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y axis represents frequency ona histogram

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Q: What represents frequency on a histogram?
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What does the vertical axis of a histogram measure?

The y axis on a histogram represents the frequency density.

What does each bar in a histogram represent?

I think it represents a frequency.

What the difference between histogram and a bar graph?

A bar graph cannot have classes with different width. The height of a bar graph represents the frequency attributed to that class whereas in a histogram the area of a "bar" is proportional to the frequency, the height represents the frequency density.

Is a histogram a graph that represents the cumulative frequencies for the classes in a frequency distribution?

No it is not. The ogive is a graph that represents the cumulative frequencies for the classes in a frequency distribution.

How do you create a percentage frequency histogram?

what is the difference between a regular histogram and a percent frequency polygon

Which histogram correctly represents the data in this frequency table?

The question asks about the "this frequency table". In those circumstances would it be too much to expect that you make sure that there is a frequency table in the question?

What is a histogram for?

A histogram is when the bars are touching and it graphs what you have on your frequency table.

What is a histogram used for?

A histogram is when the bars are touching and it graphs what you have on your frequency table.

The difference between a histogram and a frequency polygon is?

the basic difference between histogram and frequency polygon is that histogram uses bars to show its frequency and frequeny polygon uses points and join its staight line

What type of scores represents a histogram?

A histogram represents the distribution of scores in a dataset by organizing them into equally spaced intervals or bins along the horizontal axis, and displaying the frequency or count of scores within each bin on the vertical axis. The scores on the horizontal axis could be any type of numerical data, such as test scores, heights, or ages.

What is the difference between a frequency histogram and a relative frequency histogram?

Both divide the data into discrete groups or intervals. The frequency histogram gives the number of times the data occur in the particular group or interval, while the relative frequency histogram gives the fraction of times the data occur in the particular group or interval.

Suppose that a frequency histogram and a cumulative frequency histogram are constructed from the same set of data using the same classes is the frequency for each class is the frequency equal to the?

the frequency is less than OR EQUAL TO the cumulative frequency