A bar chart can be used to show comparisons and trends. A pie chart can be used to show fractions of a whole or percentages.
This is usually conveyed using a pie chart.
Pie Chart
A pie chart shows how a variable can be broken down into its component parts.
on a pie chart, the different sections or "wedges" show:
The Chart Show ended in 2009-05.
The Album Chart Show was created in 2006.
The Chart Show was created on 1986-04-11.
graph or chart
It cannot be answered without the chart.
A bar chart can be used to show comparisons and trends. A pie chart can be used to show fractions of a whole or percentages.
The Network Chart Show ended on 1993-07-25.
The Network Chart Show was created on 1984-09-30.
how to find a multication chart
what kind of chart show the relationship
if u need to show growth it is easer to show it on a chart then to write it out