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The linking verb "is." (to be)

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Q: What is the verb in the sentence The result of this is higher population density?
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How do you find the pupulation density of an area?

-- Find out the population of the area. -- Find out the area of the area. -- Divide the population by the area. The result is the population density of the area.

Will higher density rise?

Higher density can result in vertical growth or increased development within a given area, but it depends on various factors such as zoning regulations, infrastructure capacity, and market demand. Communities often consider density management strategies to balance population growth with livability and environmental considerations.

What is calculated by dividing the population by its land area?

Population density is calculated by dividing the population of a region by its land area. This measurement helps to determine how crowded or sparsely populated an area is.

Sentence for decline?

There was a decline in the population as a result of the war.

What is a population control factor whose effects increase the size of population?

Increased immigration can lead to a larger population by adding more individuals to the existing population. This can result in higher birth rates due to increased availability of potential partners and greater genetic diversity.

Why can we float easier in the sea than in a freshwater lake?

The density of salt water is higher than fresh water.

How do you show evidence of the higher the mass the higher the density and the hgher the volume the lower the density?

The only "evidence" you need is the definition of density, which is mass divide by volume. For example, if you divide the same mass by a larger volume, you get a smaller result.

How does population density affect the way people live?

High population density can lead to crowded living conditions, increased competition for resources, and higher levels of pollution. It can also result in the development of vertical living spaces such as high-rise buildings and apartment complexes. Conversely, low population density may allow for more spacious living arrangements, better access to natural areas, and reduced traffic congestion.

Who of the balls of equal masses and different sizes have lower density?

If two perfect spheres of different sizes have the same mass, then the larger ball has a lower density and the smaller ball has a higher density. This is because density is the amount of mass in a given volume, and density is obviously higher if there is a smaller volume for a given amount of mass.

How an increase in population density allows disease to have a greater influence in regulating population size?

An increase in population density can lead to easier transmission of diseases due to closer proximity between individuals. This can result in higher rates of infection and transmission within the population, ultimately leading to increased mortality rates and a decrease in population size as the disease spreads more easily in crowded areas.

What affects density?

Density of a substance is affected by its mass and volume. Higher mass or lower volume will result in greater density. Additionally, temperature and pressure can also impact the density of a material by affecting the spacing of its particles.

Which is a density dependent factor in controlling a population?
