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Immediately following menstruation.

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Q: When is a girl less likely to become pregnant in her cycle?
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What is the probability of getting pregnant if sperm come out?

Depends on how far along the woman is in her monthly cycle of menstruation and ovulation. Women are most fertile two days before through two days after they ovulate, which occurs approximately 14 days after their last menstrual cycle. However, sperm has been said to survive up to 72 hours after coitus (sex). Even if a man does not ejaculate (i.e. "pulls out"), sperm is still released during sex, in the form of pre-ejaculate (which occurs during coitus and is virtually undetectable by either partner). Therefore, you CAN get a girl pregnant even if you pull out, and there is a good week or more that she can easily get pregnant out of each month--and that week is actually harder to pin down than just counting calendars.

Assuming boy and girl babies are equally likely what is probability that three successive births will be a boy then girl then boy?


If a couple has had 3 boys and wants to have a girl what is their probability of having a girl?

These events are independent; so the probability of a girl is 0.5.

If a couple wants to have two children what is the probability that the first will be a girl and the second will be a boy?

Assuming the chances of having a boy and having a girl are equal (50/50), there are 4 possible outcomes from having 2 children. BOY-BOY, or GIRL-GIRL, or BOY-GIRL, or GIRL-BOY. Since each outcome is of equal probability it means there's a 25% chance the first will be a girl and the second will be a boy.

What is the probability of a girl getting pregnant if hymen is not broken and guy doesn't release sperm?

The probability is quite low, BUT it isn't zero, and this is a very risky practice. Human nature being what it is, the intention not to break the hymen and not to release sperm is one of those intentions that lead to Hell (so to speak). Beyond that, there is the risk of various diseases that is not in the least diminished.

Related questions

Is just after your period the time when a girl is least likely to become pregnant?

The least likely time to get pregnant is DURING your period. After that, it's a crap-shoot.

Can a girl get pregnant when they are on the rag?

Yes it is possible for the girl to get pregnant if during her period. Having un-protected sex can cause pregnancy. However the girl is most likely to become pregnant in between the end of her period until the start of it.

When in a menstruation cycle is it most likely a girl becomes pregnant?

Women are most fertile about 14 days before the start of their period.

Is it likely that a girl will get pregnant if you dont come?

It is possible for a girl to become pregnant from pre-cum or small amounts of semen that escape from the penis before ejaculation. You should always use a condom or a form of birth control if you do not wish to become pregnant.

When is the girl likely to get pregnant during her cycle?

A girl is likely to get pregnant during her ovulation period the ovulation period is when the egg is able to be fertilized . It is different for every woman when she is able to ovulate based on the time you get your period online calculators can give you the approximate time you will ovulate .

Can a girl get pregnant on the three day of her perido?

A girl can get pregnant on any day of her 28-day cycle, even on her period.

If a boy kisses a girl on her lips the girl can become pregnant?

yes she can but if you dont have sex the girl will not be pregnant.

When will a girl become pregnant?

Women become pregnant when a sperm fertilizes one of her eggs.

Can a girl become pregnant if a boy kisses her?

You need to have sex to get pregnant.

What president got a A year old girl pregnant?

It is impossible for a year old girl to become pregnant.

Is it true if your mom thinks your pregnant that you are?

No of course not. The only was to become pregnant is if you are a girl who had sex. Then you have the possibility to become pregnant. Not by your mother's assumptions.

At what age can girls get pregnant?

A girl can become pregnant usually after puberty. This is because of her menstrual cycle. She must be ovulating though in order for her to conceive (become pregnant). Some women can have periods without ovulating so that would be the most important thing is that she ovulates.