The answer is outlier
The geometric mean can be used to find average percent change over a period of time.
it is a term used in UPS huds descibing a specific area(ex. PD-10)
The term "mean" is another way of saying "average." In order to calculate a mean percentage score, you must add together all the percentages, and divide the total by the amount of percentage scores being used.
Coefficient of deviation (CV) is a term used in statistics. It is defined as the ratio of the standard deviation (sigma) to the mean (mu). The formula for CV is CV=sigma/mu.
Its the term used to describe ancient greek-roman times or subjects pertaining to this period
Term in office. 4 years for president. The current term is the current 4 year period but is used for school semesters and other periods described as a "term".
There is no widely used term for such a period.
The term discount window is often used when describing a Reserve Bank facility that extends credit to a member bank.
The term discount window is often used when describing a Reserve Bank facility that extends credit to a member bank.
i believe the term would be: "peace".
The term incubation is not generally used in reference to HIV infection. However, there is a period of time when someone can be infected with the virus and test negative. The "window period" refers to the period of time between when someone is infected with HIV until they can test positive. The "window period" is anywhere between 28 and 90 days after infection. The "window period" occurs because the standard HIV tests detect anitbodies that occur as a result of HIV infection. Antibodies are not immediately detectable after infection.
On Twitter, star bang is a slang term used to mean favoring several of someone's tweets in a brief period of time.
The period of a circle is not typically a relevant term used to describe circles. However, if you mean the period of a function that describes points along the circumference of a circle, it would depend on the specific function being used.
The term "Roaring Twenties" is commonly used to describe the period of the 1920s, characterized by economic prosperity, cultural change, and social liberation.
i believe the term is: "Intermission".
It is the term used to describe the period in Europe from the 5th to 15th century. It is from the Latin words 'medium aevum' which means the middle age.