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Q: What state has the highest teen pregnancy?
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Related questions

Which state has the highest teen pregnancy?

I've heard many people say it's Texas!

What city in Texas has the highest teen pregnancy rate?

Fort Worth

Which California city has highest teen pregnancy rate?

Selma CA

What Country has the highest teen pregnancy and STD rates?

The United StatesUnited States

What high school in Virginia has the highest teen pregnancy rate?

Waynesboro City School

Is a 17 year old pregnant teen in North Carolina considered emancipted due to the pregnancy?

No. Pregnancy does not emancipate a teen in any state of the US.

What state has most teen pregnancies?

Nevada has the highest number of teen pregnancies according to a September 2006 report by the Guttmacher Institute compiled teenage pregnancy statistics in the United States gathered state by state in 2000. Based on available data. The report can be found at's issues.

What Canadian city has the highest teen pregnancy rate per ca pita?

saint john,nb

Teen pregnancy statistics?

The highest teen pregnancy rate or statistics in the Nation (USA) is Mississippi. Through the ages 15-19 (whom are pregnant): 103,00.Whom which gave birth: 71,00 0f 103,00.

What is a thesis statement for teen pregnancy?

You can write about how to prevent teen pregnancy. Or what causes teen pregnancy. Talking about the right form of education to prevent teen pregnancy will work as well.

What was the highest teen pregnancy rate in Canadian history?

2007 over 67% of girls above 15 were pregnant

What high school in Minnesota has the highest teen pregnancy rate?

Harding Senior High School in Saint Paul, Minnesota.