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The percentage of males that are circumcised varies from country to country. In the US about 85% of males are circumcised, while it is believed that in the world the percentage is about 25%.

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Q: What percentage of males are uncircumcised?
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Most males in the world are uncircumcised.

What does unsircumsized mean?

Uncircumcised means that the foreskin covering the head of the penis has not been surgically removed. It is a natural and normal condition in males.

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The percentage of males in Tokyo is around 48.8%.

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What does uncircumsized mean?

Uncircumcised refers to a penis that still has the foreskin covering the head of the penis. This is a natural state in males that have not undergone circumcision, which is the surgical removal of the foreskin.

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Males account for only 5-10% of all cases.

What is the percentage of colon cancer in males over the age of 55 in Detroit, MI?

The percentage of colon cancer particularly in Detroit is not mentioned any where in the web. But it ranges 15%,21% in white males,black males respectively in US.

Will uncircumcised Jews be ostracized from the Jewish Community?

No, however, uncircumcised Jewish males are prohibited from participating in a large number of Jewish rituals. Some groups, particularly Orthodox groups, require posthumous circumcision before burial in a Jewish cemetery.