get symptoms?

After symptoms are immediate, however signs of pregnancy won't be noticeable until about 2 months after

When can you see the sings of pregnancy after ovulation period?

For most women the first sign of pregnancy is a missed menstrual period however some women experience pregnancy symptoms as early as 8-10 days past ovulation.

When do you began pregnancy symptoms?

You actually start getten symptoms day after unprotected sex your breasts might feel tingely or swollen,tender

What are the typical pregnancy symptoms?

Missed period. Nausea or vomiting Cramping Veins on breasts Tender breasts or nipples A line going down your abdomonen from your belly button (not all the time) Headaches Tiredness Excessively urinating Extra or a lot of vaginal discharge similar to ovulation discharge.

You had unprotected sex 2 days after your ovulation day is it possible that you can become pregnant?

Some women have periods during pregnancy, however if you were 3-4 months pregnant, you would probably be having some symptoms, I suggest a home pregnancy test. Good Luck ~pawsalmighty

How soon do you show pregnancy symptoms after unprotected intercourse?

you will become fatter and gain more weight and begin to get morning sickness and wont have your period. take a pregnancy test

Do you normally feel tired during your 3rd week of pregnancy?

Tiredness is one of the earliest symptoms of pregnancy, and some women do experience it as early as 3 weeks pregnant so yes, this is normal.

Are hurt burn unusual burping spotting lower back pain and cramping a week before your period is due a sign of pregnancy?

All can be- however it can be just pm symptoms too. The big question is: Did you have intercourse around ovulation that could have resulted in pregnancy (unprotected sex, failed birth-control method)? If in a week, your period doesn't happen, I'd take a pregnancy test immediately. Good Luck!!!