A bell curve is a graph that depicts a large rounded peak tapering away at each end of normal distribution. A bell curve is a mathematical concept with the curve concentrated in the center.
The "bell curve" of anything, with the peak of the curve supposedly at a score of 100.
A bell shaped probability distribution curve is NOT necessarily a normal distribution.
yup, it's a bell curve
A bell curve is a symmetrical bell-shaped graph curve that represents the arrangement of values, how often something occurs, or probability of occurance of a set of data. It slopes downward from a point in the middle corresponding to the average also called mean value, or the maximum probability. Gather all the results of an IQ test and make a graph of them, would create a bell curve with average IQ being the mean value. The more results or values, the better the bell curve. It can be made with a line graph or a bar graph.
bell shaped
bell curve i believe is the word your looking for..Its called Normal Distribution :)
The Bell Jar has 288 pages.
The Global Bell Curve was created in 2008.
The "bell curve" of anything, with the peak of the curve supposedly at a score of 100.
The Global Bell Curve has 380 pages.
The Bell Curve Debate - book - was created in 1995.
There is no answer to this question. The greater the number of rolls, the closer you get to the bell-curve. But you will never ever actually reach the bell-curve.
The Bell Curve Debate - book - has 720 pages.
For any distribution, the first sextile, by definition, must be 100/6 = 16.66... %
The ISBN of The Global Bell Curve is 978-1-59368-028-2.
The cast of The Bell Curve - 2009 includes: Emmett Friel as Tom
IMDB rating do generally follow a bell curve, with a mean and standard deviation.