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Q: Which SQL keyword is used to specify a condition that rows must meet to be included in the results of an SQL SELECT query?
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Average weight for a 52 year old male?

you might want to specify from what country.

Which SQL statement is used to return only different values?

select unique(it is an constraint) hi folks for returning the different values we have to use ths keyword "unique" so it provide the distinct values and we don't have the key word like"distinct" eg: create table <tab_name>( name varchar2(12), no number unique); from the above syntax we can predict the result by inserting the record's into the table. in the above syntax the constraint "unique" specify that user has to not to insert duplicate records if user is trying to insert duplicate records it will pop up error like "you are violating unique constraint. "

What other types of data might follow a normal distribution?

Those data that were not mentioned in the original answer but which might follow a normal distribution. Since the question does not specify which ones were already listed, it is not possible to say which were "other".

What is the area between z equals 0 and z equals 2.24?

The question does not specify what z is but this answer will assume that it is the value of a random variable with a Standard Normal distribution. That being the case, the area under the curve between those values is 0.4875.

Role of high-level data model in the database design process?

A high level data model serves the database designer by providing a conceptual framework in which to specify, in a systematic fashion, what the data requirements of the database users are, and how the database will be structured to fulfill these requirements.

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Theres loads of them..please specify!!! could you please tell me the keyword to the punkyallsorts bracelet. its in the issue for september. thanks alot

What does a void method do?

In Java, this keyword is used to specify that the method has no return value.

Uses of this keyword in java?

this keyword is used to avoid complication between instance variable and local varible.we identify instance variable by using this keyword(e.g: this.a=a;)

What SQL clause is used to restrict the rows returned by a query?

The WHERE clause is used to restrict the rows returned by a query in SQL. It allows you to specify a condition that must be met for a row to be included in the result set.

What is the abbreviation of unsigned?

In php you don't have to (and can't) specify the type or size of integers, tis is made automatically. therefore there isn't an unsigned keyword and no abbrevation for it.

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Depends on the textbook you use. If you dont specify chapter, section, section name, and book title i cant help you.

How are the keywords struct and class different?

The keyword class is not a keyword in C. It is a keyword in C++, so I have added C++ to the category list for this question.The default access specifier for struct is public, while for class, it is private.Struct does not allow you to specify methods, while class does.A struct is not a class, and cannot be derived, while a class can be treated as a struct, if the scope and access is correct.

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I would need to know which state you are in to provide a list of major cities included. Can you please specify the state?

Define the word stipulate?

(v.) - to specify as a condition of an arrangement; require by contract

Are Asians included in the minority group?

You would need to specify WHERE - in some parts of the world they are, and in some parts they are not.

Do Gills cruises provide transportation to and from the parking lot?

To be honest, it does not specify if indeed transportation is included. I think you would have to call the company themselves to ask if that is indeed included in the price.

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The most customary manner in which to do this is by listing the names of the people to be included, with a lead in sentence, such as "We would be delighted if the two of you would join us in the celebration of our wedding ..."