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Very slim. If you are having fairly regular periods then it is unlikely that you will fal pregnant on the day they start. Ovulation is in the middle of your menstrual cycle. so if your periods start every 28 day you will ovulate on about day 14 periods normally last some where between 3 and 7 days all depending on the individual. This means that one is not in any particular danger of pregnancy until after the ninth day from the start of the period. after that, keeping in mind that sperm can last 4 days inside the uterus and that the ovum lasts two days there is a window of opportunity of about 6 0r 7 days.

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Q: What are the chances of getting pregnant the day you get off your period?
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What are the best odds of getting pregnant with a 24 day menstrual cycle?

12 days after the bleeding starts.

Is it more or less likely to get pregnant while on your period?

Less likely, but still possible. A woman can only get pregnant if she has sex either during ovulation or up to a week before ovulation when there is fertile quality cervical mucus present - this helps keep the sperm alive for up to 7 days and helps it to swim up through the cervical opening. During an average 28 day cycle a woman will be fertile between days 7-16 (ovulation on day 14, there can be a viable egg present for up to 48 hours) - by the time a woman menstruates the egg from the last cycle is long dead, and she cannot ovulate during menstruation. However if a woman's menstrual cycle is short she may ovulate soon after menstruation, thus if she was to have sex during her period sperm could survive up to 7 days, by which time she may have ovulated and thus she may get pregnant.

If the retention rate in July is 90 percent what is the annualized percentage rate of retention?

Retention rate should not be annualized like turnover. Retention is based on specific individuals for a specific measurement period, i.e.Retention should being calculated as indicated below: # of Associates remaining Active at the end of the measurement period that were Active at the beginning of the measurement period/ # of Associates at the beginning of the measurement period. **The actual Associate that was employed as of the first day of the measurement period is taken into account not the number of hires that may have been termed during the measurement period.

Is 16 days considered a late period?

No, generally 30 days is late. A late period can be caused by stress, sickness, too much dieting, and pregnancy. Not all periods are 28 days and can go as long as 35 day between periods. . If you are young and just starting your period it will take a year or so before it becomes regular. The same thing happens with menopause the periods become irregular because of hormones.

What is the Average length of a menstrual period?

i am 44 years old and always had a regular 28 day cycle, it as now for the past 3 months changed to 26 days, is this normal? it is not heavy or painful

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You came inside your girlfriend on the 2nd day of her period what are the chances of her getting pregnant?

It is possible that she could be pregnant. She needs to take a pregnancy test if she misses her next period

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i have a ittle bundle of joy showing that it is very possible. i got pregnant within the first 3 day after my period.

What are the chances of being pregnant if sperm inters you days before your period?

You can get pregnant at any time of the month. But right after your period you have a less chance of getting pregnant, and right before your period because the egg needs to be in the tubes to be fertilized so if its the day before your period its not in the tubes.

Can you get pregnant the day before or day of getting your period?

My friend got pregnant on her period so i would say yes

Would I still get pregnant the day after my period?

There is always a chance of getting pregnant anytime of the month. Just because it is the day after your period does not mean you can't get pregnant, you can get pregnant on your period as well.

What cause having your period when you had intercourse around the time and the day of fertility day?

Days of fertility are days of probability - not certainty. Means your chances of getting pregnant are at their highest that day, but a good chance is not a guarantee. Most probably you just didn't get pregnant this time.

Can you get pregnemt on the first day of your period?

The chances of getting pregnant during your period are unlikely but still present nonetheless. If you have shorter menstrual cycles (the time between the first day of your period and the first day of your next period) This would bring the time of ovulation closer to the time when you would start bleeding, thus increasing your chances of becoming pregnant. Sperm can survive for about 3 days while eggs only survive around 24 hours. The only way to get pregnant is if the sperm is already in your fallopian tube when the egg is released.

What are the chances of getting pregnant on the 21st day of a cycle?

You can get preggers at any time of the month.

What are the chances of getting pregnant on day sixteen of your cycle periods are regular condom split af due on 10th october sex on 27th September?

I would say the chances of getting pregnant are pretty high. Normally, you ovulate around the 14th day before your period is due. This is more like a range of 12-16 days though. You had sex 13 days before your period is due, which is in that range. It is certainly possible.

Does white creamish discharge by the 30th day mean you are not pregnant?

No. Getting your period means you are not pregnant.

What is the likelihood of getting pregnant two days after your period?

60-90% probability depending on your menstrual cycle, the more regular your periods are, the more chances you could be pregnant since pregnancy can occur starting on the last day of your bleeding.

What are the chances of getting pregnant on the same day of your period?

Remember, you can get an STD even if you don't get pregnant. To answer your question, remember that sperm can last up to 7 days, and hang around and "wait" for the egg. So if you happen to have sex on the last day of your period, and for some reason you ovulate on those days, you can still get pregnant. And alot of women's ovulation time is out of whack, so there is not really any safe time. Though the chances are alot slimmer, you could get pregnant. Be careful!