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How much smaller parts contribute to a larger whole =]

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Q: Which of these are pie charts most useful for showing?
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Related questions

When is a pie graph appropriate to use?

A pie graph is useful for showing percentages. It is great for showing percentages in a survey.

Where can you find a pie chart showing Minnesota's economy?

See related links to download historical pie charts showing Minnesota's general fund expenditures.

What does a pie chart add up to?

A pie chart always adds up to 100%. Pie charts are best for showing percentages in data.

Why are pie charts useful and important?

To show classes or groups of data in proportions.

Pie charts are useful for representing what?

how much the different parts of something contribute to the whole.

What are four types of graphs or charts in Microsoft Excel?

Bar charts, Area charts, Pie charts and Line charts.Bar charts, Area charts, Pie charts and Line charts.Bar charts, Area charts, Pie charts and Line charts.Bar charts, Area charts, Pie charts and Line charts.Bar charts, Area charts, Pie charts and Line charts.Bar charts, Area charts, Pie charts and Line charts.Bar charts, Area charts, Pie charts and Line charts.Bar charts, Area charts, Pie charts and Line charts.Bar charts, Area charts, Pie charts and Line charts.Bar charts, Area charts, Pie charts and Line charts.Bar charts, Area charts, Pie charts and Line charts.

Is the bar chart preferred to the pie chart?

Each chart has its own purpose and is preferred in various situations. Pie charts are useful when comparing percentages of a whole. Bar charts, on the other hand, are useful when comparing figures which are not necessarily parts of a whole.

How are pie and bar charts the same and different?

pie charts show the percentage of whatever the chart is displaying and bar charts show the improvement or difference in what the chart is showing. they are the same because if both the pie chart and bar chart are being used for the same situation, the data should be the same.

A pie chart is a good way to show?

Pie charts are good for showing how a whole is broken down into its parts.

Do line charts show the contribution of each piece of data to the whole or total in the data in Excel?

No. Pie charts are the main type of chart that do that. Line charts showing changes over a period of time.

What are some Good thing's about pie graph's?

They are useful for showing the percentage of the items. This is great graph for surveys, showing the percentage.

What are pie charts best at doing?

pie charts are best used for business