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Many reasons, if I were you, I'd call a doctor and see what they say about it.

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Q: Why would your period cause you to bleed for about 2 weeks straight?
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What could cause your to bleed for 2 weeks after your period and pain and more bleeding during sex?

This is not normal and you need to see a doctor.

Should a woman bleed for more than two weeks?

In general, a woman should not bleed for more than two weeks when she is on her period. Even after childbirth the general rule of thumb is that a new mother will bleed for about 2 weeks. However, sometimes her period will last longer than that.

Why did i have my period for 3 weeks straight?

Your horny

If you were only on the pill for 1 week how long should you wait for your period?

Hello, You will experience a withdrawal bleed within 2 weeks of stopping the pill. 2-4 weeks after the withdrawal bleed your period will arrive.

If someone stopped taking birth control pills after her last period how late could her next period be?

Period can arrive anytime after the withdrawal bleed from 4 weeks to 8 weeks. Its different in every woman.

What happens if you get your period the next day you miscarriage?

Normal bleed after a miscarriage is 1-2 weeks so it's not your period. You get your period back sometimes within 8 weeks from the miscarriage.

What happens when your on your period?

when you are on your period , you simply bleed out through your vigina. it will happen on some weeks and you will crave chocolate,salt,or peanut butter

Why would you bleed a heavy flow every three weeks?

Cause you ask about it on

Is it normal to bleed a lot even when you don't have your period in another two weeks?

No, it's not, unless you miscalculated the arrival of your period. See a doctor.

How long after getting off birth control does it take to start your period?

You will experience a withdrawal bleed first and your period will arrive 4+weeks after this.

Can you bleed 3 weeks after miss period?

I miss my period 3 weeks now, i start bleeding, and pregnancy test came up negative.. i am so confuse because this is my first time

You are 3-4 weeks pregnant an have just started to bleed heavily?

4 weeks pregnant is when your period is due, this may be a period or if it is really heavy and you have had a positive test I am afraid you are probably having a miscarriage.