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Because it is a circle. You don't say .25 of your friend's head, you say 25%. It's pretty much just the way things go...

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Q: Why does a pie chart show numbers as percentages?
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Related questions

When would you use a pie chart or bar chart?

A bar chart can be used to show comparisons and trends. A pie chart can be used to show fractions of a whole or percentages.

What kind of graph would best show percentages?

A pie chart.

What chart is used to show percentage values?

The best type of chart for displaying percentages is the pie chart. The entire pie represents the whole 100% and the segments show the portions that make up the whole.

What is a chart used to compare proportions and percentages?

A Pie Chart is a chart used to compare proportions and percentages.

Should you use a pie or bar chart to show percentages?

A pie chart is typically used to show percentages, especially when presenting data that adds up to 100%. It provides a clear visual representation of how different parts contribute to the whole. However, a bar chart can also be used to display percentages if you have multiple categories or comparisons to make. Ultimately, the choice between a pie chart and a bar chart depends on the specific data and the story you want to tell.

What graph would you use to show the percentages of boys and girls in your class?

A pie chart<------Apex <('-'<)

Which type of graph is to show the percentage of gases in earth's atmosphere?

A pie chart is often the best type of graph to show percentages.

What is a circle graph used for?

The circle graph (or a pie chart) is used for showing percentages and/or decimals or to show a fraction

What is the graph that shows percentages of items?

A pie chart.

How do you use a pie chart?

You use the percentages and record them.

What type of spreadsheet chart would best display percentages?

pie chart

Which type of graph is best to show the percentage of gases in Earth's atmosphere?

A pie chart would be a suitable choice to display the percentage of gases in Earth's atmosphere. Each gas can be represented as a slice of the pie, making it easy to compare the proportions visually.