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There's no right answer, but you should consider what you are trying to show. Many bar charts have between 5 to 10 intervals, generally even intervals. The minimum and maximum of your vertical axis might be a bit below and above your data. Do you want to highlight the differences of the groups of data? If so, chose a range that closely brackets your data. For example, you make a bar chart to show the average heights of men and women of various races. If your data ranges from 5' 2" to 5' 10", you might begin your chart at 5" and end at 6", with 2" incrrements, which would highlight the differences. If your chart range was 0 to 10', you would probably not observe the differences in the groups.

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Q: What interval would you use for the vertical axis of the bar graph?
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Is an interval on the side of a graph?

Yes, intervals can be either on the Y Axis (Vertical), or the X Axis (Horizontal).

What is the vertical axis of a graph called?

The y-axis is the vertical line on a line graph.

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The dependent variable is shown on the vertical, or y-axis of a graph.

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You would put time on the horizontal axis and the position of the object on the vertical axis. This would allow you to see how the object's position changes over time.

What is a vertical axis scale?

If you're talking about a graph then here's your answer... There are to axis's the x axis (horizontal) and the y axis (vertical). So your talking about the vertical scale so since a graph is shaped like an L the vertical part would contain the scale (numbers along the side) so that you can read a bar graph easier

What is the vertical axis in a graph?

the y axis

What is the vertical axis on a graph?

the y axis

On a graph which axis is horizontal and which axis is vertical?

The convention for an x-y graph is as follows: y | | |_____ x where the x-axis is horizontal and the y-axis is vertical.

What do you graph on the vertical axis of a graph?

If you are graphing the results of an experiment, the dependent variable is on the vertical, or y-axis, and the independent variable is on the horizontal axis, or x-axis.

What is the horizontal axis and vertical axis on a graph called?

horizontal:x vertical: y

What part of the equation makes the graph narrow or wide?

its not the equation that matters it is how you map it out on the graph, the vertical and horizontal axis are interchangeable. For example if x is the vertical axis and y is the horizontal axis the graph would look different than if y was the vertical axis and x was the horizontal axis. The narrow and wide of a graph depend on the horizontal axis ( how quickly the numbers increase and or how far apart the markers are spaced) ...If the intervals are counted by 5 the graph would be wider than if the intervals were counted by 500.

On a graph the vertical line is...axle?

On a typical graph, the vertical line is the y-axis, they horizontal line is the x-axis.