

What is the medullary index?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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Q: What is the medullary index?
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How is the medullary index of hair calculated?

The medullary index measures the diameter of the medulla relative to the diameter of the hair shaft. MI= Medulla Diameter -------------------------- x 100 Hair Diameter

What medullary index is commonly considered to indicate a human hair?

usually it's 0.33 or less...

What rhymes with medullary?

There are no perfect rhymes for the word medullary.

What membrane lines lines the medullary cavity?

The endosteum lines the medullary cavity.

List five different effects produced by these medullary hormones?

what are the medullary hormones You can't answer a question with a question...the medullary hormones (adrenal) they are referring to are epinephrine and norepinephrine.

What is bilateral medial medullary infarction?

Bilateral medial medullary infarction is a type of stroke that occurs when there is a blockage in the blood supply to the brainstem, specifically affecting the area known as the medulla. This can lead to symptoms such as difficulty swallowing, hoarseness, weakness in the arms and legs, and problems with balance and coordination. Treatment involves managing symptoms and addressing the underlying cause, such as blood clotting disorders or atherosclerosis.

What is a medullary vital center?

A medullary vital center is a region located within the medulla oblongata in the brainstem that plays a crucial role in controlling vital functions such as respiration, heart rate, and blood pressure. It helps regulate these involuntary processes to maintain homeostasis and ensure the body's survival. Injury or damage to the medullary vital centers can have serious consequences for overall health and well-being.

What is medullary?

Medullary (myelin)- sheath is the covering of nerve fibres. It insulates the nerve fibre (axon) and prevents leakage of ions.

Meaning of medullary?

The word medullary refers to a part of the body or an organ that resembles bone marrow, such as dorsally located tissue.

Does bone have a medullary cavity?


What is the medullary cavity lined with?

The medullary cavity is lined with endosteum, a connective tissue membrane that contains osteoprogenitor cells responsible for bone growth and repair. It helps to maintain the structural integrity of the bone and plays a role in bone remodeling.

What function medullary rays play in trees?

The medullary rays transport substances from the xylem and phloem to the inner and outer parts of the stem.