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Q: What does to try and fail is not laziness mean?
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It is not so bad to try and fail and try and fail again as it is to try and and fail and fail to try again?

It is worse to try and fail and fail to try than to try and fail and try and fail again because if you keep trying and failing, then you will someday reach a point where you get it, because incorrect answers are not endless. If you were to fail to try, than you could never get anywhere! Does that makes sense?

What does accidie mean?

accidie - laziness, sloth

What does 'if at first you don't succeed try try again' mean?

It means do not give up when you fail to achieve something.

What does fall down seven times get up eight mean?

This is the equivalent of our American idiom: If you fail, try try again.

It is the human lot to try and fail?

it means that it is better to try and fail, then to never try at all

What does it mean to do something in vain?

To do something in vain means that you do not succeed in doing what you are trying to do; to try in vain is to fail.

What is a good topic for a grade 6 speech competition?

some good topics are: world hunger how to fail a job interview laziness fishing hobbies

If you try to fail and suceed did you fail or suceed?

You suceeded in failing.

What do you do if you fail?

You try again.

How would you totally eliminate laziness?

do you mean for yourself or someone else? if you mean your self, then you could do something that makes you exited to do it and it will give you motivation. if its someone else then here is a pretty big tip: don't try to get them to do it. they wont listen to you. they have to do it for themselves.

What does the comment FAIL mean?

FAIL mean-when you want to do something and you cant do it that mean you failed it)

What is your personal motto?

It is better to try and fail then to not try at all