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Then it's just as fake as the ones with heads on both sides.

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Q: What if the coin has double tails?
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Related questions

What does a single side of a double-sided coin or disk represent?

Two possibilities that when you flip the coin you would get heads or tails.

What is a coin called when heads and tails is appearing on both sides?

Flip-over double-strike.

Was coin toss heads or tails?


What is the probability that a coin lands on its heads and tails?

The probability of the coin flip being heads or tails is 100%.

What are the possible outcomes for 2 tosses of a coin?

Heads+Heads ; Heads+Tails ; Tails+Tails

What was 2012 AFC championship coin toss heads or tails?


What if the coin has two tails?

Then it's a fake. It's called a magician's coin. Try using this site's Search feature - enter the word DOUBLE and you'll find hundreds of similar questions.

What is the probability of getting both tails on two tosses of a coin?

The probability of two tails on two tosses of a coin is 0.52, or 0.25.

How can you decide which is heads or tails on a coin?

Heads have a person on it. Tails have something else on it.

How many possible outcomes for flipping 2 coins?

Assuming the coins are fair, two-sided coins, and landing on their sides is not an option, there are four possible outcomes if you consider coin a having a head and coin b having a tail being a different instance from coin a being a tail and coin be having a head. Here they are; Coin A | Coin B Heads | Tails Heads | Heads Tails....| Heads Tails....| Tails

What is the probability of flipping a coin and it landing on tails?

For a normal coin, it is 0.5.

When you flip a coin what is the posibality that it will come up tails?

Since there is only 2 sides to a coin...tails will come up 50% of the time.