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The vertical axis!

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Q: What is the scale of a vertical bar graph written on?
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Where is the scale of a vertical bar graph written?

The scale of a vertical bar graph is written on the vertical axis.

What has numbers that help you read a bar graph?

A scale on the vertical axis.

Vertical scale and interval affect the look of a bar graph or a line graph?

by making the graph have an important missing part...(hope it helps!)

What is a vertical axis scale?

If you're talking about a graph then here's your answer... There are to axis's the x axis (horizontal) and the y axis (vertical). So your talking about the vertical scale so since a graph is shaped like an L the vertical part would contain the scale (numbers along the side) so that you can read a bar graph easier

How Can you make a graph for your result on which toothpate gets teeth the cleanest?

You can make a vertical bar graph where each bar represents a different toothpaste. The bars are then scaled longer or shorter according to their effectiveness. The tallest bar will be the most effective toothpaste. You will need to have a method of measuring the effectiveness of each toothpaste in order to scale it fairly. The vertical scale of the graph is then titled "CLEANEST" or "BRIGHTEST" etc. and can be scaled 0 to 10.

What is a scale of a bar graph?

The scale varies on depending on the graph; there is no standard scale. It is whatever you want it to be.

When you draw the bar on a bars graph do they go horiztonal or vertical?


A graph that features bars rising from a baseline are?

Vertical bar graph.

How are a bar graph and line graph different?

a bar graph is like a line grapgh but the difference of they are the bar graph show horizontal and line graph shown vertical.. think logic..^_^

Why is a bar graph called a bar graph?

Because columns (vertical or horizontal) are used to show data.

How do you scale a bar graph?


What do you do to create a graph?

A graph or bar chart is dependant on 2 things, both are measurements, on a vertical & horizontal scale. If things change gradually with time then use a line graph, if they are static in time use a bar chart. Both can be effective to show results.