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Q: What should you do before you revise a prediction?
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What is prediction of revise in reading?


What should you do before you revise a prediction in reading?

Before revising a prediction in reading, it is important to review the text to see if there are any clues or evidence that may support or contradict your initial prediction. Consider the context, details, and author's purpose to help you adjust your prediction accordingly. Additionally, you can ask yourself questions to deepen your understanding and refine your prediction.

If you thought a book was going to be a comedy and you came across a serious crime on page two you should?

make a new prediction about the book

True or false Modifying your results to match your prediction is an acceptable action when using the Scientific Method.?


What should you do before making a prediction in science?

Before you make any type of prediction you must know what you are being asked, and then you simply go to your closet and do yourself.

What is the last thing you should do before submitting you personal statement?

Revise, get feedback and proofread. :)

What is impossible to do before you write your rough draft?


What is a sentence with the word revise?

The editor liked my writing but told me I should revise the ending. The government had to revise their estimates concerning unemployment.

When you anticipate the results of your experiment before you begin you are making an?

prediction. :)

What is a sentence with revise?

She asked her teacher to revise her essay for any errors before submitting it.

What is a sentence using revise?

i revise my writing piece before i publish a book.

After you revise the overall structure to your writing what should you revise next?

individual sentences