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Q: What should you do next after you make a prediction?
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When is the next tornado going to be?

It is impossible to make such a prediction.

What step follows making a prediction?

After making a prediction, the next step is to conduct an experiment or gather data to test the validity of the prediction. This allows you to evaluate whether your prediction was accurate and make any necessary adjustments.

When is the next doomsday prediction?

The next doomsday prediction is on Dec 21 , 2012

How do you predictions?

A prediction is when you take a guess at what is to happen next

If you thought a book was going to be a comedy and you came across a serious crime on page two you should?

make a new prediction about the book

What should a prediction start with?

A prediction should start with an analysis of past trends and data, followed by identifying patterns or relationships that can help inform the prediction. It's important to consider various factors that could influence the outcome and use appropriate methods or models to make an accurate prediction.

What is example of predicting what will happen next?

A prediction.

What should you do before making a prediction in science?

Before you make any type of prediction you must know what you are being asked, and then you simply go to your closet and do yourself.

What is a prediction and how do we make prediction from data?

Dan Henderson vs. Rashad Evans Prediction

What steps follows making prediction?

After making a prediction, gathering and analyzing the data is the next appropriate step.

What is the next step in the method following making a prediction?

Conducting an experiment is the step in the scientific method after making a prediction.

What is the next step in the scientific method following the prediction?

Conducting an experiment is the step in the scientific method after making a prediction.