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Percentage is essential.

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Q: What essential piece of information do you need to have in order to represent data in a pie chart?
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What is an exploded slice in a pie chart?

An exploded slice in a pie chart is a slice of the chart pulled away to empasize a data point.An "exploded" slice is one that has been made to "pop out" of the pie, in a way, moving the slice away from the centre of the chart in order to offset it. It provides visual emphasis.

What is the studying a part in order to gain information about the whole?


Why would it be difficult to include water vapor on a pie chart?

Because it varies from place to place. In order to "fix" the results on a static graph they have eliminated water vapor. All the other gases are pretty much constant.

How do you make chart of open ended questions?

I'm not sure what the question means but here we go with an answer. Open ended questions are one that when asked can not be answer with a simple yes or no. The answerer must elaborate, explain and otherwise embellish in order to give an answer. To ask an open ended question you don't as "why" but rather "what" and "how". Until you get used to asking such questions a good idea to write them down down ahead of time until the become second nature to you. There are statistical programs that can categorize open-ends. You could then create a chart based on the number of comments in each category.

What is the application of statistics in the field of education?

in education at several places, we have to present the data and sometimes causes of individual differences are to be calculated. for data presentation we can use cumulative frequency distribution curve, pie chart, histograms and bar charts etc. in order to calculate individual difference we find its variance by standard deviations etc.

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You need to get treasure chart #26 in order to find the octo chart.

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The order of the animal classification chart is as follows: kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species.

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a legal chart document that may include a do not resuscitate order would be called a?

Where can I order a glucose levels chart?

You can order a chart for your glucose levels when you purchase a glucose meter. You can buy the item from you local pharmacy or online at websites like Amazon and eBay.

What is an interconnected network?

Interconnection between computers are known as interconnected computers.It is essential for the proper working of a big organizations.computers are interconnected in order to share information between them.

What are the order of the indian place value chart?

good inugibgi

Where can you get a fuse chart for a 1993 Honda Civic?

Onwers manual has this chart. Don't have one then get one. Order from dealer or try looking in a salvage yard.

What is siteplanning?

In order to execute the Site As Per Bar Chart that is Site Planning

When do you use parentesies?

Parentheses are used to set off additional information that is not essential to the main sentence, such as clarifications, asides, or citations. They can also be used in mathematical expressions to indicate order of operations.

What are the was of organization chart?

The organization chart is useful for keeping times and appointments in order. It can also help students know when assignments are due and what is required of them each day.

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