

What does hypotesis mean?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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βˆ™ 12y ago

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You mean hypothesis, it means a scientific guess.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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Q: What does hypotesis mean?
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What is the educated guess of the answer to a question?

A hypotesis

How can you tested an hypotesis?

A hypothesis can be tested by an experiment

What is the education guess of the answer to a question called?

A hypotesis

What is the tagalog of hypothesis?

The Tagalog word for hypothesis is "hipotesis."

What is an example of useless hypothesis?

If a hypotesis is not formulated correctly, does not make sense and or does not help discover, infer or otherwise answer a question, it would theoretically be considered useless. Example: ice does not float. This would be an incorrect hypotesis as it answers its own question.

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What is the truth about Raelian cult?

I think it is ones own beleif. They say beleif can move mountains. The raelians would like to beleif what they have been taught. I mean if you beleif what they beleif then it is correct. otherwise it is thrash. The cult is only running on hypotesis without any proof.

What do scientist do to help them make a hypotesis?

They suspect something (ex. lake trout is poisoned with mercury). Then they set up a hypothesis (ex. 2 of 5 lake trouts contains more than 0,5 g mercury / kg).

Is a hypothesis firm as a theory?

After making careful observations,scientists construct a hypotesis and a scientific theory is a statement that supported by many scientific observations. so a theory is firm, because a scientific theory is an explanation of a broad range of related phenomena based on repeated testing of a hypothesis

Is a hypothesis as firm a theory?

After making careful observations,scientists construct a hypotesis and a scientific theory is a statement that supported by many scientific observations. so a theory is firm, because a scientific theory is an explanation of a broad range of related phenomena based on repeated testing of a hypothesis

Enumerate the steps of the scientific method end describe each steps?

1.)identify a problem and ask a question 2.)make a hypothesis 3.)test the hypotesis 4.)collect data 5.)analyze the results 6.)draw conclusions 7.)make recommendations/solutions