For any data that can be best expressed as percentages of a whole, a pie chart or pie graph is appropriate.
Each division of a pie chart is known as a slice.Each division of a pie chart is known as a slice.Each division of a pie chart is known as a slice.Each division of a pie chart is known as a slice.Each division of a pie chart is known as a slice.Each division of a pie chart is known as a slice.Each division of a pie chart is known as a slice.Each division of a pie chart is known as a slice.Each division of a pie chart is known as a slice.Each division of a pie chart is known as a slice.Each division of a pie chart is known as a slice.
For up to seven attributes, you can use either a pie chart of a bar graph. For more attributes, a pie chart is not suitable.
A pie or bar chart.A pie or bar chart.A pie or bar chart.A pie or bar chart.
This is usually conveyed using a pie chart.
pie chart or bar chart
A Pie Chart is a chart used to compare proportions and percentages.
A pie chart is never, ever, appropriate for statistical tests. It can be a useful way of illustrating results but it has no usefulness in testing.
A bar chart or a pie chart.
When you want to compare proportions of a similar thing.
To show the proportions of the whole, without actually indicating the values.
A pie chart is so called because it is circular - like a pie - and parts or proportions of the total are represented by wedge shapes - like slices of a pie.
A pie chart would be the least appropriate for depicting yearly rainfall totals for five cities for four years because it is best suited for showing proportions of a whole, such as percentages. In this case, with multiple cities and years involved, a bar or line chart would be more effective at presenting the data clearly and allowing for easy comparison between cities and years.
For any data that can be best expressed as percentages of a whole, a pie chart or pie graph is appropriate.
A bar chart or stacked bars. A pie chart would not be appropriate because the categories of expenditure are not exhaustive.
The right answer is "XY CHART", not Pie Chart, because when it comes to the fact, "one or more data elements are relate to another data element" can only be seen & proven in XY CHART ONLY.
A pie chart is probably the most recognised - maybe famous - type of chart.