Good if you have unprotected sex.
Probability is defined as the total number of ways something can occur divided by the sample space. Since neither of these are known, I will take a stab at it. Assume 1 million cases of gonorrhea and 10 million sexually active people (in the US). The probability is then 1/10 or 10% probability of contracting gonorrhea. So, what I am saying is 1 out of 10 people you will come in contact with sexually will have it.
One in six chances of getting a six
The chances of getting heads 24 times in a row is 1 in 224, or 1 in 16,777,216.
Just before your period you are at your most fertile
This can be calculated easily by multiplying the chances of getting one head in one toss for a fair coin (half) by itself(half) to give a quarter (1/4 or 1 in 4). If you wanted the chances of at least one head in 2 tosses, then the chances would be for anyhting exept 2 tails in a row, which is 1 - 0.25(quarter), which is 0.75 (3/4 or 3 quarters or 3 in 4)
Assuming you're drawing from a complete shuffled 54-card deck, chances are one in twenty-seven.
One in six chances of getting a six
The chances of getting a male riolu in the egg are much greater than those of getting a female. Your chances of getting a female are about 12.5%. You have to be patient and keep trying.
There are 100% Chances.
The chances of getting into a college are determined by several factors including grade, SAT and ACT scores, and activities. To know the chances of getting into a specific college one needs to know the name of the college.
My chances are probably better than yours.
The chances of it is very slim but it will boil your warraty
Chances of getting any answer - 99%. Chances of getting an accurate answer - probably 75%
The Doctors - 2008 What Are Your Chances of Getting It was released on: USA: 22 September 2010
The chances of you getting eczema for life is very slim unless you are born with it. Eczema is not a contagious disease that you can get.
Yes, a man with chlamydia can get a woman pregnant, and infect her with chlamydia as well. You should abstain from vaginal sex or use contraception if you don't want to get pregnant. Untreated chlamydia and gonorrhea can cause scarring which can impair fertility, but a history of gonorrhea and/or chlamydia doesn't mean you can't get pregnant.
chances of getting pregnant
you have more chances of winning the lottery. it already fell