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Q: What is the major drawback in the high low method of cost estimation?
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What is material cost variance?

The material cost variance denoting the difference between the standard cost of materials and actual cost of matrials. The material cost variance is between the standard material cost for actual production in units and actual cost. The total cost is usually determined by two differenct factors of influence viz quantity of materials utilized/ required and price of the materials. The fluctuations in the material cost are only due to the fluctuations in the utility of materials due to many factors. Material cost variance can be computed into two different ways: DIRECT METHOD AND INDIRECT METHOD material cost variance= Standard cost of materials for actual output- actual cost of raw materials. MCV=(S Q AO X SP)-(AQ X AP) Indirect Method: material cost variance= Material price variance (MPV)+Material usage Variance

What are the reasons for choosing random sampling method for ones research work and what is random sampling method anyway?

because it is the simplest sampling technique which requires less time and cost.

How can you calculate variable manufacturing cost when total variable cost is not given?

The high-low method can be used to compute the variable cost of producing a good if the total variable cost is unknown.The high-low method requires knowledge of the total costs of producing goods, in two different time periods. These totals include fixed costs, so the "variable cost" is still unknown.For example:In month one, 7000 units were produced at a cost of $5000.In month two, 8000 units were produced at a cost of $5500.Here is the high-low method: Divide the difference in cost by the difference in production to get the variable cost per unit.(5500 - 5000) / (8000 - 7000) = $0.50 per unit.The fixed cost can now be computed. $5000 - $0.50 x 7000 = $1500.Alternatively: $5500 - $0.50 x 8000 = $1500.The high-low method has been used in the example to demonstrate that a production plant has a monthly fixed cost of $1500 and has a variable cost of $0.50 for each unit produced.Now, given any month's total production cost, the variable cost can be computed by deducting $1500 from the cost.The method is called "high-low" because the two production periods used for the computation would, in practice, be the period with the highest level of production and the period with the lowest level of production.

How do you use estimated in a sentence?

Estimation is a range of the subject spoken about. There is estimated to be over 90 different species of birds in California.

How do you calculate cost efficiency?

say energy costs 5 cents and the efficiency is 0.1kwh cost= 0.1kwh x 0.05 cost= o.oo5cents

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One cost estimation method can be used in combination with another method.?

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The most difference is on cost estimation. In PreFS, cost estimation is based on assumptions while cost estimation in FS is normally based on vendors' offers/proposals, at least for expensive price equipment/materials.

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One major drawback of hydrogen power is the cost associated with producing, storing, and transporting hydrogen. Additionally, the current infrastructure for hydrogen refueling stations is limited, making it less convenient for widespread adoption. There are also safety concerns related to the flammability of hydrogen gas.

What is a estimation?

an estimation is an educated guess as to the cost of a certain procedure or product.

What is one drawback of drilling geothermal wells?

One drawback of drilling geothermal wells is the high upfront costs associated with drilling deep into the Earth's crust to access the geothermal resources. Additionally, there can be challenges in finding suitable locations with sufficient heat and permeability to support geothermal power generation.

Scientists use many methods to determine the size of a population Which method is best for extremely large populations?

For extremely large populations, the best method to determine size is often statistical sampling. This involves taking a representative sample of the population and using statistical techniques to estimate the full population size. This method is efficient and cost-effective for large populations.

Why cost estimation is important for project management?

Cost estimation is important because each project has the risk of added costs that weren't consider up front throwing the project into a state where you may not have the budget required to continue working on the project. The cost estimation should include the initial assessment plus % available for added costs.

Full form of cocomo?

COCOMO constructive cost estimation model

What are disadvantages to personal selling?

A drawback of personal selling, however, is its high cost.