

What formated and unformatted data?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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Q: What formated and unformatted data?
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No. Formatting it will erase all data!

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Can you get data off of an unformatted A drive disk?

If it were never formatted, there should be no data on it.Answeras an update to the previous answer, there can in fact be data on an unformatted disk. I am currently seeing the same issue right now...files on an unformatted disk but am unable to on.AnswerThe disk has to be formatted in order to place information on it. Different systems had their own formats, and they weren't always compatible. If you see files on the disk, you can copy them over to your hard drive and then try to run them. Look at the extension on the file to see what program would be able to open them up. Examples of extensions would be Word (.doc), Excel (.xls) and so on.

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It is highly unlikely that you would be able to recover the lost data. The highly slim chance is furthered by the expense of the tools required to attempt a data recovery.

Difference of formatted document to unformatted document?

A formatted document is one where the style has been formatted in some way, an unformatted one is as you type it.

Difference between formatted and unformatted function in c with example?

Disks and partitions should be formatted before usage.

What do you understand by information process data?

Data are generally considerd tobe the raw facts that has undefined uses and application;information is considered to be the processed data that influence choices,that is data that have somehow been formated,filterd and sumrized;and knowledge is considered tobe the understanding derived from informaton distinction among data,information,and knowledge may be derived from scientific terminology.

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Q2 Differentiate between formatted and unformatted you input and output functions?

Formatted I/P functions: These functions allow us to supply the input in a fixed format and let us obtain the output in the specified form. Formatted output converts the internal binary representation of the data to ASCII characters which are written to the output file. Formatted input reads characters from the input file and converts them to internal form. Format specifications Data type Integer short signed short unsigned long signed long unsigned unsigned hexadecimal unsigned octal %d or %l %u %ld %lu %x %o Real float double %f %lf Character signed character unsigned character %c %c String %s Unformatted I/O functions: There are several standard library functions available under this category-those that can deal with a string of characters. Unformatted Input/Output is the most basic form of input/output. Unformatted input/output transfers the internal binary representation of the data directly between memory and the file

What is an unformatted IO operation in C plus plus?

In simple terms, unformatted input and output is the most primitive form of input and output. It typically offers the most compact storage but is generally less portable than formatted input and output. If we consider the decimal value 1.23, there are various ways we can output this value. We might choose to use unformatted output using IEEE 754 encoding, creating the 4-byte binary value 0x3f9d70a4. However, in order to input this value upon another system, we must first tell that other system to expect an IEEE 754 value otherwise the binary value could be interpreted as being the integer value 1,067,282,596 or the character sequence "? p ¤ " or something else entirely. With formatted input and output, instead of the value 1.23 we output the null-terminated string "1.23", thus creating the 5-byte binary value 0x312e323300. When we come to input that value, the system does not need to know the specifics of the encoding, it simply needs to know that the input is formatted. Thus we read back the string "1.23", which can then be converted to the floating point value 1.23 using whatever encoding the system actually supports. Humans typically input data in formatted form using character sequences. So when entering the value 1.23 from the keyboard, we generate the string "1.23". If the system knows that it is expecting a floating point value, then it will attempt to convert the string accordingly, creating unformatted data from the formatted input. Similarly, when the computer presents the unformatted value 1.23 as output to the user, it is converted back to a string creating formatted output from the unformatted data. When we create formatted output from unformatted output, we can also choose to decorate the output, such that the unformatted value 1.23 might be represented as the formatted value "£1.23" if the value happens to represent a UK currency value. Similarly, we can do a reverse conversion when the user inputs the formatted value "£1.23".