I'm joking . . . post your question again and tell us what the ten-year-old is waiting for . . . ? There are so many things, that we couldn't possible guess.
4feet 8 inches
The average weight for a 10 year young child is approximately 65-80 lbs. Hope that helps! :)
Around 80-90 pounds is how much a ten-year old should weigh. However, if they are taller than average, it should be closer to 100. Less than average should be 65-80.
I'm ten and mine is 30 inches that's 76.3 cm
A ten year old is ten years old.
An average ten year old should be weighing around 85 pounds
What is a ten month year old infant? Do you mean a ten month old, or a year old infant? For a ten month old it would be between 20 and 22.5 pounds.
ten stone
yes i think average weight for a ten year old is probably from 85-95 pounds is average
Silly as it may sound, the average age of a 10 year old is ten years
about 4"3