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Take a pregnancy test

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Q: What does it mean when your stomach is getting so hard and I haven't had my period for 2 months now?
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Can you get pregnant if you have not had your period in 7 month's?

If you havent had your period in 7 months you probably need to go to the doctor, that is not normal.

When just getting off Depo-Provera should you period be heavy?

Yes because u havent a period for 3 months its old blood that never came out the uterus dnt worry i am exactly the same.

You havent got your period in 4 months could you be perganet?

Yes you could be, or you might not be.

It has been seven months I havent gotten my period?

You may have lost a lot of weight

Havent had period in two months worried im 16 sure havent had sex.?

Periods come and go, I wouldn't worry to much :)

Im getting sharp pains in my abdomen and i havent had a period for 3 months but they are irregular anyway?

Contact a doctor. Sharp pains can be a sign of severe problems, such as an ectopic pregnancy.

Why do you see systoms of pregnant for the first month and get period on the next month?

would you be pregnet if you havent had your period for 3 months now

Why havent i gotten my period but I've been getting menstrual cramps?

it's coming

What does it mean if your getting stomach cramps but no period?

It just means you probably just have a stomach ache

If i gave up breastfeeding 3 months ago and you still havent had a period is this normal?

Yes, but you might be pregnant again.

Why do I feel olt of movement in my belly and havent had a period for 5 months but my home pregnancy tests are negative?

Go to doctor

You stopped taking the pill a year ago and you havent had a period in three months are you pregnant?

That's the most likely explanation.