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Q: What characteristics of data are represented in an E-R diagram?
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What are the different types of information represented in the ER diagram and the symbols used to represent them?

The different types of information represented in an ER diagram are entities (represented by rectangles), attributes (represented by ovals connected to entities), and relationships between entities (represented by diamonds). Entities are the objects or concepts about which data is stored, attributes are the properties of entities, and relationships define how entities are connected to each other.

How E R diagram attributes are represented?

ER diagram stands for Entity relation diagram. There are two main components in a ER diagram one is the entity like (students) and their attributes like (name , rollno) and the relationship between different entitites.

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What is ER diagram for timetable management system?

An ER diagram is an "Entity Relationship" diagram, which illustrates the relationships between the entities in a data model. A data model for a timetable management system might have entities like Days, Periods and Rooms. Its ER Diagram would then show that a Day is broken down into multiple Periods, and each Room might be used for multiple Periods.

What are the differences between EER diagrams and ER diagrams?

Extended ER diagram is a variant of ER diagram. EER include ER diagram + hierarichal concept. Extended ER diagram is also called Enhance ER diagram(EER).

Difference between dfd and er diagram?

actually dfd is used to define how data flow from one process to another process where as er diagram is used to define relation between different entities.

Drow a er diagram of a supermarket?

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An ER diagram for a website?

I 'm need ER diagram for websit news

How can you make Er diagram of online shopping?

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Where can you find an ER diagram on online shopping?

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How do you draw the ER diagram of bus reservation?

You also can draw your ER diagram by so many ways. A software called Edraw is a better software to draw the ER diagram. This one has some ready-to-use ER diagrams templates

How do you draw the ER Diagram for online tour site?

draw the er diagram for tours